There is no justice if atheism is true

Humanity’s brings this upon us by its own actions.
It not a wish, it is a consequence of peoples preudices, material attachments and disunity.
Humans will act according to their nature. That is not going to change, even if God sends a million messengers. As I said, it is a manufacturing defect because of an inefficient engineer.
Well history shows he ain't been doing that good a job...on this planet the rich and haughty do quite well
@RJM replied, but it's gone now. :D
Don't be fooled. Almighty God does not act in a "knee-jerk" fashion.
He gives us enough rope to "hang ourselves", and in the process many learn .. and some not.

Wealth is only a blessing if it's obtained in a morally upright way, and there is a share for the poor.
..otherwise, it is a curse.

"For the rich man to enter paradise, is like a camel passing through the eye of a needle.

It's not easy to become rich .. most people get rich by making it the whole point of their life.
I really can't understand how many Christians in the US are so easily fooled by people like Trump.
replied, but it's gone now. :D
Sorry I removed it because I realized @wil was not talking specifically about Jesus"s ministry to the 'lost sheep' but was responding to your own statement:
Almighty God defends those who are oppressed.
Christ offers comfort to the lost IMO

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
(Matt 11:28-29)

I'm sorry, I'm not proselytising; I just sometimes like to correct what people say about Jesus -- about the nature of Jesus -- who are not familiar with the NT scriptures ...

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I'm sorry, I'm not proselytising; I just sometimes like to correct what people say about Jesus -- about the nature of Jesus -- who are not familiar with the NT scriptures ...
I know you aren't proselytising..
You are taking part in the discussion. :)
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@RJM replied, but it's gone now. :D
Don't be fooled. Almighty God does not act in a "knee-jerk" fashion.
He gives us enough rope to "hang ourselves", and in the process many learn .. and some not.

Wealth is only a blessing if it's obtained in a morally upright way, and there is a share for the poor.
..otherwise, it is a curse.

"For the rich man to enter paradise, is like a camel passing through the eye of a needle.

It's not easy to become rich .. most people get rich by making it the whole point of their life.
I really can't understand how many Christians in the US are so easily fooled by people like Trump.

A vast majority of humanity have not considered how materialism has robbed them of a spiritual destiny, yet the world during these times of stress, will consider the errors it has made.

I see no person of faith is exempt from that consideration.

Regards Tony
I'm sorry, I'm not proselytising; I just sometimes like to correct what people say about Jesus -- about the nature of Jesus -- who are not familiar with the NT scriptures ...
Maybe we can also consider there is a lot more we need to know about Jesus Christ.

After all, that is what Jesus said himself.

Regards Tony
Maybe we can also consider there is a lot more we need to know about Jesus Christ.
And where will we learn this -- I mean, what is not contained in the available documentary? Do we have new source documents? Or should we accept as prophecy the writings of every new Messiah who comes around? Choose your newest self-proclaimed human incarnation of God?
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They all want to start a new religion with themselves at the top by interpreting suit their own drift. Most don't even know what Jesus really said. There's no end of them. Peace on earth ... wadda, wadda. Why can't they try to be original?
@Ahanu makes a very strange statement in another thread.
Ahanu, how did you arrive at that?
There are laws of the nation and the laws of the society in which you live. Does atheism asks one to disobey those laws?
I submit to both. My being atheist does not exempt me from them.
@Aupmanyav, nice to see you again. I hope you are doing well.

It proves nothing to say atheists follow laws and are not lawless. Yes, atheists can be a morally upright people and believers can be the worst exemplars of their prophet's virtues. Atheists live under the shadow of a long history of religious systems, and so they often unconsciously assume values like compassion are something every good citizen should observe. In other words, they have yet to fully overthrow Christianity's values.

A truly atheistic civilization would cause a transvaluation of all values. Taking atheism to its logical conclusion, I think Christ's promise that the first will be last and the last will be first would be turned on its head. While you and your buddies are caught up in the atrocities "believers" have committed in God's name, we will never forget that when plagues hit, Christians tended to stay while their pagan contemporaries fled.

Surely their beliefs influenced such actions. Sorry, I just can't picture a community of future atheists - uninfluenced by any traces of religion whatsoever - doing the same.

What would a civilization brought forth by a pure atheism really look like? What moral values would emerge?
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@Aupmanyav, nice to see you again. I hope you are doing well.

It proves nothing to say atheists follow laws and are not lawless. Yes, atheists can be a morally upright people and believers can be the worst exemplars of their prophet's virtues. Atheists live under the shadow of a long history of religious systems, and so they often unconsciously assume values like compassion are something every good citizen should observe. In other words, they have yet to fully overthrow Christianity's values.

A truly atheistic civilization would cause a transvaluation of all values. Taking atheism to its logical conclusion, I think Christ's promise that the first will be last and the last will be first would be turned on its head. While you and your buddies are caught up in the atrocities "believers" have committed in God's name, we will never forget that when plagues hit, Christians tended to stay while their pagan contemporaries fled.

Surely their beliefs influenced such actions. Sorry, I just can't picture a community of future atheists - uninfluenced by any traces of religion whatsoever - doing the same.

What would a civilization brought forth by a pure atheism really look like? What moral values would emerge?
All tribes had their own gods and their ancestor and nature worship. The tribal mores around murder, theft, adultery, honouring elders and so on were for the good of the tribe. But a person from another tribe wasn't regarded as a human being.

I think Jesus extended morality beyond the tribe, to include people from other tribes too -- the parable of the good Samaritan, and His injunction to love your enemy, etc

But it’s a thin veneer that quickly strips in times of stress and war, imo
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A vast majority of humanity have not considered how materialism has robbed them of a spiritual destiny, yet the world during these times of stress, will consider the errors it has made.
What is 'spiritual destiny'? People learn as years pass by.
.. we will never forget that when plagues hit, Christians tended to stay while their pagan contemporaries fled.
Do you mean to say that Hindus and Muslims do not help people? In Hinduism, any help given for a personal interest does not qualify as help. The help giver should remain anonymous. They say "Gupt dāna, mahā dāna" (what is given secretly (without any advertising), is great giving). The left hand should not know what the right hand is doing.
What is 'spiritual destiny'? People learn as years pass by.

Do you mean to say that Hindus and Muslims do not help people? In Hinduism, any help given for a personal interest does not qualify as help. The help giver should remain anonymous. They say "Gupt dāna, mahā dāna" (what is given secretly (without any advertising), is great giving). The left hand should not know what the right hand is doing.
Where I live we reward and decorate gallantry, bravery, generosity etc. People such as our paramedics, lifeboat crews, firefighters...... And all.
After the 'justice' of Christianity I think we had better give atheism a chance. Theistic versions of justice have not held a particularly good reputation.