What denomination or sect are you?

.well, we've been FORCED to change our course at present .. and God knows best.
Whose god? The source of ALL .. our Maker .. forget 'personal gods' and 'names of gods' .. there is only ONE physical reality .. which we are all trapped in until we die .

I have a problem with this statement, not because I disagree, but the truth of it all. Sadly people feel this way about religious hierarchy and in my opinion the misconception of life and how life works.

God is and everything, Sometimes people understand God as the being at the head of the table and in charge of everything. I don't think this way, God is bigger and greater than the image of man, God is beyond comprehension. God is also life on earth in every form and fashion including COVID-19 virus.

Don't you get it? Everything is God and all that takes place is God. Oh god I promise to do this or to do that if you will do this for me. I will die someday, because life works this way. Today I am preparing to die by watching my diet, exercise and thought stimulation. As far ass I know when I die life as I know it now will change. I make every effort to take of myself and do things that interest me because I can now. Living now is the most important thing I am doing for myself.
People will keep working on it as long till the unexplained remains, the search would not stop.
Cool. But can we at least agree that as long as the BB continues to be described as a singularity there is no real difference between the BB and the Biblical statement of an expanding universe created from nothing?

The discussion can go around and around what defines 'nothing' or what defines a 'singularity' but broadly there isn't a lot to separate the BB theory from divine creation, as a first cause -- except the idea that nothing doesn't have to mean nothing if someone doesn't want it to, and the assumption that nothing can exist outside/beyond nature?
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Getting back to the original question 'what denomination or sect are you? I am changing in my and practices. Perhaps the most prevalent is my view about God.
I can see this may be lengthy so I will start a new thread about God.
Cool. But can we at least agree that as long as the BB continues to be described as a singularity there is no real difference between the BB and the Biblical statement of an expanding universe created from nothing?
:) I don't really differ from the biblical statement that the universe seemes to have been created from 'absolute nothing'. According to modern science, there is a possibility of that (Multiverse theory, universes just jumping out of nowhere). But there is a difference. Many of the BB's conclusions and predictions have been confirmed by experiments.
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My whole point. When people dislike [ or disagree with ] what God reveals through His chosen messengers, they deem it lies or try to kill them.
Sorry, friend. I neither believe in existence of God / Allah, nor in his sending to the world prophets / sons / messengers / manifestations / mahdis with any messages. The reason is that no evidence is offered for any of these.
Well, we've been FORCED .. for myself.
That is close to what Hinduism and Buddhism have been saying all along.
Tis like pulling a bucket of water out of a wave....is that the ocean in that bucket, a wave, or just water....ask a fish to find water, or ocean, lol.
Kabir Das (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabir - 1450s), India's poor men's philosopher, said that centuries ago.

"Jal mein kumbha, kumbha mein jal hai, bahar bhitar pani;
phoota kumbha, jal jalahi samana, yah tath kathou giani."

(Pitcher in water, water in pitcher, water inside and outside;
pitcher breaks, water mixes in water, the wise mentioned this fact)

Kabir was an orphan raised by a Muslim weaver.
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Sorry, friend. I neither believe in existence of God / Allah, nor in his sending to the world prophets / sons / messengers / manifestations / mahdis with any messages. The reason is that no evidence is offered for any of these.

The ocean is the source of waves; the messenger is the source of world civilization. The strange thing about evidence is what one considers to be evidence in the first place. I'm not sure what evidence you are searching for.
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The ocean is the source of waves; the messenger is the source of world civilization. The strange thing about evidence is what one considers to be evidence in the first place. I'm not sure what evidence you are searching for.
Well, even Neanderthals put red ochre on the bones of their dead. So yes, shamans and charlatans have been there since before the civilization.
A mention in scriptures is no evidence. Evidence needs to be verifiable.
Evidence needs to be verifiable.

The messenger is the source of world civilization. It is verifiable, is it not? It was Jesus Christ, for example, who inspired the building of hospitals and almshouses. Even before Constantine appeared on the scene, Christians were providing social support for people in need, whereas pagans didn't feel such compassion was a religious obligation.

Shall I continue?
.. whereas pagans didn't feel such compassion was a religious obligation.
Shall I continue?
You mean Buddhists and Hindus never thought of charity? You are forgetting Ashoka and Harsha.
If you feel it is of any use, please continue. I am game.
I am a Mahayana Buddhist and Mercuræn Luciferian.

That's a good mix! Which sect of Mahayana do you adhere to?

Say more about Mercuraen Luciferists? Two separate light-bringers?
That's a good mix! Which sect of Mahayana do you adhere to?
I'm Zen

Say more about Mercuraen Luciferists? Two separate light-bringers?
Mercuræn in that there is a focus on Mercury/Hermes as psychopomp and messenger--traveling between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind and relaying information between the two.

On that note: Buddha became enlightened when watching the Morning Star rise while meditating beneath the Bodhi Tree--something within his unconscious mind came up and revealed itself to his conscious mind.
bodhi tree, enlightenment.jpg

Mercuræn in that there is a focus on Mercury/Hermes as psychopomp and messenger--traveling between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind and relaying information between the two.

Does his trickster, "god of thieves" aspect also play a role? In any case, I think it is a good thing to have a line of communication with the unconscious. If it doesn't feel heard, it can get fed up with us and cause us to engage in unhealthy behavior, like drinking or getting into fights, or worse.

Do you view Buddhism through a psychological lens?
Not necessarily. I'm a recovering koan junkie.

Does his trickster, "god of thieves" aspect also play a role? In any case, I think it is a good thing to have a line of communication with the unconscious. If it doesn't feel heard, it can get fed up with us and cause us to engage in unhealthy behavior, like drinking or getting into fights, or worse.
Yep. Sacred clowns often use humor and trickery in order to speak truth to power.

Do you view Buddhism through a psychological lens?
Very much so.
The Old Faith - The Religion of the GODS not to be confused conventional or neo paganism.
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