Evolution is Unscientific

I don't think believing in things without evidence is intelligent.
I can't agree or disagree, you won't say what you mean by the word "intelligent."

So I will presume you mean a purple teapot. I have teapots, a number of them in fact. Nice ones. None are purple, none are cracked and none are floating in space (thank you Mr Russell).


I have no evidence you have a brain, I haven't seen it. I could be communicating with an AI.
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But the truth is the majority of people live in cities. Smaller communities are centered around agricultural or fishing, or mining or manufacture which supply the cities. It's all interlinked and only science can sustain a global population of 8 billion. Of course there will be a few off-grid individuals, imo

However, there is this:
Isaiah 5:
8Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!

9In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant.

However, there is this:
Isaiah 5:
8Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!

9In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant.
There were less people.

IMO the world just cannot handle beyond a level of population. Especially expanding in the west amongst the old and retired, whom the working age must support, and draining on the health services. How can it go on?

I think of the Earth and other planets as living entities.
There were less people.
Except that is referencing the time of Jacob's Troubles...aka - the End Times.

IMO the world just cannot handle beyond a level of population. Especially expanding in the west amongst the old and retired, whom the working age must support, and draining on the health services. How can it go on?
Echoing Malthus?

I think of the Earth and other planets as living entities.
As do I.
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How did you come up with that..? ;)
Because London doesn't have a bush to poo behind...

..but can all city folk leave? Is it not a "trap"?
There are studies that suggest that people do become trapped in cities. As young folks flee the rural areas in search of employment and a means of support, they end up in the cities and never leave...like a whirlpool or a vortex.

I managed to buck the trend. I was born and raised in one of the largest cities on Earth. I fled the city for the country, but I could only go so far without means, so gradually I have found my way back to a *small* city for employment, but my heart will always be in the country. I loathe the city, and if not for my wife I would already be gone from this mismanaged city.
Because London doesn't have a bush to poo behind...
Quite extensive parks, actually. Lots of green and trees. It's mostly a low rise collection of individual areas -- except for the high rise city commercial district, imo.

But it wouldn't survive without highly organised waste management, universal power supply and public transport, etc.

Londoners seen to understand they have to exist within certain standards of social co-operation for the survival of all. It's an amazing city really, example of human co-operation, imo
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Quite extensive parks, actually. Lots of green and trees. It's mostly a low rise collection of individual areas -- except for the high rise city commercial district, imo.

But it wouldn't survive without highly organised waste management, universal power supply and public transport, etc.

Londoners seen to understand they have to exist within certain standards of social co-operation for the survival of all. It's an amazing city really, example of human co-operation, imo
But if you poo behind a bush, you go to jail. I understand why (although San Fran seems to have forgotten), but that isn't what we had been discussing.
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Yes, indeed .. wealth is a test for most of us..
It's relatively easy to move to big cities, but not so easy to get out.
It's always ****** money. :(
Not always.
We lived in a small flat that just happened to be near a tube(underground) station, this upped the value to such an extent that we could pay off the mortgage, move to a countryside town and buy a house(3 bedrooms etc) with a garden and allowed pets(we are cat people). No mortgage.
And we had cash left over.

London prices are just crazy.
Not always.
We lived in a small flat that just happened to be near a tube(underground) station, this upped the value to such an extent that we could pay off the mortgage, move to a countryside town and buy a house(3 bedrooms etc) with a garden and allowed pets(we are cat people). No mortgage.
And we had cash left over.

London prices are just crazy.
Yes, I guess you are right..
It depends where you move to..

Again, it is relatively easy moving north, but not so easy staying in the south.
eg. I come from the South Coast, but live in the Midlands.

You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder.
You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you
get older.
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south,
Hide your head in the sand,
Just another sad old man,
All alone and dying of cancer.

-David Gilmour - Pink Floyd [Animals]-

I believe he lives in Brighton these days.. ;)
I come from Bournemouth..

' In 2005, Sandbanks was reported to have the fourth highest land value by area in the world. The Sandbanks and Canford Cliffs Coastline area has been dubbed "Britain's Palm Beach" '
Sandbanks - Wikipedia

I used to cycle around there as a kid.
there is no external god, no creator of the universe (objective universe), science is proving this day by day.

Science is not proving this daily, they have lots of wonderful ideas and beliefs, but all lacking in evidence. Where is the real hard evidence, to show where the matter and energy came from, that set the Big Bang in motion?
The objective universe is being unfolded daily by science, life is the result of evolution by way of natural selection, and in our case (mankind) the guidance from our Greater Self.
The skeletal system is probably the most complex mechanical structure known to man. We look around at all the manmade feats of engineering, yet we cannot make a robotic version of our own body. It should be easy, the skeleton is just a bunch of levers connected together for movement. Not only are our bodies a bunch of levers, but they are made up of thirty trillion cells, that are being renewed in our bodies at the rate of around three million cells per minute.

