There is no justice if atheism is true

So tell me, what is your religion, please.
You should know by now..
I'm not mixed race, but mixed religion.
Born and baptised C of E, and embraced Islam in my 20's. I am now 69.

I 've also lived in a Catholic country for 3 years .. Éire
You should know by now..
I'm not mixed race, but mixed religion.
Born and baptised C of E, and embraced Islam in my 20's. I am now 69.

I 've also lived in a Catholic country for 3 years .. Éire
I know more now.
Are you a Sunni Muslim?
I read Luke 16:31
I read that alright.
So you accept the last sentence that concludes the passage, but reject the passage it refers to? What sense does the sentence alone make without the context of the rest of the passage?

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
The Bab was not a peaceful person.
That is not correct.

The Message given of God, no doubt, would cause conflict, and God knew conflict would result, but it was a Message to usher in the day of peace and unity, which required a radical change of mind and practices.

The Bab'i were attacked first by Islam, they defended themselves and were not beaten, hundreds against thousands.

Then they executed the Bab. After that 3 distraught Bab'i hatched a poor plan to Assignate the Sha. One informed Baha'u'llah and he forbade them to do any such thing, but Baha'u'llah then was only a Bab'i to these men. They ignored Baha'u'llah and failed in their plot and that was used as an excuse to slaughter all Bab'i. At that time Baha'u'llah's half brother, also a Bab'i supported the attack on the Sha, but was a coward and did not get involved with the 3, and when the slaughtering happened ran away and hid, whereas Baha'u'llah presented himself to the Sha.

In the end, after slaughtering over 10,000 to 30,000 Bab'i, the trail found they acted alone, exactly as Baha'u'llah had told the authorities.

This is when Baha'u'llah was thrown in the Black Pit and received the Message of God through the Maiden.

The key here is, the Bab'i always requested a peaceful transition, the issue is, hundreds of thousands of people were embracing the Message of the Bab, and the Islamic Clergy did not want to loose their power and influence.

This history needs to be studied in detail, if one wants to offer justice.

Regards Tony
So you accept the last sentence that concludes the passage, but reject the passage it refers to? What sense does the sentence alone make without the context of the rest of the passage?

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Clearly not....... Neither 16:31 nor the story of a rich man ignoring poverty is an example of justice but a threat to those who either do not join as well as to those who might leave. No justice there but a threat. That is the essence of Christianity imo, for those who do not join/comply an horrific fate worse than even the three day torture/death of crucifixion.

Now if you want a clear example of what Jesus felt about the law :-
Matthew {5:17} Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. {5:18} For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. {5:19} Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them,] the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

There it is, a return of all the laws of Moses including the poor laws which would give Lazarus food and cover! But so many Christians try to tell me that Jesus didn't really mean what he said...... they want to focus upon reasons why they wouldn't need to have returned to those laws back then....they certainly don't bother with them today.

Justice in the hereafter is a dream, I believe in Justice here, whenever and wherever possible, and manmade legislation please.
Let me just say that I'm not a shia.

They asked me in Dublin whether I am a Protestant Muslim or a Catholic Muslim.
The jury is still out. :)
Amadihja...... how do you spell it? OK, that's sorted then.
Amadihja...... how do you spell it? OK, that's sorted then.
(reading along with amused interest...)

Seriously, badger, if you want a lock of his hair, just say so already.
That is not correct.

This history needs to be studied in detail, if one wants to offer justice.

Regards Tony
Some light reading for you........ study away...... ;)

The Babis started looting and plundering the adjoining villages and whatever they could lay their hands on. If they met with any resistance, then they would burn the entire village.
(Ref: Materials For The Study Of The Babi Religion, Prof. E. G. Browne, Page 241)

In one such village the Babis saw that some non-Babis had sought protection. Mulla Hussain and some other Babis arrived at the village and killed 130 people in one night.

Mulla Husayn, the first to believe on the Bab, "notwithstanding his slender and fragile frame and trembling hand," attacked the man who had killed the first Babi and "sliced him in two like a fresh cucumber." Then six other Muslims were killed. "One child was killed accidentally with its father, a dervish, whom they [the Babis] slew because he purposely gave them a misleading answer to a question which they had put to him as to their road."
(Ref: Taarikhe' Jadid, page 50, 361)

I have read how the Bab was a killer, looter, plunderer........ No justice in that.
(reading along with amused interest...)

Seriously, badger, if you want a lock of his hair, just say so already.
...Morning...! :)
A lock of hair? What's that all about? :)
Some light reading for you........ study away...... ;)

The Babis started looting and plundering the adjoining villages and whatever they could lay their hands on. If they met with any resistance, then they would burn the entire village.
(Ref: Materials For The Study Of The Babi Religion, Prof. E. G. Browne, Page 241)

In one such village the Babis saw that some non-Babis had sought protection. Mulla Hussain and some other Babis arrived at the village and killed 130 people in one night.

