Who created God?

Now I don't have the answers but I have just set myself on the ground where true, living, beautiful, and eternal answers might be provided.
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Gotta cut loose for a bit but will be back somewhere around here.
I know, I go out on a limb with that stuff when I tell people, I've actually had my own self designed beliefs for over 10 years now, every now and then I'll write about it but to be honest am still in 2 minds whether to post my writings or not, they might offend people.
The rest of your post, as with most of your desperate anti-Christian 'crusade'..

Arrgh no!
Why do you accuse me of that, when you know fully well that I am a Unitarian Christian? :)
..and that I believe in Jesus Christ, peace be with him.

Why should YOU lay the law down as to who is a Christian and who is not?
Roman habits die hard, it seems.
The Gospel of Truth is what is known as "a homily".

"The text is generally considered by scholars one of the best written texts in the whole Nag Hammadi collection, considering its worth highly as both a great literary work and a gnostic exegesis on several gospels, canonical and otherwise."

Personally, I don't see it as particulularly "gnostic".
An exegesis is an explanation of a biblical text.

Gnostic is a funny term..
"Various gnostic groups emphasised personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) over the orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of the church."

I think that's the main point. It has to be "gnostic" if it's not what you are propagating. :D
I thought that God was infinite :)

Muhammad Isa, I'm really sorry about this but it seems I'm supposed to be more active in discussions now (tremble). To answer your question (just for me personally), I don't know and I don't care. I just want to live in him forever, whatever he is.
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OK, you don't care, but according to encyclopedia.com,

To say that God is infinite is simply to say that He is not finite. More positively God's infinity enhances those attributes which denote His perfection, such as, He is infinite in goodness, infinite in power, infinite in wisdom and love. There are no limits, bounds, or constraints, whether external or internal, imposed on His perfect being.

If He is not finite, then He can't be a trinity because 3 is finite :)
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In fairness, when one goes all in on doubt, we must also say that we are not 100% sure that Christ (Jesus) was not God incarnate. Works both ways. Sorry, I'm not even sure what I am saying here, just trying to engage.
Or in other words, could be both symbolic of the spirit of man and the true incarnate word at the same time.
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We cannot say for sure that the Christ who walked the earth way back then was not God incarnate in human flesh. Not with 100% certainty.
I have a people in my heart who will be given such revelation and power that it will be like life from the dead, a blessing to all nations, even more so with God who loves them/ has loved them eternally. So it will be exciting to see what exactly will be revealed. The conscious mind will always have doubts and insecurities, but certainty is to be found in the spirit. Going to be something to see, not sure how it will all work out. Hope I'm alive in the flesh to see it but if not pretty sure I'll see it anyway. Alright enough confusion from me this morning, just a few thoughts.
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You say
That's a good one, coming from someone who is instructing Christians to conform their belief in the risen Christ to what Islam limits Jesus to be

I get what you say .. but actually, I'm not limiting anybody to believing anything.
I did not write the Qur'an :)
..neither did I write the Gospel of Truth.
I get what you say .. but actually, I'm not limiting anybody to believing anything.
I did not write the Qur'an :)
..neither did I write the Gospel of Truth.
One-third of the world’s people are instructed that their trinitarian belief is a polydeist worship of many gods. No matter how often and how carefully their trinity concepts are explained, whatever they say is ignored and they are warned they are destined to burn in hell, along with all their parents and children and ancestors and future descendants.

We are told by our spiritual teacher wanting to educate us here, that to believe in the virgin birth and the physical ascent of Jesus into heaven is logical and acceptable – no mystery about it – while by the same token Jesus did not actually die on the cross and did not rise from death, because that is mysterious and illogical.