Why Do People Like To Talk About Their Spiritual Beliefs?

Why do people like to talk about their spiritual beliefs? Why do people want to talk about God -- not only 'believers' but also non-believers and even those who militantly oppose a belief in the divine?

I came to this site a few years ago to find some answers regarding religion when I started to hear voices. That first year after the voices started I had a hard time trying to find any answers that seemed to fit their questions. I don't just hear them here or there or from time to time it is 24/7 non stop thoughts about thoughts and questions. I read a lot from the background here just trying to understand religion a little better but very little deals with the thoughts I find in their voices. I feel like a child trying to push a square into a circle hole.

I was never a religious person and still don't think of god or gods the way others seem to think of them like in a divine way. I do love to come here and read the new posts from time to time in hopes I might be able to enter a conversation even if I do not have a lot to offer in the way of religion.

What's the justification for the existence of a website like this one?

I am 51 years old and I have tried to talk to so many others about my thoughts and beliefs when I was younger before the internet and most just laughed or would just talk their beliefs over the top of mine that I just stopped asking questions. At least here I haven't gotten the roll of the eyes emoji yet or the I will pray for you because you are so lost passage.

When we were in our twenties we were still intensely concerned with spiritual conversations. Who's interested in that sort of stuff in 2021?

spiritual conversations or religious ones? These are not the same. I have had thousands of out of body experiences and have been working within myself to better understand my anatomy so to insure my passing beyond this world. Most will spend their entire life trying to find the answers left behind by prophets and scholars of religion they spend no time trying to understand themselves or how they will become something on the other side. The funny thing is that a single blade of grass can become itself again knowing nothing about how to become something again but no man here has ever became himself again with all his knowledge.

So: can God have a Son, or not? Never mind what Newton believed.

They say: 'The All-merciful has taken unto himself a son.' You have indeed advanced something hideous! The heavens are well nigh rent of it and the earth split asunder, and the mountains well nigh fall down crashing for that they have attributed to the All-merciful a son; and it behoves not the All-merciful to take a son

I like to express my personal view on this question "can god have a son, or not?" This is interesting to me and was one thing that has cost me many days over the past few years trying to figure out.

You see god can only give birth to daughters, I refer to them as celestial objects and world soul objects. So how was it possible for the father to have a son. the one method that seem to make the most sense is to make a world soul object become himself since she can become anything inside of herself. The problem with this is she could never figure herself out and yet had to have more time then anything else. This would be like having a world like this with so much time and yet for her to never find time or figure herself out this seems impossible.

I also knew that the father might have once become something here born to a world like ours but in a different part of the universe. This means that the person he became could never become him since he is himself only, but yet that person he was would have his time. You see when that person or the father died the father would become himself only, but his time the son would also then become himself only. The son would not have a mind and he would become himself only but not the father. This is confusing and I am leaving out a lot of thoughts but this is most likely how the father had a son when he only gives birth to daughters. The other thing is the holy ghost is the yourself that is formed by the father when minds find time inside of him this also becomes a mind that can figure things out and become something.

My beliefs are those being taught to me and I am in no way trying to say these thoughts are correct in anyway, but it is thoughts like these that bring me back here to ask questions.

I like to express my personal view on this question "can god have a son, or not?" This is interesting to me and was one thing that has cost me many days over the past few years trying to figure out.

You see god can only give birth to daughters, I refer to them as celestial objects and world soul objects. So how was it possible for the father to have a son. the one method that seem to make the most sense is to make a world soul object become himself since she can become anything inside of herself. The problem with this is she could never figure herself out and yet had to have more time then anything else. This would be like having a world like this with so much time and yet for her to never find time or figure herself out this seems impossible.

I also knew that the father might have once become something here born to a world like ours but in a different part of the universe. This means that the person he became could never become him since he is himself only, but yet that person he was would have his time. You see when that person or the father died the father would become himself only, but his time the son would also then become himself only. The son would not have a mind and he would become himself only but not the father. This is confusing and I am leaving out a lot of thoughts but this is most likely how the father had a son when he only gives birth to daughters. The other thing is the holy ghost is the yourself that is formed by the father when minds find time inside of him this also becomes a mind that can figure things out and become something.

