Who created God?

Not really. That would be eternal
No. Eternal would be infinitely inside of and contained and limited and determined by time and space and nature -- backwards and forwards forever
That's why I can't do politics and causes anymore, just can't do it.

Staying away from politics is very wise.;)

As for Causes, the issue we have is that God's greater Covernant is that God does not leave us alone and God is the giver of Cause.

So if we stay away from causes, it is likely that we choose to stay away from God.

The Bible tells us that it is God that makes all things new and gives us a New Heaven and New Earth and a New Jerusalem all under a New Name.

Then the Bible tells us when we are looking for the cause that many men make it difficult by claiming to be more than they are, at the same time the Bible gives us guidance as to how to determine a True Prophet.

Thus the quandary of life and Faith.

I can only offer the Cause is our only hope and the Cause is naught but Love. From what I have found, the Father came as promised.

Regards Tony
I don't know what I think about souls. How could it matter what I think about souls?

The Catholic Church teaches that the existence of each individual soul is dependent wholly upon God: "The doctrine of the faith affirms that the spiritual and immortal soul is created immediately by God."

I'm not sure what is meant by "created" in this context.
Staying away from politics is very wise.;)

As for Causes, the issue we have is that God's greater Covernant is that God does not leave us alone and God is the giver of Cause.

So if we stay away from causes, it is likely that we choose to stay away from God.

The Bible tells us that it is God that makes all things new and gives us a New Heaven and New Earth and a New Jerusalem all under a New Name.

Then the Bible tells us when we are looking for the cause that many men make it difficult by claiming to be more than they are, at the same time the Bible gives us guidance as to how to determine a True Prophet.

Thus the quandary of life and Faith.

I can only offer the Cause is our only hope and the Cause is naught but Love. From what I have found, the Father came as promised.

Regards Tony

So people are struggling. We hide it well, very understandable. It's our vulnerability we protect, and rightly so, it's been trampled more than a few times. We build strong defenses, fortresses. Protective fortresses eventually become prisons. I know it well, I'm the same. I'm going to cut this off for now, hope you guys will continue to discuss. Sometimes I don't know if I'm too much, not enough, or whatever. All I know is we're a little further down that line, still on that train. It's a good thing.

All the best stranger, finding our own selves is the greatest battle we face.

It is easier to embrace things that tie us back to this world. That is why doctrine exists, we humans do not like change.

Regards Tony
The Catholic Church teaches that the existence of each individual soul is dependent wholly upon God: "The doctrine of the faith affirms that the spiritual and immortal soul is created immediately by God."

I'm not sure what is meant by "created" in this context.

Eckhart pushed this to the brink of sanity and decorum. The insane might go further.
Pardon me? :)
I think it's a bit like the Gospel of Truth.
Eckhart most likely saw a lot of things that "the established church" did NOT see.

..which is why he was accused of heresy.

The Eye which we can see God is that of the Messenger and the Word they leave. There is no other vision of God available. That eye is the one that in turn sees us and it is by that Eye and Word we are judged.

With all that, our own eyes have many veils and Eckhart is also judged as we all are. We are all responsible to see God through our own eyes by removing the veils placed by our worldly self.

Regards Tony
The Eye which we can see God is that of the Messenger and the Word they leave. There is no other vision of God available.

Ooh, I don't know. What about the "Holy Spirit" ?

"The Father opens his bosom, and his bosom is the Holy Spirit. He reveals his hidden self, which is his Son, so that through the compassion of the Father the eternal beings may know him, end their wearying search for the Father, and rest themselves in him, knowing that this is rest."
- Gospel of Truth -

There is also the mentioning of an awakening brought about through the acquiring of knowledge, and the dismissal of that which is not real, namely fear. Fear is not real because it does not come from the Father. That which is not light is not from the Father, such as a tree only brings forth one fruit, the Father's only fruit is light.

Who is rightly guided? Who can "see the light"?
It is not black and white, imo.
Some people have a lot of academic knowledge about religion, but they don't believe it .. or so they claim.
That means that there is something MORE IMPORTANT than "the Word they leave" .. our hearts !

With all that, our own eyes have many veils and Eckhart is also judged as we all are. We are all responsible to see God through our own eyes by removing the veils placed by our worldly self.

Exactly .. but the spiritual journey is not something that is complete in a few years .. it is never ending :)
Eckhart was a friar .. he wasn't afraid to express his own views about God.
The same with Luther. It doesn't mean that either of them were right about everything.
It has given us "food for thought", though.
@RJM Corbet
Are souls of a "different substance" to Almighty God?

Perhaps we should try asking questions like that more often. Is there something in the soul of humankind that is uncreated, that is very God? Buried under layers of filth so deep that it takes divine intervention (deep calling unto deep) to awaken it? Nothing wrong with asking questions, I think God is big enough to handle them.
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"Mormonism teaches that God the Father is the literal father of the spirits of all men and women, which existed prior to their mortal existence."

That, to me, is logical.
We cannot say for sure that the Christ who walked the earth way back then was not God incarnate in human flesh. Not with 100% certainty.
Agreed, but then this is true of every single kind of knowledge we already have and all that we want, so why this desire for certainty when it is unattainable here on this plane of existence?
"Mormonism teaches that God the Father is the literal father of the spirits of all men and women, which existed prior to their mortal existence."

That, to me, is logical.
And actually, astonishing enough, so does the Jewish Zohar...... and the Kabbalah, and Leonora Leet in her fascinating text "The Universal Kabbalah" describes this using geometry! No sincerely! Just mind boggling and insightful stuff all around!
Agreed, but then this is true of every single kind of knowledge we already have and all that we want, so why this desire for certainty when it is unattainable here on this plane of existence?

The desire, the straining of the spirit, the leaning toward our source where certainty is no longer needed.
..so why this desire for certainty..

I would have thought that was "elementary my dear Watson" :)
Who wants to know the truth? Me please !

How can we ascertain it? Seek knowledge, and be single-minded, regardless of the consequences.
Can we be certain that we believe correctly? No .. there is no such thing .. knowledge of God is infinite.
Are there basic things we should understand?
Yes .. Jesus, peace be with him, confirmed the shema. He did NOT say in the NT that it had been replaced.

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" does not explicitly teach
a "blessed trinity". If it was important truth, BE SURE, that Jesus would have been reported to have said so !

The Gospel of Truth teaches us that the Knowledge of the Father is the most important thing.
The Father is God.
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Now .. one might ask, what is the difference between a person who loves God as Jesus, or the Father?
..surely, it makes no difference?

If that were the case, then what on earth [ sic ] is all the fuss about?
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