Who created God?

Why shouldn't they?

I assume that you don't agree with the ordination of women in the Catholic church?
Well it would take some getting used to :D

The Moroccan sociologist Fatima Mernissi has written extensively on "the role of the state in prescribing women's roles, activities and spheres, and explores the insidious consequences of state-supported inequality – not only for women but also for the creative and spiritual life of a culture. Mernissi goes on to look at the position of women in Islamic thought and history and the construction of femininity in the Muslim unconscious. She presents a sustained analysis of some of the formulations of gender - such as the conflation of female rationality with unbridled sexuality. She also demonstrates the existence of a more open Islam at its historical origins, from which subsequent constructions emerge as strongly partisan." (reference here)

This interested me because a Christian sociologist might write the same thing. Likewise:

"Women's oppression, she maintains, is due to the political manipulation of religion by powerseeking, archaic Muslim male elites. Mernissi explains in her book that early Muslim scholars portrayed women as aggressive hunters who forced men, reduced to weak hunted victims, to control women by imposing requirements such as veiling, which confined women to the private space." (reference here)

Well it would take some getting used to :D

The Moroccan sociologist Fatima Mernissi has written extensively on "the role of the state in prescribing women's roles, activities and spheres, and explores the insidious consequences of state-supported inequality – not only for women but also for the creative and spiritual life of a culture. Mernissi goes on to look at the position of women in Islamic thought and history and the construction of femininity in the Muslim unconscious. She presents a sustained analysis of some of the formulations of gender - such as the conflation of female rationality with unbridled sexuality. She also demonstrates the existence of a more open Islam at its historical origins, from which subsequent constructions emerge as strongly partisan." (reference here)

This interested me because a Christian sociologist might write the same thing. Likewise:

"Women's oppression, she maintains, is due to the political manipulation of religion by powerseeking, archaic Muslim male elites. Mernissi explains in her book that early Muslim scholars portrayed women as aggressive hunters who forced men, reduced to weak hunted victims, to control women by imposing requirements such as veiling, which confined women to the private space." (reference here)

Thomas, great post as usual. I had been wondering about certain of these things but your post has added quite a bit of enlightenment. I learn something new every day.
The Father was not jealous. What jealousy, indeed, is there between him and his members? For, even if the eternal being had received their perfection, they would not have been able to approach the perfection of the Father, because he retained their perfection in himself, giving it to them as a way to return to him and as a knowledge unique in perfection. He is the one who set all in order and in whom all existed and whom all lacked. As one of whom some have no knowledge, he wants them to know him and love him. What did they lack, if not the knowledge of the Father?
- Gospel of Truth -

No .. people don't want to know about the Father .. The Son has replaced the Father .. people don't need Him any more :rolleyes:
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No .. people don't want to know about the Father .. The Son has replaced the Father .. people don't need Him any more
Deliberate misunderstanding combined with thin knowledge attack upon a faith not my own, at a holy time of year for believers, imo ...
Deliberate misunderstanding combined with thin knowledge attack upon a faith not my own, at a holy time of year for believers, imo ...

It's NOT a deliberate misunderstanding .. it is true!
That text was repressed by the Roman Empire.

They wanted to DESTROY the Father's guidance and replace it with their own.
There are mountains of apocrypha and Nag Hammadi gnostic waffle. What gives your source credibility as truth -- for this week it happens to be the 'gospel of truth' but anything that gets your attention, you are willing to believe in, if it aligns your own presupposition, imo?
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What gives your source credibility as truth -- for this week it happens to be the 'gospel of truth' but anything that gets your attention, you are willing to believe in, if it aligns your own presupposition, imo?

The same can be said about most people.

@Thomas suggests that Early Christians were not subordinate in their beliefs..
Unfortunately for him, we discovered the Nag Hammadi library, which you prefer to call waffle.
..because it doesn't agree with your trinitarian philosophy of truth :)

The Father is the One Eternal God
There are not 3 in 1.
The Father is the One Eternal God
Yes. And in fact Jesus Christ essentially originated the concept of God as 'Father' Spirit in relation to His own perfect and sinless natural Incarnation, and crucifixion and Resurrection, with all the Divine mystery and revelation that has held for two millennia for king and beggar, and child and wisest scholar -- and will continue for future millennia -- but which you choose to ignore, and what I mean by 'deliberate misunderstanding'
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You can call it Gnostic .. or you can call it Arian .. or you can call it Heresy..
It is still the truth! :)

Yes. And in fact Jesus Christ essentially originated the concept of God as 'Father'..

No, no, no.
We've already been there. God and "the Father" are EXACTLY the same thing!

with all the mystery that has held for two millennia

There is no mystery. It is a lie!
The Gospel of truth says "What did they lack, if not the knowledge of the Father?"

The knowledge of the Father is not a mystery. That is the whole point.

what I mean by 'deliberate misunderstanding'

Umm .. so I deliberately misunderstand the Father's knowledge?
I should be saying "we have no knowledge" .. "it's a mystery"?

It's your call. You can accept the Father (God) .. or you can carry on with your trinitarian mystery. :)
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Life creates itself under the right conditions with all the required ingredients, I believe God also did. I believe God is everything, all the energy, matter, anti-matter, dark matter and everything else in the Universe/Multiverses, imagine that was fact, it would mean we are built from bits of Universe/God. Patterns repeat on different levels, like how electrons orbit the nucleus of their element on a planet that orbits it's star. Maybe the creation of a life is a repeating echo of God's self creation.
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, no, no.
We've already been there. God and "the Father" are EXACTLY the same thing!
Yes yes.

It was mentioned once or twice in the OT, but Christianity is (essentially) the only religion that brings the idea of God as personal Father to the front and centre.

The rest of your post, as with most of your desperate anti-Christian 'crusade' is not worthy of a response
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Life creates itself under the right conditions with all the required ingredients, I believe God also did. I believe God is everything, all the energy, matter, anti-matter, dark matter and everything else in the Universe/Multiverses, imagine that was fact, it would mean we are built from bits of Universe/God. Patterns repeat on different levels, like how electrons orbit the nucleus of their element on a planet that orbits it's star. Maybe the creation of a life is a repeating echo of God's self creation.

Welcome SidT,

Some strange alchemy swirling around this subject and the discussion seems to be stuck (it feels like forever to me). I don't understand most of the jibber jabber but I suspect these questions have to be answered through first hand experience. Don't ask me what that would look like, but I think it's when someone has to step out on faith and speak that which shall not be spoken, the scholar's bane: "I don't know". Then one at least becomes open to answers, and I'm not talking about conceptual dogma but living answers.
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Cino, did you want me to tell him to post his introduction?
I can tell you some of what it might look like, it's quite terrible: Is there a Trinity? I think so but I'm not sure. Was Jesus a flesh and blood man? I think so but I'm not 100% sure. Is Jesus an archetype, does he exist in every man? Again, I don't know. Like that.
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It would be helpful for everyone if you posted an intro on our introductions board. Tell us something about yourself so we can get to know you better. Again, welcome.
According to the Torah Eve was created as Adam’s equal.
Indeed! According to the Zohar man is incomplete entirely without the woman, and not just as a helpmeet either, but as a full partner, that includes God interestingly enough...