My beliefs are those being taught to me and I am in no way trying to say these thoughts are correct in anyway, but it is thoughts like these that bring me back here to ask questions.
Thank you @powessy

Your views are always uniquely interesting.

The human Father and Son analogy is always a bit difficult for me.

I can place what you are saying in terms of Adam’s rib: Spirit (Tao) gives birth in nature first to the male (yang) Adam principal, and which immediately gives ‘birth’ to the female (yin) Eve. Kether in the Quaballah emanates (gives birth to) first Chockma Wisdom (male), and which immediately emanates Binah Understanding (female).

In science, the Vacuum (nothingness) gives rise to virtual particles and anti-particles, but which instantly annihilate one another.

Again I think it is misleading (not you) to get too locked into the human terms used to describe the movements between Spirit and nature. Father and Mother and sons and daughters are purely human terms used to try to explain things to human minds. It is a simplification. It's like a map. It is not a complete concrete description of the Divine mysteries. And you help me understand that.

But that’s just me.
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Then all the Christains have to do is be that Light.
Not quite. The light is God's light that illuminates and sustains all and every being, individual beings, being-as-such, is not itself/themselves the light.

That is also applicable to all that say they follow the light.
Yes, St Paul understood that when he addressed the Greeks:
"For passing by, and seeing your idols, I found an altar also, on which was written: To the unknown God. What therefore you worship, without knowing it, that I preach to you" (Acts 17:23)
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The light is God's light that illuminates and sustains all and every being, individual beings, being-as-such, is not itself/themselves the light.
It's the whole point. To say 'Christ in me' is not to say 'I am Christ'
None of the apostles made themselves equal to Christ (not implying that @Tone Bristow-Stagg does so)
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To say 'Christ in me' is not to say 'I am Christ'

I thought that it was "the Holy Spirit" that people might be filled with..

1 Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen:
2 Thus saith the Lord that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun, whom I have chosen.
3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:

- Isaiah 44 -

7 So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
- Acts 9 -
I thought that it was "the Holy Spirit" that people might be filled with..
... the holy ghost is the yourself that is formed by the father when minds find time inside of him this also becomes a mind that can figure things out and become something.
The scriptural descriptions of Divine reality are simplified for human minds to follow. They are not in themselves the reality. They are attempts to give a glimpse of the full reality to limited human minds. It is wrong to get obsessive about the human scriptural terms. IMO
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Not quite. The light is God's light that illuminates and sustains all and every being, individual beings, being-as-such, is not itself/themselves the light.

Now we are seeing How each Messenger is the Light but not in the Same flesh body.

It is the Light of Christ we are asked to reflect, not that we are the Light.

Jesus was the perfect reflection of the Light of God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus came in the Station of Christ, who is born of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was perfect Mirror to reflect that God given Light to all humanity.

We in turn are asked to be born again into that light, so that us born of the Human spirit can clean the mirror of our heart to reflect all that was Christ, it does not mean we become Christ, God forbid, that is our downfall.

Matthew 5:14-16
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

That Light is of Jesus the Christ, it is not our light and it is only by that light we can give Glory to the Father.

I see the light is now the Father, Baha'u'llah, the promised New Name.

Revelation 3:12
" He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name."

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/A-New-Name

Regards Tony
The Son became the Father, but with a new Name.

I don't understand what you lot are talking about.
"God is One" seems very simple to me .. all this talk about Mothers, Fathers and Sons is unnecessary.

..simply, the Father is God, as Isaac Newton explains .. and that's all there is to it :)

Our Father whom art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
I don't understand what you lot are talking about.
"God is One" seems very simple to me .. all this talk about Mothers, Fathers and Sons is unnecessary.

..simply, the Father is God, as Isaac Newton explains .. and that's all there is to it :)

Our Father whom art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.

God is the One the Unknowable.

How do we get to know God then?

The Mesengers are all we can know of God, they are Annointed of the Holy Spirit by God to give a Message.

This is what Christ means "Annointed One".

I see Muhammad came to correct the doctrine of the Trinity that incorrectly makes a Messenger into God. (More explanation needed) Muhammad was thus Christ, the 1st Woe.

