Why Do People Like To Talk About Their Spiritual Beliefs?

I thought you believed in the return of Christ?

Yes .. but the Jewish concept of the Messiah [ as early Christians believed ] is the correct one.
This teaches as Book of Revelation i.e. 1000 year reign of righteousness .. satan in a pit

When you start telling me what I am saying, I just get bored

Funny that .. beacause when you suggest what I believe and you are wrong, I just correct you ;)
Thanks, @stranger, I do know love. I am happy to report that love does not depend on the presence of any gods.

That does not mean I deny others divine love, of course.

Thank you friend, it's good to know that. :)
Funny that .. beacause when you suggest what I believe and you are wrong, I just correct you
Funny that no-one here ever disrespects your right to your own beliefs, in spite of you keep correcting them about their own
the Jewish concept of the Messiah [ as early Christians believed ] is the correct one.
This teaches as Book of Revelation i.e. 1000 year reign of righteousness .. satan in a pit
You know it how?
According to whom?

The Jews do not believe Jesus was the Messiah, as is their right. They do not follow the New Testament books. And you reject the other Johannine writings, but accept The Book of Revelations

I thought we'd been through all this?
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The Jews do not believe Jesus was the Messiah, as is their right..

That's true .. they do not believe in Jesus [ particularly as being God ]
@RabbiO , however, believes the same as me. That is, a Messiah will be sent from Almighty God that will usher in
a reign of peace. As he is a Reformed Jew, he believes the same as I .. the Messiah will be for all and not just Jews.

I'm sure @RabbiO will correct me, if I'm mistaken :)
a Messiah will be sent from Almighty God that will usher in
a reign of peace.
They believe Jesus will return in the flesh, this time as the Messiah? Although he wasn't the Messiah last time? I am asking

He will break the cross and kill the pigs etc, and then die properly, and be buried in Mecca beside Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
They believe Jesus will return in the flesh, this time as the Messiah? Although he wasn't the Messiah last time? I am asking

He will break the cross and kill the pigs etc, and then die properly, and be buried in Mecca beside Muhammad (peace be upon him)?

I don't know what is the matter with you ;)
Can't you read? Did I write that?

They believe that the Messiah will be flesh and blood .. yes.
..the rest of your post is drivel, as far as what @RabbiO believes :D
Did I write that?
Yes. Do you want the links?
They believe that the Messiah will be flesh and blood .. yes.
..the rest of your post is drivel, as far as what @RabbiO believes
They believe Jesus will return in the flesh, this time as the Messiah? Although he wasn't the Messiah last time? I am asking

He will break the cross and kill the pigs etc, and then die properly, and be buried in Mecca beside Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
I didn't say it's what he believes. Of course it's not what Jews believe?
The point is, that his concept of a Messiah is the same as mine.
And other religions have their own beliefs
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..And other religions have their own beliefs

That is just stating the obvious. It is not a discussion.
I asked what your belief of the second coming achieves?
..and how?

As far as I'm aware, it has something to do with "a judgement" .. how does that work then?
I asked what your belief of the second coming achieves?
..and how?
You asked me? Where? Do you mean here:
I've never observed any former Prophet / Messiah that Almighty God has sent us, that waves a magic wand, and evil
ceases to exist ;)
I don't believe that at all .. rather far-fetched I would say.

That's not what happened the first time. Jesus got strung a cross.
..or are you saying he put HIMSELF there?
As far as I'm aware, it has something to do with "a judgement" .. how does that work then?
But you are ready to rubbish it, without a decent knowledge? I don't do all that heavy theology stuff. I could start trying to explain my own personal thoughts, but it probably would not tally with the 'official' view, and anyway it wouldn't be worth the effort for you just to scan my post and shoot back a sarcastic or mocking response within a quick minute or two.

I'm sure you'll find it all on wiki.

Or perhaps you could ask @Thomas although of course nobody will blame him if he fails to respond, because you are not really asking, and you won't accept a word he says.

I have the living Christ. It's all I need.
I don't do all that heavy theology stuff..
I have the living Christ. It's all I need.

I don't get it..
Why do so many people leave it all up to others to "put the world right" ?

