For what reason should you NOT assume an intelligence higher than man?
Science should not assume anything, imo. If science
constants like the speed of light limit seem to be assumed, nevertheless electron orbits, Planck's constant and the uncertainity principle etc, are daily open to question, if someone wants to ask.
They are used, but not assumed. The Hubble Constant, for example is recently coming in for a lot of questioning and debate.
When religion prevented science from asking questions, it was the duty of science to insist on asking those questions instead of accepting 'God did it' as the answer to life's mysteries.
However I believe modern science has suffered mission creep so that now, instead of rightly insisting that religion must not limit the questions science may ask, it has now swung over to insisting that there is not and cannot be a higher intelligent power than mankind.
It has battened down the hatches.
Science has now become militant atheist. It has elevated a doubt into scientific constant and then elevated that into an assumption about the universe. Repeat: about
the universe!
But science has no grounds for assuming the definite lack of a possible 'super natural' higher intelligence, which activity surrounds and contains and permeates nature, other than on the grounds that science itself cannot go beyond nature.
All the wonderful scientific instruments and telescopes and accelerators and detectors and apparatus are really just extensions of the range of man's five natural senses of sight, hearing, etc.
Insisting that nothing exists beyond nature, because our natural senses cannot detect it, is simply wrong. It is the same as saying: 'if I can't see it, it's just not there.'
But still the possibility exists. Smirk at the possibility if you like. But still it has to be allowed. It is not scientific to exclude the possibility.
Many scientists work with the 'shut-up and calculate' philosophy. They simply work with the data and leave divine speculation to others.
But there is an arrogant collection of popular internet science celebrities: Dawkins, De Grasse Tyson, Lawrence Krauss etc, who have made lucrative populist careers from their celebrity atheist positions. They charge well for lectures and tee shirts and so on.
And imo the big problem is that it is mainly toward this vain and arrogant collection of painfully narcissistic popular science gurus that a lot of the general public turn for their quick soundbites of science lite. And I do not mean anyone here.