Polygamy and Polyandry

There was a time when all developing nations felt they needed to imitate western cultures, but they are starting to see cracks and aberrations?

But again, the arrangements vary, communication a key...
But you are right, of course. In a perfect world
Arrangements and communication and abilities to support and so on so forth … Perfect world/s and varying cultures, and preferences, and coats, and rainbows, and prisms, and well …

arrangements without communication are arrangements meant to discommunicate the arangee for an arrangement the arangee may not be prepared for, hence the ability to rears its head in the discommunications, and yes ... communication is truly a key but limited and so success is likewise limited.

What does this have to do with this thread? Nothing and everything. It could end up a lot like a snail trying to set up a date for a flea with a stone. You know? Somethings and some people just aren't compatible. Money, it's a commodity but you know what's better than money?

That's what's better.

= One

How's that? I didn't need to count on my hands either. A who is a who is a who. Why? Because who is who is who is who, so if a who is a who, what's a friend? One two
Ci, Amigo?

Like the trinity . Anyway, one is better than money either way.
Of course there are, and I am not speaking of Muslim, or African thoughts on being poly...only the ones I am familiar with.
Oh yes, and I hope you don't think I was being rude. People experiment with polyandry or whatever in modern western urban situations, in countries where monogamy is the only legally sanctioned marriage.

Sometimes they present themselves as quite advanced and superior to the rest of the people around them. No reference to anyone here. I always seem to try to go back to tribal grassroots when examining modern conundrums.

In the sense that many wives were the mark of a prosperous man that would give him many sons to fight for his tribe to ensure success and survival. It wasn't really about sexual freedom. There were very strict tribal rules around adultery.

Of course, as you say, western cultures no longer live by tribal mores, and of course many non-western and traditionally tribal cultures no longer do so either. But often the tribalism is still there, beneath it all?
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But often the tribalism is still there, beneath it all?
As I said there are guys (and girls) that are "playing the field" and like to lay claim to poly. There are folks that are openly promiscuous and fit in a category of poly. But the long time poly relationships I see may do some "swinging" but primarily have a few partners that are all aware of each other and have set jealousy aside to as they have a common goal of their mates being happy and fulfilled.

Most are decidedly not contributing to the population or have but don't have inclinations to procreate more...
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Most are decidedly not contributing to the population or have but don't have inclinations to procreate more...
I understand that tribalism is completely gone in most western urban cultures. I really meant that it is often not far below the surface in many non-western cultures that emulate western cultures like America.

Bringing it back to that: although polygamy or whatever it's called was/is quite normal in some cultures, there are nevertheless strong mores in those societies about adultery, virginity and so on? I think there are probably very few cultures that encourage 'anything goes with anyone?'

It is one of the cracks and aberrations in western urban cultures I mentioned earlier that are likely to turn other 'developing cultures' against instead of toward wanting to 'be like us?'

But of course if marriage and sexual mores were originally there to preserve the tribe, why shouldn't they be abandoned when preserving the tribe doesn't matter any longer?
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I know a plethora of polygamous folk...sort of the full gamut
I'm interested to know if these are mostly folks you mix with via Unity? It's not meant to be a leading question. 'No' is a quite acceptable answer. It's just that although most of us may know the odd one or two of such folk, we can't usually claim to know the whole gamut, lol.
Lol, not at all, beyond Sunday service and a picnic/retreat or two a year, I know very little of the personal lives of church members. I find the question quite humorous. That being said, in reality even that isn't true as the past 5 years I've only been in service around a dozen times. I watch the vids.

Although in my other tribes (burners, rainbows, water protectors, protestors, actors, entertainers, flow artists, comics, const management) I've encountered just about every lifestyle available in the past 4 decades amongst my friends, coworkers, and acquaintances...
Although in my other tribes (burners, rainbows, water protectors, protestors, actors, entertainers, flow artists, comics, const management) I've encountered just about every lifestyle available in the past 4 decades amongst my friends, coworkers, and acquaintances...
It's what I thought. You get around people! I do apologise for the question @wil and regret posting it. No offence was meant
No worries, lol, no offence taken. I can see how that could have been a logical conclusion!
Thank you. Good grace.