Mulla Husayn, the first to believe on the Bab, "notwithstanding his slender and fragile frame and trembling hand," attacked the man who had killed the first Babi and "sliced him in two like a fresh cucumber." Then six other Muslims were killed. "One child was killed accidentally with its father, a dervish, whom they [the Babis] slew because he purposely gave them a misleading answer to a question which they had put to him as to their road."
(Ref: Taarikhe' Jadid, page 50, 361)

I have read how the Bab was a killer, looter, plunderer........ No justice in that.
If you wish to pursue material gathered 2nd and 3rd hand, as late as the early 1900's most likely from the sources of the enemy , over records of people that experienced these events, gathered in the 1800's, that is you prerogative.

I have finally decided, that I will not share much on Interfaith nor RF. So all the best OB, stay safe in the continuing world convulsions which will end in a substantial change in world affairs, that now, are not that far away.

Personally I see this will be years, not decades.

Regards Tony
Clearly not....... Neither 16:31 nor the story of a rich man ignoring poverty is an example of justice but a threat to those who either do not join as well as to those who might leave. No justice there but a threat. That is the essence of Christianity imo, for those who do not join/comply an horrific fate worse than even the three day torture/death of crucifixion.

Now if you want a clear example of what Jesus felt about the law :-
Matthew {5:17} Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. {5:18} For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. {5:19} Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them,] the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

There it is, a return of all the laws of Moses including the poor laws which would give Lazarus food and cover! But so many Christians try to tell me that Jesus didn't really mean what he said...... they want to focus upon reasons why they wouldn't need to have returned to those laws back then....they certainly don't bother with them today.
It's a parable about God and mammon. As for the rest, you select the parts that support your own conspiracy theories. Nothing new there .
Justice in the hereafter is a dream, I believe in Justice here, whenever and wherever possible, and manmade legislation please.
The point is you said Jesus never spoke about the afterlife..
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It is likened to the Artist (God), the attributes of the artist are seen in the painting (Humanity), but the artist does not become part of the painting, the medium (Holy Spirit) used and the brush (Messenger) put the picture on the canvas.
Unfortunately, you cannot provide me any evidence for God or the said person to have been his messenger. Then, why should I believe it?
Ain't that just the absolute total lottery win, for each of us? In fact it's more like winning the lottery three times in a row.
I think I'll drink to that...... And that my wife would win that lottery as well , quite a wonderful gift for me.
Yeah, only one out of 150 million or so, rarely more than that (but that too happens).
Actually, there is a case when a pregnancy produced two children from different fathers and the secret was out. :)
..That is the essence of Christianity imo, for those who do not join/comply an horrific fate worse than even the three day torture/death of crucifixion..
You've got it all wrong.
Nobody suffers without good reason. Nobody !

Is "not being a Christian" good reason? No.
Is "not being a Muslim" good reason? No.

Is ignoring God, and going astray good reason? Yes.

Justice in the hereafter is a dream, I believe in Justice here, whenever and wherever possible, and manmade legislation please.
As long as the "man-made" laws are made by people who believe like yourself, you mean?
If you wish to pursue material gathered 2nd and 3rd hand, as late as the early 1900's most likely from the sources of the enemy , over records of people that experienced these events, gathered in the 1800's, that is you prerogative.

I have finally decided, that I will not share much on Interfaith nor RF. So all the best OB, stay safe in the continuing world convulsions which will end in a substantial change in world affairs, that now, are not that far away.

Personally I see this will be years, not decades.

Regards Tony
This reads a bit like your views on the situation with Bahais in Iran, Tony.
All Bahai reports are pure as driven snow. All other reports are written by the old devil himself! 😉
And it looks as if only pro-Bahai literature is the solid truth.....

Tony........... No.... just, No.
But don't you dare go away..... you can leave RF if you like, I haven't been there ever since I joined IF, but I'm going to pine dreadfully if you're not around. It's like I've said before, I'd risk a breakfast with you, even a dinner, so long as bacon and egg didn't end up all over me. :D
It's a parable about God and mammon. As for the rest, you select the parts that support your own conspiracy theories. Nothing new there .
So that was a parable and not anything to do with Justice in the afterlife, just a nasty threat of Hades for unbelievers and leavers? OK
Do you leave out the parts that don't quite fit for you?
I do enjoy cherry picking through the gospels, digging out the contradictions, miracles without natural possibilities, prophesies fulfilled.... in the search for what I perceive to be truth. Not a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy investigation.

The point is you said Jesus never spoke about the afterlife..
No I didn't. That's not true. I said that Jesus didn't talk about justice in any afterlife, and you've already shown that the example offered was a parable!