There is no justice if atheism is true

The Bab's message was quite terrible, seeking to initiate some very wicked pogroms against innocent unbelievers, even wishing to turn them out of their homes and cities. I wonder if Bahai will support these amazingly brave people?
Bab was the Mahdi. If he said that, Bahais are duty-bound to follow that. Even Shoghi talked of Bahai Militias.
I do not think Bahais will even move out of their houses in the current situation in Iran.

Tope Bristow-Stagg said: "Even then there will be those that will not hear."
You are right. Bahai army of influencers is hard at work on internet, but hardly any one seems to care.
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I don’t think threatening people with hell for not ‘believing’ is the right way to go, lol
Many people say that about climate-change.
They say "the alarmists" are just fooling everybody.
People will carry on doing what they like, despite the warnings of the educated.. :(
Yeah, many things happen in the world by unforeseen circumstances. We have faced many great destructions, and we have survived.

"The controversial Toba catastrophe theory, presented in the late 1990s to early 2000s, suggested that a bottleneck of the human population occurred approximately 75,000 years ago, proposing that the human population was reduced to perhaps 10,000–30,000 individuals when the Toba supervolcano in Indonesia erupted and triggered a major environmental change. Parallel bottlenecks were proposed to exist among chimpanzees, gorillas, rhesus macaques, orangutans and tigers.

In 2000, a Molecular Biology and Evolution paper suggested a transplanting model or a 'long bottleneck' to account for the limited genetic variation, rather than a catastrophic environmental change. This would be consistent with suggestions that in sub-Saharan Africa numbers could have dropped at times as low as 2,000, for perhaps as long as 100,000 years, before numbers began to expand again in the Late Stone Age."
There is a pop bottleneck expected in advanced nations in this century caused by the over population of old people and under population of young people — the older generation is going and there aren’t enough young people coming in to maintain the economies. This scenario is proposed by Elon Musk and others. But populations in under advanced nations in Africa and elsewhere will grow exponentially, while ‘first world’ populations will decline ...
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Yeah, many things happen in the world by unforeseen circumstances. We have faced many great destructions, and we have survived.
Yes humanity will come through this crisis, most likely battered and bruises and a considerable less amount of people and cities.

Great challenges ahead. Regards Tony
It's wrong to wish disaster on the human race in a dream of some sort of religious utopia on the other side, imo
There are Christian nationalist groups who think Biden is the anti-christ because the devil is using him to prevent Trump triggering Armageddon ...

How can decent people want the death of millions of innocents? It's bad enough.How can they gloat? No wonder these sorts of religious attitudes are despised, imo
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It's wrong to wish disaster on the human race in a dream of some sort of religious utopia on the other side, imo
Humanity’s brings this upon us by its own actions.

It not a wish, it is a consequence of peoples preudices, material attachments and disunity.

Regards Tony
We know that.. you don't believe in Divine law, and must face the consequences.
You believe in the rule of "chaos" .. which you call "mother nature"..

I think if you look again, you will see human beings, that are working corruption on the earth.
We will have to answer for it .. in this life AND the next.
Do you think that it is the atheists and non-theists that work the corruption?
Bab was the Mahdi. If he said that, Bahais are duty-bound to follow that. Even Shoghi talked of Bahai Militias.
I do not think Bahais will even move out of their houses in the current situation in Iran.

Tope Bristow-Stagg said: "Even then there will be those that will not hear."
You are right. Bahai army of influencers is hard at work on internet, but hardly any one seems to care.
IMO Jesus is down there amongst the addicts, thieves, prostitutes, alcoholics, homeless, the broken and the lost
IMO Jesus is down there amongst the addicts, thieves, prostitutes, alcoholics, homeless, the broken and the lost
..certainly not with the rich and haughty.
Almighty God defends those who are oppressed.

Yeah well, your own scripture says something else.

Do you know what’s funny about all of this? First off you believe in something you can’t even see, and not one thing from the veil or nothing here will teach you anything at all. You and everyone else was born to something here first.

I remember who I was before this lifetime, I know where I came from. I know I had never passed through a birth canal before this life so I was born from nothing here, first. I have no memories of a god or anything that had more time then me.

I know why I am here and why I chose to be born at this time and why this world. Scriptures mean nothing to me thoughts of gods mean nothing to me.

My advice to any that will listen, figure yourself out first, understand everything about yourself there first and here first.

IMO Jesus is down there amongst the addicts, thieves, prostitutes, alcoholics, homeless, the broken and the lost
I think he was 'down there' in life.
There was no middle class and a massive % of the population was living 'hand-to-mouth' within the peasant classes.
The Priesthood formed most of the high class and was totally corrupted.