Evolution could not do this without help from God, the creator of all that is seen and unseen. There is no hard evidence to show how life started
3.8 billion years ago. There is no hard evidence to show how single cell life could evolve into the cell organisation we see today.

What both you and I have is belief.
Yes, I guess you are right..
It depends where you move to..

Again, it is relatively easy moving north, but not so easy staying in the south.
eg. I come from the South Coast, but live in the Midlands.

You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder.
You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you
get older.
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south,
Hide your head in the sand,
Just another sad old man,
All alone and dying of cancer.

-David Gilmour - Pink Floyd [Animals]-

I believe he lives in Brighton these days.. ;)
I come from Bournemouth..

' In 2005, Sandbanks was reported to have the fourth highest land value by area in the world. The Sandbanks and Canford Cliffs Coastline area has been dubbed "Britain's Palm Beach" '
Sandbanks - Wikipedia

I used to cycle around there as a kid.

Loved the East & West cliffs lifts in Bournemouth also my parents had friends in Bournemouth and we used to go there sometimes for summer holidays. My self and their son used to collect coca-cola empties on the beach and get a penny-ha'peney for each.
Gosh that was 69 years ago...I somehow don't believe it!!!
Row, row, row your boat...etco_O

ETA I am getting a strong deja vu. I've probably posted this before
Science is not proving this daily, they have lots of wonderful ideas and beliefs, but all lacking in evidence. Where is the real hard evidence, to show where the matter and energy came from, that set the Big Bang in motion?

The skeletal system is probably the most complex mechanical structure known to man. We look around at all the manmade feats of engineering, yet we cannot make a robotic version of our own body. It should be easy, the skeleton is just a bunch of levers connected together for movement. Not only are our bodies a bunch of levers, but they are made up of thirty trillion cells, that are being renewed in our bodies at the rate of around three million cells per minute.

Evolution could not do this without help from God, the creator of all that is seen and unseen. There is no hard evidence to show how life started
3.8 billion years ago. There is no hard evidence to show how single cell life could evolve into the cell organisation we see today.

What both you and I have is belief.
Proto-man was just one of many animal species fighting for survival over the millennia. If his brain could evolve through processes of natural selection, then why did the brains of other creatures not similarly evolve - at least a little? The fact is that the brains of other creatures have remained practically the same while Man’s has “evolved”. By the law of averages - which applies to natural selection as much as to anything else - there should have been at least some species other than man evolving in intelligence at least partway to the human level. There is none.

So what has taken place?
We are left with the explanation: Deliberate Cause

And this implies an Isolate Intelligence working through our physical being (brain/body), a Soul/Psyche separate from the objective universe and its physical laws and limitations.
This Soul/Psyche does not behave as though it were merely a “sum total” of the brain’s sensory and manipulative capacities, combining and recombining inputted information as though it were an “organic” electronic computer. It has a sense of identity, a sense of uniqueness, a sense of distance, and differentiation from everything else that exists.

In the case of proto-man, natural selection would occur in favor of almost anything else besides the brain. He would become stronger, hairier, tougher, meaner, and faster. According to natural selection, you and I should be gorillas.

But we are not gorillas. Indeed, as our intelligence has made life progressively easier for us, we have become weaker and more vulnerable physically. We are healthier and more long-lived only because our intelligence has enabled us to produce medicines to stave off diseases, and dietary standards to maximize our health and growth potential. We have controlled environments to fend off the elements, and have developed weapons to fend off other creatures.

Enter the Black Flame (the Gift of the Prince of Darkness)

Human consciousness will not evolve unconsciously, which is the way of Nature. Human consciousness can only evolve consciously, and only according to the processes of its own nature. To go the way of Nature (a.k.a. Objective Universe) which is unconscious on a biological level and nothing more than a mindless, mechanism, we will cease to evolve as individuals. The way of Nature makes us fat and lethargic, clogs our arteries, and persistently works to stop our metabolism. The way of Nature instills a tendency in us to cease examining one's self and to outwardly project all of our unconscious internal demons (the Jungian Shadow Self).
Fortunately, we have a self‑aware consciousness that gives us the ability to live for ourselves. We don't have to follow along with what Nature may or may not decide for us as a result of the inexorable, unconscious mechanism that it is. We can choose (something nature cannot do) to go AGAINST THE GRAIN!

