Hello oupapiet
I have asked questions about the trinity many times over and over again trying to make sense of it. I am not a religious person, and until a few years ago a non-believer. I hear voices 24/7 and walk both sides of, something here and nothing here.
The trinity is not god, and has nothing to do with god, this I know. God is himself only, the one and only and nothing else.
The trinity refers to himself he is (me, himself and yourself) together. To explain this “me” is everything inside yourself, I am every me inside of me becoming me here. All these mes form yourself which is himself, this just means you are everything inside yourself to become yourself.
As for the so called god in the Bible, he was a himself that cannot become something again, or Alfa male his world. Me was not himself, me was a mind that could become anything inside of himself to become yourself. This means that instead of me becoming only cells of a body he could become worlds inside of himself or galaxies to become yourself.
So the biblical god was himself “son”, me “father”, yourself “holly ghost”.
God is himself only, he is not ourselves this is why he is the one and only, one mind one thing. And something nothing else can figure out.
If we reason on what God can be and what He should be, we are making one hell of an error.
It is not up to us to tell God what He is, or how He should be revealed.
It is also just as silly to think that one can make philosophies on God, from our reference point.
This is the steps.
There is a God.
He created Man.
Man does not know Him.
He reveals Himself to Man.
OK, so how did God reveal Himself to Man?
The Jews has the Tanakh, and the Christians also believes in it, but they go further, and they have the history of Jesus Christ in the 4 gospels and acts of the Apostles. Obviously they collected the writings of these apostles for future generations.
From the Christian perspective, they will utilize the Tanakh and the New Testament to formulate the attributes of God.
Which clearly demonstrates the Trinity from Genesis 1 to Revelations 21.
The Christians are Christians because of their belief in the Bible and the divinity of Christ and the Holy Ghost.
Therefore they have the right to use their scripture as their historical evidence of revelation of God.
Anyone who does not believe in the Bible, has no right to tell them they are wrong.
Furthermore, Anyone who think they can use the Book of Mormon, or the Quran for that matter to deny the Trinity, are using external claims that has nothing to do with the Bible, in an attempt to try to argue against the Trinity.
Therefore, if you are a Muslim, and dont believe in the Trinitybecause something is in the Quran that denies it, then we can safely conclude that we need to compare apples with apples, and check up on the validity of our books.
I checked the TANAKH, and I accept it as the historical writings of witnesses to God's existence.
I studied the New Testament and found it to be true and hones written by witnesses that knew Jesus Christ.
Therefore the Triune God.
I studied the Quran, and found it one huge mumbo jumbo, incoherrent, fables, with zero scientific support, actually, one huge blunder compared with what science knows and what the Allah in the Quran knows.
I studied the Book of Mormon, and it was in error with history as well as with science.
I studied Jehovah Witnesses' teachings, and saw that they have a problem to get to heaven because of their belief that Man has no eternal spirit living within him. I saw their 144K will be some other creation in heaven, because no flesh and blood can enter heaven, and having no spirit, they are unable to enter heaven.
I studied the creation stories of the Bible, and science, and learned that Science plagiarized the origins of the solar system from Genesis 1.
Therefore, if we want to discuss the description of God, we will first have to establish the source of where it comes from.
We cant just say, I think it should work this way, or it cant be because some other book which some blasphemer wrote does not agree.