Who were the "Men of Old/Renown?"

Gilgamesh and other cultural heroes fit in nicely.

Giants of various sorts are mentioned in other cultures.

The kings and or Queens of various middle eastern cultures where through gods through legacy or more simply gods.

The Goddess Tiamat is responsible for much woo of the Deluge in it's older mesopotamian versions.
She is the flood goddess and she is slayed,
a servitor dragon is slayed too and from it's blood mankind were made to serve the Gods.
Marduk so collects the elements and become King over the world in all it's four directions.

Chinese myths of deluge also mentions a corresponding dragon fighting against other elements and puting them out of balance
which resulted in flooding.If I don't rememer faulty.

Greek religion also had a flood myth.
Also think there is trace of antique racial biology here and old predjudice.

Every kindom supposed to orginate in tribal gods
and therefore Judaism were created by one true god.

All the people of other nations were hated and created by demons and their kings were though to be demons.

And the only true mankind were the people of Isreal as
the other were created by Demons that would later in mythology be called Nephilim.

You have to remember that almost every culture had ideas of devine rulership and devinely ancestry for their peoples
in the direct way.
[FONT=Times New Roman said:
It sounds like the Nephilim could have been the gods of Greek and Egyptian mythology.;) [/FONT]

I like that . They are gods, saviors,messengers faithful -witnesses for future generation. Men of old/renown are survivors of the ice age, specially wise men. From their comes all world myths, astronomically aligned scriptures including Bible.They were deep concerned . They build megaliths, pyramids, ...to encode their mystery.
I like that . They are gods, saviors,messengers faithful -witnesses for future generation. Men of old/renown are survivors of the ice age, specially wise men. From their comes all world myths, astronomically aligned scriptures including Bible.They were deep concerned . They build megaliths, pyramids, ...to encode their mystery.

Between this post and your other on John, you must have a real interesting story to share (or metaphysics to teach).

Welcome, Friend

Pax et amore omnia vincunt!
Our planet is waxing old and ready to vanish away. It's a time of crucification. But where you put her blood ?on or "under the altar " ?is she "unclean " and esteem her as smitten of God ?
"if Christ be not risen then is " ancients all encoded . . . Vain. Because we don't believe ,"resurrection of the dead "
The name " Nephilim " , let me add it to history box . Adam is nephilim , he was martian ,came from Mars . Adam means red and Mars also . Mars was beautiful and had much water than ye have . He missed Mars called her the garden of Aden. Adam polluted physicaly spiritualy moraly like we do here on earth and didn't save her . Adam cast down himself to our planet ,may be degraded . Adam is not single man here ,it's collective . Men of old.
Let me add another story to the same box . Adam was here yesterday and is today . I mean he was here , before our platonic year , "before the foundation of the earth " as Bible call it . One platonic or Great year is around 26000 year .
And Adam couldn't heal it , lost his garden ,his civilization . Start from zero . But remembering his inner potential , to instruct future generation he build altar (pyramids stonehenge temples . . . ) and get promise to "bruise " serpent's head .
Quahom1, you have some very interesting theories about "Fallen Angels".

I have a theory of my own, and I would like to share it.

I've watched every episode of "Ancient Aliens" (all 100 plus of them). I agree with them, but only half way.
My theory is this: All of the "Gods" that we humans have ever interacted with through Earths history and throughout the world (such as Zeus, Kali, Shiva, Odin, Anubis, Osiris, Set, Horus, Quetzacotl, etc, etc.) were all ANGELS.
I believe this because according to all our ancient texts (Hebrew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) , we've been interacting with them since the first man and woman were walking the face of the Earth.

If you look at various ancient drawings of Egyptian Gods or Babylonian Gods, what did some of them have? Bird Wings! If you look at the top of the Arc Of the Covenant, what was at the top of the box? Two Angels with wings! Some Angels depicted in the Hebrew bible were described as having a "face of an animal". What does that sound like? Didn't some of the Egyptian Gods have a face of an animal also? Such as Set, and Horus?

Anyway, I can go on and on about this. But that's my theory.
Hello! The men of renown to me were epic "demi-god" heroes like Gilgamesh, in the fashion of Hercules, Orion, etc.

Nimrod was associated with the constellation later known as Orion and called Nephila.

They link also to talk of "The Golden Age" and continued to exist in the minds of some people as spiritual beings.

I find there was a kind of mixture of ideas existing throughout the Ancient Mediterranean world where the Greeks and Mesopotamians and Egyptians all had some mutual influence and participation and widely accepted the general myths and stories of old as things people would frequently hear and imagine, and in their imaginations and depictions, the semi-divine heroes were these gigantic men who were sometimes mixed with attributes of beasts as well and were basically like super heroes with super strength (might) and dazzling power (glory) which made them truly outstanding in every way.

