Evolution is Unscientific

Or morality. Animals don't have a sense of right and wrong.. just instincts or learned behavior and those things can be bred out of them. Why did man have such a branching away of all the other species? Enough to dominate and subsequently destroy each other and the earth itself.
Herding and pack animals have a rudimentary morality, usually anchored by a dominant male but not uncommon to be anchored by a dominant female, typically a Grand Dame of sorts. A lot of sheep and antelope type animals are led by a Grand Dame.

Animals don't seek to destroy their environment for purpose need of greed and selfishness...
All animals impact their environment, part and parcel of living <Butterfly Effect>. Humans just do it to excess.

Hmm "self"ishness.
Self-aware. Humans will never be more animal than the moment before they became self-aware. <6th day Adam>
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We need to love to be in harmony with the all around us.
We need to be grateful for and respectful to all around us, because there's plenty, in particular if we all know what we really need.
I have removed God from your post and I am in agreement with you.
Yeah, we should be in harmony with what is all around us and be respectful to that.
God is a fictitious entity for me.
I want to believe you would not do such things. Whether you acknowledge G!d or not is irrelevant if you treat your fellow humans respectfully and protect your charges against those who would behave inappropriately.
I do not do such things even while not accepting existence of God. Therefore God is irrelevant for me, and you agree to that.
I do not do such things even while not accepting existence of God. Therefore God is irrelevant for me, and you agree to that.
Why would I disagree with that if you are behaving towards me in a moral manner? As long as you treat me the way you wish to be treated in return, I have no objection to obliging. My beliefs are mine, yours are yours. That doesn't mean we cannot get along and have a conversation.
Evidence, please? One simple example will suffice.
Maybe I can help a little: who is the sky blue?, why is the sky blue?, what is the sky blue?, which is the sky blue?, when is the sky blue?
How is the sky blue? Light refracting through the atmosphere. The other questions are meaningless to science.
What is sky is a question of science. Sky can be red also depending on conditions. What are those conditions? Yeah, sky is blue at a particular time and not always. What about the night sky? Why night is somewhat black, but not absolutely black as in space. No question is irrelevant. Science tries to know the answer of all questions.
I'm sure there are plenty of things that you should be thankful for..
..or perhaps you are 'suffering' from an excess of wealth? :)
No I do not suffer from that malady. We are middle class people now who were poor at one time.
Thankful to whom? An imaginary entity?
Just chiming in with my two cents.

In college my biology professor made a statement that resonated with me and still does today. He said that sound science and a sound theory will be able to predict. If a theory is sound, you should be able to continually make predictions from this theory and have them come true.

Many theories, such as the Big Bang theory, have been used to make predictions. Many predictions, based on this theory, have come true and keep coming true.

Can the same be said about the theory of evolution? Not really. Pretty much every prediction that Darwin made from his research and theory fell flat. The eventual discovery of a paleontology record that would prove that an evolutionary tree existed? One that started basic but then grew and branched out into a big tree of species? Nope. Paleontology actually shows that life took off, died off, took off, died off, and shows no resemblance of a big tree of species. White moths dying off? Later peer studies shows just as many white moths as dark moths. Species of birds with smaller mouths dying off in one area? Nope. Peer studies showed that the bird numbers flourished.

I'm not saying that the theory of evolution is wrong, but it definitely keeps needing revision. And Darwin was wrong about so much. But that is the nature of science. If it is wrong, you correct it.

There is a nice long list of scientists who have been asking for the theory of evolution to be reviewed and revised. You can Google it for yourself.
No I do not suffer from that malady. We are middle class people now who were poor at one time.
Thankful to whom? An imaginary entity?
I see this type of attitude in the more prosperous areas of the UK..
i.e. we deserve everything we have, because we worked hard for it

..and what if they hadn't been so fortunate, and they were born with a serious disability,
or had a disabling accident?
..and what if they hadn't been so fortunate, and they were born with a serious disability,
or had a disabling accident?
One has to face whatever situation one is confronted with, for me 4 years of unemployment and poor jobs after it. Think of Helen Keller or Stephen Hawking.
I see this type of attitude in the more prosperous areas of the UK..
i.e. we deserve everything we have, because we worked hard for it

..and what if they hadn't been so fortunate, and they were born with a serious disability,
or had a disabling accident?
The Good Lord giveth, and the Good Lord taketh away...Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Revision, refinement is always welcome in science. Science did not die in 1,991 years ago or 1,392 years ago.
I'm aware. I even mentioned it. And the theory still needs refinement so that it can be used to predict.
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Things have moved on a lot since 1859 when Darwin published On the Origin of the Species.

There are people, mostly fundamentalist creationists, who refer to the ToE as Darwinism.

It's a like referring to 21st Century astrophysics as Copernicism, lol
Things have moved on a lot since 1859 when Darwin published On the Origin of the Species.

There are people, mostly fundamentalist creationists, who refer to the ToE as Darwinism.

It's a like referring to 21st Century astrophysics as Copernicism, lol
Sorry if I seem pedantic, but what about Newtonian Physics, do you take issue with that nomenclature? It isn't at all uncommon for a discipline to be named for one of its most ardent proponents.
Sorry if I seem pedantic, but what about Newtonian Physics, do you take issue with that nomenclature? It isn't at all uncommon for a discipline to be named for one of its most ardent proponents.
But nobody thinks Newtonian physics equates to what 21st Century physics has evolved into?
But nobody thinks Newtonian physics equates to what 21st Century physics has evolved into?
That's beside the point. You were taking umbrage with Evolution being called Darwinism. So what? Darwin was the first major proponent of the discipline...its his baby.

No big deal in my eyes. It isn't a slur.