Evolution is Unscientific

Why? They had seen old men with flowing white beards. That is how they configured God. Did not they referred to him as the Old Man in the Sky?

Straw man...and you know it is.
They were depicting bulls and deer,
stick figures
and women, sex, slain and victorious warriors
(women) no, (sex) definitely no, only one instance of a "slain" person and context does not suggest war
I know of no others and this is a long standing interest of mine, so if you know different - prove it.
, sometimes signing off with their hand prints.
Early symbolism..."Kilroy was here"
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No (sic) with advent of trade and money, mathematics became essential. So did other things in time.

How much math beyond counting by fingers does this person "need" (your words)?


How about these folks? How much calculus do you think they require to survive?


How many binomial equations do you suppose these folks perform every day to stay alive?


Surely trigonometry is absolutely essential to the wellbeing of this family, according to you.


Seems to me these folks (and all the others) are doing just fine without mathematics beyond the point of basic (fingers) counting. None of these folks NEED math to survive and thrive.

Your argument falls flat.
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The messages are brought by messengers, at one time, it was the shaman of the tribe. (Theyyam, Kerala, India)

Yeppir...and somehow repeated messengers with remarkably similar messages keep popping up for tens of thousands of years....but it is all a mass delusion, everybody else is completely mad...or unintelligent.
Seems to me these folks (and all the others) are doing just fine without mathematics beyond the point of basic (fingers) counting. None of these folks NEED math to survive and thrive.
But they eat caterpillars and bugs and stuff, lol
But they eat caterpillars and bugs and stuff, lol
And they are healthier than you and me both. (I thought you had military training, where does this "yuck factor" come from?)

And your point is...?

The point I was arguing against is that math and writing are not "need"ed to survive and thrive, a point stated as part of human evolution, that humans require abstract thought to survive. I will contest that assumption every time, because it is flatly untrue and unfounded, it does not hold up to the evidence.
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It's not safe to swim in the sea in Cornwall. It's too polluted by raw sewage. Britain is a small island. There are just too many people; the system can't handle it, imo
21st Century city systems wouldn't last a day without science, imo
It's not safe to swim in the sea in Cornwall. It's too polluted by raw sewage. Britain is a small island. There are just too many people; the system can't handle it, imo
Same issue with SoCal, can't swim or eat the fish off the pier at Santa Monica (Los Angeles / Hollywood)
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It's not safe to swim in the sea in Cornwall. It's too polluted by raw sewage. Britain is a small island. There are just too many people; the system can't handle it, imo
Very sorry to hear that. In the 1950s we used to holiday there and absolutely loved the beach and sea.
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21st Century city systems wouldn't last a day without science, imo
Agreed...but that is not required for human survival or for humans to thrive.

Basically what you are saying right here is that humans cannot survive without electricity. I am stating, emphatically, that they can, and they can thrive without electricity. Electricity is a convenience, not a requirement.
Thanks that you have a good opinion about me. I never said that they are same. I said both are imaginary. ;)
Except in case of some Hindu non-dualists (Advaitists), who consider that the Supreme soul and a person's soul are not different.
I too am an advaitist (non-dualism), but I do not accept the existence of God or soul.
Wouldn't what some consider to be God be the same as your Supreme Soul?
Agreed...but that is not required for human survival or for humans to thrive.

Basically what you are saying right here is that humans cannot survive without electricity. I am stating, emphatically, that they can, and they can thrive without electricity. Electricity is a convenience, not a requirement.
Far more than just electricity: housing, transport systems, water and sewerage disposal, food, healthcare and medicine, yes energy for homes and more important for factories and businesses, disposal of all the city waste -- billions of people totally depended upon their city infrastructure ...
Far more than just electricity: housing, transport systems, water and sewerage disposal, food, healthcare and medicine, yes energy for homes and more important for factories and businesses, disposal of all the city waste -- billions of people totally depended upon their city infrastructure ...
Agreed...but none of that is *required* for survival, and even those conveniences such as sewer have alternates.

First world peoples are locked into thinking they have to have conveniences, "I'll just die without a tellie!" Yet there are people around the world that demonstrate how false this illusion is.

Don't get me wrong, I can't talk to you without my computer and electricity...but I don't fool myself into believing these are required for survival. I don't "need" them.