Speaking at an event in New Zealand in May 2019, the UN Secretary-General said his generation was "not winning the battle against climate change" and that it was up to the youth to "rescue the planet"

..it wouldn't be worth the effort for you just to scan my post and shoot back a sarcastic or mocking response..

In an interview with Suyin Haynes in Time magazine, Greta Thunberg addressed the criticism she has received online saying: "It's quite hilarious when the only thing people can do is mock you, or talk about your appearance or personality, as it means they have no argument or nothing else to say." :)
I don't get it..
I know
Why do so many people leave it all up to others to "put the world right" ?
Speaking at an event in New Zealand in May 2019, the UN Secretary-General said his generation was "not winning the battle against climate change" and that it was up to the youth to "rescue the planet"
Christ came to put my soul right, not to fix climate change? imo
But we've had the conversation before?
Christ came to put my soul right, not to fix climate change?

If our souls were right, we wouldn't have climate change.

Climate change is caused by usury .. why does mankind turn away from truth?
Of course .. I know the answer to that question .. "I'm only human, after all" ;)

It's not going to go away you know. The apocalypse is upon us.
I think its caused by overpopulation, but that's just me ...

Nope .. I don't agree.
I know why people say that. They know that the current western lifestyle is not sustainable,
so they project it onto the whole population and blame them :(

1% of the global population is responsible for more CO2 than the poorest 50%.
That is caused by the modern financial system, with its fiat currencies and monetary policy bla bla.
It is projected onto the whole globe by the the world order that resultted from WWII.

Money is more or less data in a computer .. it is no longer real. It is only worth what the politicians make it worth.
The Bankamericard, launched in 1958, became the first third-party credit card to acquire widespread use and be accepted in shops and stores all over the United States, soon followed by the Mastercard and the American Express. Since 1980, Credit Card companies are exempt from state usury laws, and so can charge any interest rate they see fit.

Many people on this forum say how they are in favour of the modern democratic secular state.
I don't disagree, but why are we voting for people who make such laws?
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Many people on this forum say how they are in favour of the modern democratic secular state.
I don't disagree, but why are we voting for people who make such laws?

Voting is but one of many ways to participate in democratic processes. There is also public discourse in the media; there are interest groups such as trade unions, NGOs, and so on; there are public forms of protest, rallies, etc; there is the time-honored forum of pub talk; there are neighborhood organizations, renter's organizations; there are referendums, citizen-submitted requests to lawmakers, write-in campaigns... if democracy were simply a consumer choice to be made every so many months, then I'd agree with you. I think it is much more than that, in terms of participation. We do have to take up these opportunities, of course. The rich and powerful certainly won't tell us we need to rock their boat.
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@RJM Corbet

I would imagine that if you tell Greta Thurnberg "We have the living Christ and that's all we need", she wouldn't
be very impressed. It is our beliefs that shape the world we live in, don't you think?
@RJM Corbet

I would imagine that if you tell Greta Thurnberg "We have the living Christ and that's all we need", she wouldn't
be very impressed. It is our beliefs that shape the world we live in, don't you think?
It's a personal thing Muhammad, that has nothing to do with politics or global events. You say you don't get it. Why are you asking me to explain? You are not really interested.

Do you think Christ taught the rich to abuse the poor?

And why do you think it matters what Greta would say? She's probably an atheist -- as is her right -- but it doesn't mean Christians do nothing about world affairs. You keep getting yourself all mixed up, as usual, in your hatred for Christianity. Imo
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Do you think Christ taught the rich to abuse the poor?

No .. but majority Christian countries are doing just that.

And why do you think it matters what Greta would say?

..because I take her very seriously, and agree wholeheartedly with her.
It is her BELIEF that climate change is very serious indeed. It is backed up by scientific evidence.

I have my BELIEFS that expose the truth about why we are in this predicament. It is also backed up by scientific evidence.
You may continue to decouple your personal religious faith [ BELIEFS ] from worldly affairs, but that is just burying one's head in the sand IMO.

You keep getting yourself all mixed up, as usual, in your hatred for Christianity. Imo

Nope .. you are just turning things around. I do not hate Christianity. You have something against Islam though.
You have said so, on many occasions. eg. Muslims are violent .. Islam condemns people to hell etc.