A few of us including me are getting on a bit beyond sexual freedom lol ...
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Tribalism mindset is where I am and likely where I'll stay. Like a family … with husbands wives kids who help all within become all they can be instead of I'm gonna do me first and ya'll don't matter even a little bit mindset. People tend to flock where others are like minded. Other times people try to force others into it's my way or you'll regret it kind of reality. I prefer peaceful, happy, fulfilled, satisfied. and joyful families myself. Whether polygamous, polyandrous, or monogamous. I had always viewed monogamy as the way, but I've changed. I'm not polyandrous either, but they would certainly fit into the "tribe" so to speak. Polygamy seems to be where my heart is, being it's difficult to stop loving someone after the fact.
The purpose of the tribe is strength in numbers against the enemy tribe that will always be trying to rob and despoil the weak.

Tribal sexual and marriage mores are there to protect the tribe and ensure its survival and expansion.

Some of these have been written into scripture and tradition. But where the essential support of the tribal structure to protect the individual has gone, where is the need for the marriage and sexual mores any longer?
The idea of a tribe isn't to be confused with a club or gathering of like minded people.

A member of a tribe isn't there by choice, nor has he choice when it comes to tribal rules and laws. The greater tribe is made up of 'kraals' or extended family groups -- clans -- and the clans are made up of smaller family groups, villages and areas -- which are in turn consist of individual families. Clans fight each other, individual families feud with one another, but when the tribe is in danger they must unite against the common enemy.

Fathers may have rules for their own families, but it has to be within the greater tribal law.

A lot of it hasn't really changed, although it has blurred?
Also, the purpose of tribe is more than strength, but strength is likewise important. It isn't about preying on the week either, it's about being something enduring, able to withstand the storms that sometimes come. There are some who build only to conquer it seems, and sometimes that's only about power and force and a desire to "rule". Other times, the conquer aspect is much less severe and much more effective. If you only wish to rule so you can have your way against the weeks will, then that's an issue and a way I'm not on board with. On the other hand, if you wish for endurance, and happiness, and lasting joy and peace to rule, then I'm good with that type of tribal mentality, but not if we must go the other route … as in force others to submit forcefully. I like a gentle touch, but equally as powerful as the strongest force if not more so.

For example: You want a family, or maybe not … say you wish to live abundantly and could and would if you would just get in where you fit in. If you wish to make everyone like you, then that's just not gonna work. There's plenty of diversity in life to cater to our individual needs. If you have a cupboard full of spices and herbs and food, would you like making them all taste the same. You could if you mixed them up all together, then you could have that for ever and always. Diversity, division, getting in where you fit in, flocking with those like minded, who share you're similarities and desires for similar things, but then without a nut and bolt things don't tend to stick together as well. Without a negative pole and a positive on a battery, there's not any juice can come from it. Life requires some of this and some of that and that's just the truth.
If you only wish to rule so you can have your way against the weeks will, then that's an issue and a way I'm not on board with.
Yes @Gatekeeper

It's what I'm saying. I don't have to be on board with it. If your tribe is going to attack my tribe the minute I let my guard down or become weaker than your tribe, that's the way the world is. It's the way the world always was, and it's the way the world is probably always going to be.

Tribal issues may seem no longer seem to apply in modern 21st Century life, but they are still there, buried not too deeply. History warns.

The answers are not here. Not in nature. There's never going to be a good world?
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Yes @Gatekeeper

It's what I'm saying. I don't have to be on board with it. If your tribe is going to attack my tribe the minute I let my guard down or become weaker than your tribe, that's the way the world is. It's the way the world always was, and it's the way the world is probably always going to be.

Tribal issues may seem no longer seem to apply in modern 21st Century life, but they are still there, buried not too deeply. History warns.

The answers are not here. Not in nature. There's never going to be a good world?

Exactly, which is why I prefer to keep peace keeper handy along with the peace makers … Both are needed in today's world, and always have been. When I say peace makers I mean those who seek peace above fighting and peace keepers, well … They're the ones who come to aid when needed, if needed, and only then. Otherwise you get what we're attempting to combat ... "I'm gonna RULE YOU mentality, which is a bs, I'm bigger so I can mindset. So yeah …. I agree with you.
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