The Way of the Black Flame is the way of conscious self-awareness giving us the ability to alter, determine, and direct our own course in a way no other species is capable of on earth. We are not at the mercy of Nature's wrath, we can stand apart from this unconscious, mechanism and go against its flow, create and reinvent ourselves. The Way of Nature is the way of least resistance, which may appeal to the herd mentality however, consciousness is born and evolved through the path of difficulty and challenge, through Adversity (ha-satan). It will only develop and be made more conscious through conscious effort. Nature cannot do this for us, it can only make us more unconscious..
And this implies an Isolate Intelligence working through our physical being (brain/body
I could equally say, this implies God created all that is seen and unseen.
Isolate Intelligence working through our physical being (brain/body), a Soul/Psyche separate from the objective universe and its physical laws and limitations.
Did this Soul/Psyche create the universe and life, was it responsible for the Big Bang?

The bottom line for my words and yours is belief, we neither have hard testifiable evidence.
I could equally say, this implies God created all that is seen and unseen.

Did this Soul/Psyche create the universe and life, was it responsible for the Big Bang?

The bottom line for my words and yours is belief, we neither have hard testifiable evidence.
We all perceive something in our own state of being that does not seem to be explainable in terms of the objective universe. We are not satisfied that we can be explained or defined merely in terms of electrochemical equations, even very elaborate ones. There is, we feel, a connection to something unique to each of us and ultimately more essential than our objective, physical substance.

Our Consciousness does not behave as though it were merely a “sum total” of the brain’s sensory and manipulative capacities, combining and recombining inputted information as though it were an “organic” electronic computer. It has a sense of identity, a sense of uniqueness, a sense of distance and differentiation from everything else that exists.

Human intelligence is a violation of Objective Universal Law. That evidence for the existence of an intelligent entity distinct from the objective universe has instilled in humanity the potential to enjoy the same external perspective, as well as the intelligence to do so with a deliberate, creative purpose. We all experience our Greater Self when we create, when we exploit our full potential, when we do things that are more than human.

We are not going to live on in our offspring, our achievements, or our memes. This becomes the shock to our Intelligence. It becomes obvious after a while that nothing on this earth is permanent, everything is subject to change. That epiphany becomes the emotional shock. Then the physical shock that our body won't be around forever either.

The only unavoidable consideration left is: The Greater Self survives everything and has an inherent Knowledge that it can survive, if it furthers itself. The Greater Self ebbs and flows in cycles of action in this impermanent world, it learns about itself from the feedback these cycles will bring to it.
Loved the East & West cliffs lifts in Bournemouth also my parents had friends in Bournemouth and we used to go there sometimes for summer holidays. My self and their son used to collect coca-cola empties on the beach and get a penny-ha'peney for each.
Gosh that was 69 years ago...I somehow don't believe it!!!
Row, row, row your boat...etco_O

ETA I am getting a strong deja vu. I've probably posted this before
Brings back memories .. the sandy beach stretches 3 miles, and there are many cliff lifts.
..we don't know what we have until it's gone. :(
I don't think believing in things without evidence is intelligent.
You say "believing in things without evidence" is unintelligent. I assume you refer to non-empirical things believed by religious theists. Yet science itself has evolved into a form of religion of its own, with its atheistic proponents believing on faith rather than evidence. Many atheists now tend to believe that science itself acts as the be-all and end-all source to explanation of things in this world. Thus, practicing the dogmatic thinking of scientism. Where any other attempts to explain the world we live in, such as an intelligent divine creator, are seen as mindless thinking. Where the only truths are those explained by scientific empirical explanation.

Much like the end times scripture of many religions which believers say will prove God by his return, many atheists believe science will prove all things in this world. There are many things, either origin stories and even ongoing things that empirical science cannot explain yet its believers believe it will or, in many cases, the theories put forth by science are taken to be true fact. Like:

- the placebo effect
- how do animals migrate
- how did we get the moon
- Origin of Eusocial life
- Origin of human language
- Cause of gravity
- Prokaryote evolution to Eukaryote
- What is dark matter or dark energy
- Origin of universe
- Origin of life
And plenty more....yet you and many other atheists say those who practice belief without evidence are unintelligent while hypocritically practicing the same? Many of your statements here seem to be based rather based on belief without evidence. Believing in things without evidence, in this giant mystery of a world may be critical for all, theist and atheist, and certainly not unintelligent. Belief is possibly a tool used by Man much more than empirical fact in trying to understand this reality, especially the mental one, since there are great and wondrous things to find in the mind. Strong atheists of course, will deny them automatically but that may be nothing more than a dogmatic fallacy.

I am curious. You claim to be Advaitist but based on your posts here surely you don't believe in Maya or the Great Soul Brahman being One with Man? I believe it as true because I had an experience of it. Which aspects of Advaita do you believe in? After all, those two are possibly the key central tenets of Advaita!
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