Churchianity has corrupted the Bibles Teaching

It's not my OPINION.
For example- it is said Jesus is God, part of Three.

So- I try to PROVE this!

Did God teach Themselves?
Did God send Themselves?
Did God Themselves die?
Did God Themselves resurrect Themselves?
Did God give Themselves all power and authority?

See how SIMPLE it is- if one takes a closer look at what they believe?
One can actually answer Yes to all those questions interestingly enough.

There are many frames of reference that do explain why one can say yes to all those questions and it is because they are Christ, Annointed of God.

Regards Tony
It's not my OPINION.
It's your interpretation, which is entirely erroneous.

For example- it is said Jesus is God, part of Three.
No – not what we believe at all. In fact we've declared that view an error.

So- I try to PROVE this!

Did God teach Themselves?
In asking that you demonstrate you don't really understand the doctrine of Incarnation, nor indeed do you understand what Christians mean by 'God'.

Did God send Themselves?

Did God Themselves die?

Did God Themselves resurrect Themselves?

Did God give Themselves all power and authority?

See how SIMPLE it is- if one takes a closer look at what they believe?
If you think this is 'a close look', you're so way off its laughable. It's clear you have no idea what you're on about. 'Churchianity' is a complete figment of your imagination – bears no resemblance to what Traditional Christian teaching.
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Sure; they Trinitarians say that the Three Gods are "one".
Christ said OTHERWISE.
You have NO IDEA what the Bible, much less, Christ, teaches- you are under the spell of Churchoid Traditional Dogma.
Sure; they Trinitarians say that the Three Gods are "one".
Christ said OTHERWISE.
You have NO IDEA what the Bible, much less, Christ, teaches- you are under the spell of Churchoid Traditional Dogma.
You're wrong. He has a degree in divinity: knows the Bible inside out, and all the surrounding writing and literature as well. Several members here have Bible related PhD's.
Sure; they Trinitarians say that the Three Gods are "one".
Again, you're talking utter nonsense.

Your post #14 is a classic example of a 'straw man' argument – you present a ridiculous distortion of doctrine and then ridicule it.

You do it again above. Trinitarians do not, nor have we ever, professed a faith in 'Three Gods'.

You're just making your ignorance evident to all.
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John 10:30
30 I and the Father are one.”

John 17:11- And now I am no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to thee. Holy Father, keep them in thy name, which thou hast given me, that they may be one, even as we are one.
Again, you're talking utter nonsense.

Your post #14 is a classic example of a 'straw man' argument – you present a ridiculous distortion of doctrine and then ridicule it.

You do it again above. Trinitarians do not, nor have we ever, professed a faith in 'Three Gods'.

You're just making your ignorance evident to all.

Is 'The Father' God? (You KNOW He is)
Is His son God? (You CLAIM he is)
Is the holy GHOST God? (You CLAIM 'He' is)

Three Gods disguised as "ONE" God- and the holy spirit ("breath"- power) isn't even a person!
He tells me all by Christian brother and I should be one.
It's Jesus declaring Himself equal to The Father.

John 10:38
38 but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.”
He tells me all by Christian brother and I should be one.
Really? Is that all?

And you think you understand Scripture? Have you read the whole discourse? And you don't see any more than that?
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Is 'The Father' God? (You KNOW He is)
Is His son God? (You CLAIM he is)
Is the holy GHOST God? (You CLAIM 'He' is)

Three Gods disguised as "ONE" God- and the holy spirit ("breath"- power) isn't even a person!
There's no actual Father there's no actual Son -- it's a metaphor for the relationship between the eternal Spirit and changing nature, Christ the bridge between God and man.

It's not about the words, but what they mean to show, imo
There's no actual Father there's no actual Son -- it's a metaphor for the relationship between the eternal Spirit and changing nature, Christ the bridge between God and man.

It's not about the words, but what they mean to show, imo

They it was the Ghost teaching itself and then sending Himself?