Evolution is Unscientific

The rest control the rat race.
They too are but rats only, and I have not heard of an immortal rat (except for the one which Lord Ganesha rides).


The silver rat (Mooshaka) in the Siddhi Vinayaka temple in Mumbai, a devotee whispering a message to be conveyed to Lord Ganesha.
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So if something in the environment favored symbolic thought, why were humans the only animals affected?

This is a puzzle I've been looking at for many years now, so I really don't expect an answer.
Were they?
Perhaps all hominid species were affected, but Homo Sapiens killed the others off.
Also, other primates show the ability to learn words etc, as do some parrots.
There is both speculation and study on what elephants and dolphins understand.
I'm a little out of my depth and rusty on that aspect of animal development, its been quite some while since I've read up on it.
That too is correct. After all, both will have to suffer together for their different sins (travelling in the same boat). Unbelief and non-acceptance of Jesus or Muhammad is a crime as far as God is concerned. :)
There may be, there may not be a God -- good science does not decide or comment. IMO

The creation of the universe is history. Either God created the universe with knowledge and power, or there is no god. You could be a hundred percent right or wrong on the toss of a coin. You cant change the truth of history, just because you don't agree with it

Is there real hard evidence; that everything we see in the universe; was created by natural causes?

I believe the most complex structures in the universe; are the skeletal system and the brain. I truthfully cannot see how they could evolve without help from God.

Take the digestive system, how could it evolve in incremental steps? You need a hole for the food to go in, you need an exit hole, and the twelve steps of the digestive system in-between that processes the food. If there is no mouth, food won't go in, if there is no anus, death is imminent. Sensors are needed to understand that the food going in will be beneficial, and not harmful like sand. Everything is made up of billions of cells.

Take any of these components away, and you have death, before the genes are passed onto a next generation. How does all this randomly happen in incremental steps without God?
Take the digestive system, how could it evolve in incremental steps? You need a hole for the food to go in, you need an exit hole, and the twelve steps of the digestive system in-between that processes the food. If there is no mouth, food won't go in, if there is no anus, death is imminent. Sensors are needed to understand that the food going in will be beneficial, and not harmful like sand. Everything is made up of billions of cells.
I guess it makes me a fly in the ointment, but I have no trouble at all seeing the development of a digestive system.

What is an earthworm, other than a digestive system? No eyes, no ears, no nose...just a squirming hose with an opening at both ends.

EricPH said:
The creation of the universe is history. Either God created the universe with knowledge and power, or there is no god.
Actually, that is a false dichotomy. I can think of alternative possibilities. I don't believe any of them, but the underlying argument is not an either / or problem. If, for example, G!d was created when the universe was created, then G!d would exist yet not be the creator of the universe.

Again, not what I believe, but it is a further possibility beyond the two you provided.

RJM was correct...actual science does not comment on the matter of G!d because the subject is not one that can be quantitatively measured.
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Were they?
Perhaps all hominid species were affected, but Homo Sapiens killed the others off.
Or mated them out of existence...like the Neandertals
Also, other primates show the ability to learn words etc, as do some parrots.
Parrots are natural mimics, that doesn't mean they understand what it is they are saying. The same could be said of Myna birds.

Primates (Koko, Kanzi) learning sign language (yet unable to transfer that learning to other primates?) is remarkable, but dubious and suspect. I've "watched" an online conversation with Koko in real time, conversing with Dr Penny Patterson. While it was insightful, it reinforced what I had already figured out with my dogs over the years. There is a threshold, approx that of a 4-5 year old human child, beyond which other animals cannot seem to cross. Some of the more intelligent animals "learn" certain words (good boy, bad dog, go get it / her / him, go for a walk?), but it became crystal clear to me that Koko had no real concept of predictive reasoning beyond experience. Burn your fingers, you won't play with fire again anytime soon...that kind of thing. Forward planning on the other hand, simply wasn't in the vocabulary or discussion. Neither was deception a part of her conversation.
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What is an earthworm, other than a digestive system? No eyes, no ears, no nose...just a squirming hose with an opening at both ends.
You need to know more about Earthworms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthworm can help you.
"Earthworms' brains consist of a pair of pear-shaped cerebral ganglia. These are located in the dorsal side of the alimentary canal in the third segment, in a groove between the buccal cavity and pharynx."
You need to know more about Earthworms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthworm can help you.
"Earthworms' brains consist of a pair of pear-shaped cerebral ganglia. These are located in the dorsal side of the alimentary canal in the third segment, in a groove between the buccal cavity and pharynx."
Let's keep in mind who was trying to convince me an invertebrate has bones as we continue this lecture, shall we?

I said nothing about an earthworm having a brain or not. I said no eyes, no ears, no nose.

Further, cut an earthworm in half, and both pieces grow a new earthworm. Does that mean one of the earthworms grows a new brain in his ass? I've often thought that's where some folks keep their brains... By the way, didn't have to read the link to know that bit of info, I know from hands on experience in my garden.

Getting from a worm to a bird is an altogether different matter.
Let me know the next time one of your tulips writes a novel, directs a movie or furthers E=MC2
So which movie defines the pinnacle of evolution? Dumb and Dumber? Or some racist gone with the wind?

Just because we have evolved to destroy the planet and created gods you think we are the top?

Not all the species that will out live us be they animal, plant or insect?
So which movie defines the pinnacle of evolution? Dumb and Dumber? Or some racist gone with the wind?
2001: A Space Odyssey
Just because we have evolved to destroy the planet and created gods you think we are the top?
Mankind is far from the most destructive organism on this planet . . . we are the Apex Predator because we alone can control the outcome of our existence.
Not all the species that will out live us be they animal, plant or insect?