The "gods" or "angels" which mixed with humans and parented them may have had special domains or abilities, like a special water power so then their kid would be a super hero somehow associated with some water connection etc.

In Greek mythology, Minos was linked to bulls because his parentage was connected to stormy Zeus coming as a mighty bull and mating with a human, and this lineage of Bull stuff seemed to pass down until the Minotaur came to be.

Often these stories emerging had reasons, and many times they also found themselves among the stars, which likewise was considered the place from which the descent from heaven occurred.

So I think to the minds of most people in the context of the time periods where when hearing "men of renown" they would think of the super heroes of their time, the epic kings and heroes, for the Greeks they had their characters from their epics, Mesopotamians had theres, everyone basically had these semi divine heroic figures in the olden days who were imagined as big and strong and able to wrestle with great beasts and all that, supermen.

While in increasing conflict with and due to fears of assimilation and feelings of alienation and attitudes of separation and policies of segregation, these figures became increasingly demonized by certain populations, so that the Titans and Epic Heroes and lesser Gods mostly became villains, save a few very popular terms which became angels or especially able to be preserved even though there may have been some efforts to expel them as well by fundamentalist extremists. One such figure is Mikal to Michael.

The Hellenistic Jewish people who widely spoke Aramaic had a huge amount of stories which they generally seemed to accept in some way as being some sort of truth, and so Titans under the Earth or Mesopotamian teacher visitors from the Gods being punished smoothly seemed to reference angels held deep under the Earth as punishment and so on.

Now adays we might scoff at stories about ancient super men, and some people did even then or took them as untrue but true as metaphors or symbols just like some do today, but the terms were used so widely and frequently that they were basically included or accepted as normal things to make reference to, like how we might talk about Jesus today or the Buddha maybe. Sometimes certain figures were even linked to a whole people who were imagined as their mini-me type clones who were like a dispersal of their great body, not dissimilar to how a community might be considered the body of Christ, and how Greeks talked about their armies as a body with different sections as the body parts, like a giant person, the legs the cavalry, the general the head, the main soldiers the torso, etc.

When it gives the names of ancestral figures as the name of a nation, it may be because that nation was considered the body of that person, the figure at large through its many varying duplicates.

This also can explain why it was imagined that entire populations should be eradicated, so that all life of that giant multi-entity form is extinguished and nothing lasts of it.

The form of Egypt was Rahab, a giant sea creature, likely a crocodile or sea serpent/dragon.

Looking at an army or nation from afar, and how they lived together m and moved, could also be anthropomorphized poetically and imagined as some giant or sprawled out creature.

The body of the Jewish people or Hebrews was split up and carted off which was imagined as weakening their power through having an organized network of communication and a mass of population.

The Persians were connected to Ursa Major, later considered the Angel called Bear of El (Dubhiel) and Ursa sits close to the center of everything in the sky, the North Star which everything seems to revolve around and circle. The Persians may likewise have been imagined as having bear like qualities and being in the shape of a great big bear. The scales of their armor and gloves as the fur of a bear and its bulk, or their layers of clothing for warmth or whatever may possibly have found in the minds of some people associations with bears as well, just like the Egyptians had been linked with the dragon, ironically, probably at a time that Draconis was more at the center in the sky before the Bear became more central. The people believed that the Heavens and the Earth and Afterlife were in a mirroring state or each influencing the next level.

Its a whole different worldview and one that has some lingering residual today but is mostly entirely alien to the way we think about and accept things.

Alexander was linked to a lion and lions were considered something linked to the Evil One potentially.

The Greeks have the story of hiding in the form of a horse, and the horse was the symbol of the sea and Poseidon who was on the side of the sea-faring Greeks.

Each of the Epic Kings and heroes frequently represented their whole people, the body of their nation and its head and face.

Similarly, Gods were considered the whole of whatever theme, a river might be the body of some lesser God who is in the overall body of some greater God etc as a little version of the bigger complex.
Now adays we might scoff at stories about ancient super men, and some people did even then or took them as untrue but true as metaphors or symbols just like some do today, but the terms were used so widely and frequently that they were basically included or accepted as normal things to make reference to, like how we might talk about Jesus today or the Buddha maybe. Sometimes certain figures were even linked to a whole people who were imagined as their mini-me type clones who were like a dispersal of their great body, not dissimilar to how a community might be considered the body of Christ, and how Greeks talked about their armies as a body with different sections as the body parts, like a giant person, the legs the cavalry, the general the head, the main soldiers the torso, etc.

When it gives the names of ancestral figures as the name of a nation, it may be because that nation was considered the body of that person, the figure at large through its many varying duplicates.

