Quotes and Memes

One of my faves!

For the uninitiated:

When I was a motorcyclist, my wife bought me a fabric roadrunner to tuck into the collar of my leathers.
I remember that. Watching it as a kid.
And I remember my mom and grandma both saying "He has all that talent and he wastes it being obsessed with killing that damn bird"
I remember being puzzled by the practical aspects of it: If he wanted to catch and eat the bird, which is what I assumed a predator wanted to do, I couldn't see how making the bird fall off a cliff would be good eatin'.
One for the orthodox... yall know this kid is not about rules, Tradition, pomp and circumstance and what I see as hoops some religions wish you to jump thru.

But I do see the value in how it benefits you and your experience to have steadfast rules.

When a screenwriter writes a play ornan author a book, theybm create a back story forneach character...so thebcharacters have continuity.

When the RoadRunner cartoon was created it had its own commandments.

1. The Road Runner cannot harm the Coyote except by going "meep, meep."

2. No outside force can harm the Coyote -- only his own ineptitude or the failure of Acme products. Trains and trucks were the exception from time to time.

3. The Coyote could stop anytime -- if he were not a fanatic.

4. No dialogue ever, except "meep, meep" and yowling in pain.

5. The Road Runner must stay on the road -- for no other reason than that he's a roadrunner.

6. All action must be confined to the natural environment of the two characters -- the southwest American desert.

7. All tools, weapons, or mechanical conveniences must be obtained from the Acme Corporation.

8. Whenever possible, make gravity the Coyote's greatest enemy.

9. The Coyote is always more humiliated than harmed by his failures.

10. The audience's sympathy must remain with the Coyote.

11. The Coyote is not allowed to catch or eat the Road Runner.
I remember having the impression that the Roadrunner was a girl. I don't know why, I just did.
But most people referred to the character as "he"
Nellie Runner is a lovely pink female roadrunner who appered in The Bird Races as one of the roadrunners who appered at the race then later was Road Runner's girlfriend
Nellie Runner is a lovely pink female roadrunner who appered in The Bird Races as one of the roadrunners who appered at the race then later was Road Runner's girlfriend
Interesting. I don't know if I remember that one.
Or, maybe somehow I saw that episode early early on and that is how I formed the impression that the character was a girl.
But then maybe never saw that episode again.
Well, there's two things in this world you got to be careful of, son, and that's where you put your pecker and who you choose as friends.
-Kirk Douglas as Handsome Harry Holland in the movie Draw
The Laws of Lexx (anybody ever watch it?)

1 There shall be no rubber-faced aliens.
2 All creatures possess a sense of humour.
3 There is no Prime Directive.
4 There are no life forms more intelligent than humans, unless and until such a life form does the requisite script writing.
5 All planets worth landing-on have human (or reasonably close) life forms.
6 All humans (or reasonable facsimiles) speak the same language.
7 Humans must physically travel to other locations. There shall be no time travel because it has been done before, and done before, and done before, and done before...
8 Technology will rarely work as advertised.
9 No one shall ever defeat an enemy because they are good shots and the enemy are bad shots.
10 Stanley Tweedle shall never lose his hat.

I particularly liked No.4.

And I particularly note how many movie franchises would end very early in the first episode if No.9 was in effect.
Laws Of The Frisbee

1. The most powerful force in the world is that of a disc straining to land under a car, just beyond reach. (The technical term for this force is "car suck".)

2. The higher the quality of a catch or the comment it receives, the greater the probability of a crummy return throw. ("Good catch Bad throw.")

3. One must never precede any maneuver by a comment more predictive than, "Watch this!" (Keep 'em guessing.)

4. The higher the costs of hitting any object, the greater the certainty it will be struck. (Remember: The disk is positive; cops and old ladies are clearly negative.)

5. The best catches are never seen. ("Did you see that?" "See what?")

6. The greatest single aid to distance is for the disc to be going in a direction you did not want. (Wrong way = long way.)

7. The most powerful hex words in the sport are: "I really have this down -- watch." (Know it? Blow it!)

8. In any crowd of spectators at least one will suggest that razor blades could be attached to the disc. ("You could maim and kill with that thing.")

9. The greater your need to make a good catch, the greater the probability your partner will deliver his worst throw. (If you can't touch it, you can't trick it.)

10. The single most difficult move with a disc is to put it down. ("Just one more!")

-author unknown

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Spike Milligan: "I told you I was ill”

Frank Carson (Irish comedian): “What a way to lose weight”

Winston Churchill: “I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”

Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety, Sylvester, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, and the Tasmanian Devil among other ‘Looney Tunes’ alumni): “That’s all folks.”

It's a popular myth (a very slim chance true) that King George V, languishing in bed, was told by his doctors he could recuperate in the seaside town of Bognor Regis, said “Bugger Bognor” and expired.

Spike Milligan: "I told you I was ill”

Frank Carson (Irish comedian): “What a way to lose weight”

Winston Churchill: “I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”

Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety, Sylvester, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, and the Tasmanian Devil among other ‘Looney Tunes’ alumni): “That’s all folks.”

It's a popular myth (a very slim chance true) that King George V, languishing in bed, was told by his doctors he could recuperate in the seaside town of Bognor Regis, said “Bugger Bognor” and expired.
Here lies the body of Lester Moore
Took 3 slugs from a 44
No Les, no Moore