Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

I wouldn't be too sure about that. Diwali 2013. Our cat walks into our Mandir all by himself, kneels at the alter and puts his front paws together. He stayed like that for a moment or two, long enough for me to snap the pic, then got down and left again. He's done similar things since. All on his own.

Nice pic..... your cat must be very curious? Our 4 cats do the same....;)
I think he was...traveled with 12...wore a fine gown...ate well by all accounts...up till the end things were going pretty good eh?

“Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head”

Jesus lived a simple life....
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Jesus taught living from day to day, right? You believers do read your Gospels? (Matthew 6:34)
Animals live day to day without considering an afterlife..... ALMOST like Atheists. ;)

Jesus did teach that we should live our lives as if every day can be our last day..... "here today and gone tomorrow." but it is not worldly riches we should pursue, but rather the Kingdom of God(eternal wealth) and share the amazing message Jesus brought to this world.
Animals live day to day without considering an afterlife..... ALMOST like Atheists. ;)

Jesus did teach that we should live our lives as if every day can be our last day..... "here today and gone tomorrow." but it is not worldly riches we should pursue, but rather the Kingdom of God(eternal wealth) and share the amazing message Jesus brought to this world.

So thinking about tomorrow's afterlife is ok, but thinking about tomorrow's current life is not?

What does the heavenly kingdom mean to you, as referred to by Jesus in such passages?
So thinking about tomorrow's afterlife is ok, but thinking about tomorrow's current life is not?

What does the heavenly kingdom mean to you, as referred to by Jesus in such passages?
I believe there is nothing wrong with planning.....saving, etc.
The heavenly kingdom is where my Father reside, my Creator. a Holy place where sin has no part in our eternal life.
Rather than wonder and credit a fictitious entity (IMHO) for it, it will be better to read what science says about it.
Is science really a pillar of truth?
Does scientist always get it right or do they change their minds in cases? "Ooops, I was wrong.....:eek:"
To place our trust in imperfect scientists is wise?
There could be exceptions .. but @Aupmanyav wouldn't be one of them. ;)
Don't be a zindiq. Fear Allah. What is that which Allah cannot do? All change and power belongs to Allah. He can change @Aupmanyav's views instantly. He can even make @Aupmanyav a prophet (of course, not a 'nabi'. That station he last gave to Mohammad (Sallalahu aleyhi wasallam))
Is science really a pillar of truth?
Does scientist always get it right or do they change their minds in cases? "Ooops, I was wrong.....:eek:"
To place our trust in imperfect scientists is wise?
Yeah, science is a pillar of truth. It accepts what has been proved and does not claim anything beyond it.
For things, that have not been proven yet, new evidence can make them change their mind.
Science is not controlled by any one scientist. The imperfect scientists with imperfect theories are found out in time and are rejected.
Animals live day to day without considering an afterlife..... ALMOST like Atheists.
We don't like this sort of posting here. Nobody is tilting at you for your beliefs. Others are entitled to theirs, without being subjected to veiled insults comparing them to animals
I believe there is nothing wrong with planning.....saving, etc.

Me neither. And I'm not fond of Bible literalism, it's so boring. Still, I'm curious how you hold passages like the entire sermon in this chapter and the preceding one in Matthew's Gospel. It doesn't really invite interpretation, it is pretty explicit. Do you just agree to disagree with Jesus' teachings here, how do you do it?

The heavenly kingdom is where my Father reside, my Creator. a Holy place where sin has no part in our eternal life.

Interesting, so it is entirely in the next life? How do you understand parables like the woman kneading the sourdough, or the one about digging up a field?
Gold frankensence amd.myrh? Soldiers bidding over his undergarments, traveling with a treasurer?

The dude were not poor and destitute..by all accounts his followers provided quite well for him... Maybe not to the level of a modern televangelist
I believe Jesus was a great prophet. God saved his prophets. God saved Jesus from the corss.
But, some of my friends say that Jesus was killed on the cross.
  1. Romans took it as punishment for sedition.
  2. The Jews made it a punishment of blasphemy.
  3. Jesus considers it a killing when one of his disciples betrayed him.
  4. Christians think a sacrifice is presented for our salvation.
So, according to their view, Jesus can not save himself from the cross.
Hello :)

How poor does one have to be, to be destitute, would you say?

Let's see... I have had both the picket fence/gazebo/pool/2 cars in the yard....and lived in the woods six months, been without a home but never felt homeless when we were called bums. As.for born in a manger...that were normal for family travelers to seek any shelter. There were no hotel rooms for families...men piled in one room....women in another at any inn.
Bahais still have to give evidence of what they claim. God, soul, next world and their manifestation. No different from Christian Gospel.
When you point one finger at others, three fingers point at you.
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Yes. I've been thinking that making the gospel of Christianity all about salvation is actually part of the smoke and mirrors around the gospel of Jesus, diverting attention from what it's really all about, and repelling people away from even learning anything about it.
More to it of course, but salvation is the cornerstone of Christianity. That's why it is sometimes stressed over all else. The point I was trying to make in the post you quoted part of is, however great the need for salvation may be, not everyone wants or will except it and the more they are pushed to do so, the less likely they will. So yeah, it's that accept Jesus or else attitude of some individuals and church structures that puts people off. IMO at least.