Baha'u'llah has explained all this in great detail now. Has explained how the Messenger talks as the Authority of God and as such is the given 'Self of God' amongst us in that Authority, but at the same time in the human station are "but a man like us".

That is why everyone does not see the power they are invested with, but read their words and the Power of God is found.

Regards Tony
I don't understand what you lot are talking about.
"God is One" seems very simple to me .. all this talk about Mothers, Fathers and Sons is unnecessary.

..simply, the Father is God, as Isaac Newton explains .. and that's all there is to it :)

Our Father whom art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
But until a HUMAN MAN has children, he cannot be a Father. And to be a Father needs a wife/mother. Yet you insist God cannot have a son. So it's easy to see why you are battling to understand beyond basic literal simplicity. But it's not anybody else's fault that you're entangled in your own contradictions.
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But until a HUMAN MAN has children, he cannot be a Father. And to be a Father needs a wife/mother. Yet you insist God cannot have a son. So it's easy to see why you are battling to understand beyond basic literal simplicity. But it's not anybody else's fault that you're entangled in your own contradictions.

Likewise, to think of God in earthly human terms may be why people can not see other frames of reference.

Regards Tony
Yeah .. I'm a bit thick like Isaac Newton ;)
Did Newton refer to God as 'Father' while insisting God cannot have a son? It is a terrible thing. The mountains will fall first ...?

Did Newton reject the crucifixion and the resurrection? What parts of Newton do you want to accept, and what to reject? Are you telling everyone the whole of the Newton package? Or only the parts of it that suit your drift?

If you want to accept God as Father, in the way of Christian belief, then you have to accept that the Father has a Son?
..If you want to accept God as Father, in the way of Christian belief, then you have to accept that the Father has a Son?

I have always understood "Our Father whom art in heaven" from a very young age as"praying to God".
Are you trying to tell me that other children see it differently?

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
all things wise and wonderful,
the Lord God made them all.

That is very understandable, even for a young child.
Our Father is God who made us.

God can have many Sons. Why only One? What does that mean?
Not so straightforward, when referring to "Christ inside" :)
It's the whole point. To say 'Christ in me' is not to say 'I am Christ'
None of the apostles made themselves equal to Christ (not implying that @Tone Bristow-Stagg does so)
I’ll say it. (And I have said it before.) We are Christ.

I feel Christ in me, and sometimes I hear him. Now we can say it’s one thing to be in him and another to be him, but I disagree.

If the Father and Son made their home in me, I have the Spirit of God and the mind of Christ, and if I am one spirit with him, then I am him (if it’s more comfortable, he is me). We are One Spirit not two. There isn’t him and me. It feels that way. It certainly looks that way from all appearances- but it isn’t. That doesn’t mean we get puffed up because he is ever person.

That animating principle that is giving life to your body is who you are. And it is the same animating power that is giving life to all of creation- the Son of God (the Light - or Consciousness- of the world).

A teacher I like quoted someone (don’t remember who): It is the failure to accept the open invitation to life as Christ that has reduced Christendom to the slavery of its own misconception.

You are Jesus Christ. I know that you don’t believe me.
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I’ll say it. (And I have said it before.) We are Christ.

You know what "Christ" means, don't you? It is Greek for "Messiah" [ or as you prefer "Saviour" }
..so your statement is "We are Saviour".

It might mean something to you. To me, and most children I would have thought, it is perplexing :)

I feel Christ in me..

Ah .. that might be the Holy Spirit working in you? [ Almighty God's spirit / Holiness ]

You are Jesus Christ. I know that you don’t believe me.

No .. I don't. I can almost imagine you laughing as you say it ;)
If we are both "Jesus Christ", then that means we are both the same person :D
You know what "Christ" means, don't you? It is Greek for "Messiah" [ or as you prefer "Saviour" }
..so your statement is "We are Saviour".
Hi muhammad_isa, we’ve had that conversation before. The only Saviour is within us and beside him is none other.
might mean something to you. To me, and most children I would have thought, it is perplexing :)
It’s what the Bible says. I don’t find it perplexing. I think if you have been fed something else and gobbled it hook line and sinker, then it seems ridiculous if not downright devilish.