This also can explain why it was imagined that entire populations should be eradicated, so that all life of that giant multi-entity form is extinguished and nothing lasts of it.

The form of Egypt was Rahab, a giant sea creature, likely a crocodile or sea serpent/dragon.

Looking at an army or nation from afar, and how they lived together m and moved, could also be anthropomorphized poetically and imagined as some giant or sprawled out creature.

The body of the Jewish people or Hebrews was split up and carted off which was imagined as weakening their power through having an organized network of communication and a mass of population.

The Persians were connected to Ursa Major, later considered the Angel called Bear of El (Dubhiel) and Ursa sits close to the center of everything in the sky, the North Star which everything seems to revolve around and circle. The Persians may likewise have been imagined as having bear like qualities and being in the shape of a great big bear. The scales of their armor and gloves as the fur of a bear and its bulk, or their layers of clothing for warmth or whatever may possibly have found in the minds of some people associations with bears as well, just like the Egyptians had been linked with the dragon, ironically, probably at a time that Draconis was more at the center in the sky before the Bear became more central. The people believed that the Heavens and the Earth and Afterlife were in a mirroring state or each influencing the next level.

Its a whole different worldview and one that has some lingering residual today but is mostly entirely alien to the way we think about and accept things.

Alexander was linked to a lion and lions were considered something linked to the Evil One potentially.

The Greeks have the story of hiding in the form of a horse, and the horse was the symbol of the sea and Poseidon who was on the side of the sea-faring Greeks.

Each of the Epic Kings and heroes frequently represented their whole people, the body of their nation and its head and face.

Similarly, Gods were considered the whole of whatever theme, a river might be the body of some lesser God who is in the overall body of some greater God etc as a little version of the bigger complex.

Very glad that was of some interest and that I finally found an opportunity to talk about some of the things I've studied extensively and learned about!
#2, aliens...on ths right track, but you suggested ignoring that theory(which is a mistake I think). Maybe not Aliens(or ancient alien astronauts)...though maybe so. If not....I would guess Alien-human hybrids.

Purportedly in a museum in Peru.
Geo, that is an interesting display. I would have to do some hands on research to determine whether is is real or not, but I am running a bit short of time. Nevertheless, at first glance I would say it is likely to be fake. No matter, though.

The genesis account points to an unholy spiritual union. That is to say, a forbidden marriage. Fallen angels tend to corrupt everything they touch and leave in their wake monstrous offspring, which become, like their progenitors, powerful beings who are in open rebellion against the Most High. They accomplish great things according to the measure of this present world, but remain but pawns in the bigger picture of the Most High, who has rather chosen the weak things of this world to reveal his/her power.
View attachment 2320

Purportedly in a museum in Peru.

Not the same skeleton photo, but as just an internet picture with no other supporting information, it is certainly also a hoax imo:

National Geographic: Giant Skeleton Photo Hoax

"Skeleton of Giant" Is Internet Photo Hoax

The National Geographic Society has not discovered ancient giant humans, despite rampant reports and pictures.

The hoax began with a doctored photo and later found a receptive online audience—thanks perhaps to the image's unintended religious connotations.

A digitally altered photograph created in 2002 shows a reclining giant surrounded by a wooden platform—with a shovel-wielding archaeologist thrown in for scale.

By 2004 the "discovery" was being blogged and emailed all over the world—"Giant Skeleton Unearthed!"—and it's been enjoying a revival in 2007.

The photo fakery might be obvious to most people. But the tall tale refuses to lie down even five years later, if a continuing flow of emails to National Geographic News are any indication. (The National Geographic Society owns National Geographic News.)

The messages come from around the globe—Portugal, India, El Salvador, Malaysia, Africa, the Dominican Republic, Greece, Egypt, South Africa, Kenya. But they all ask the same question: Is it true? ...
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I still don't trust it. Especially the initial shot of that HUGE skull. Obvious fake. It's posted by a UFO site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdXfEfd8eqyd4ZpRaxLwy3g and no mention of the giant skeleton pictured above, just mummies of a couple of very big guys.
Needs full research, imo ...
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Hmmmm...you know, the movie Battlefield Earth has giants in it ruling over humanity. Is this a part of Matrixism? Or is it possibly an offshoot of Scientology?
You know, the totality of the whole of reality, eludes us.
If your not really understanding of this, plain and simple, your not a believer.
The evidence for UFO's, for example, ought to make this evident.
Why debate anything with a non believer who will debase anything that they can't see, feel, touch, etc. Hear.
The "Realists". "Humanists".
"Electrical signals", in their organic brains.
- Who know they are here but for a short time, and then gone...
But, the believers respond with,
The mass majority forget who they truly are.
Revelation 12:4
