Churchianity has corrupted the Bibles Teaching

Three Gods disguised as "ONE" God- and the holy spirit ("breath"- power) isn't even a person!
I tell you what. Do yourself a favour: If you're going to critique a doctrine, at the very least you should make an attempt to understand what the doctrine is saying. It's clear you're ranting at something you have not even the basic concept of ...
They it was the Ghost teaching itself and then sending Himself?
Again, you say this ... we don't, we think that's silly. And if that's what you think we mean, what does that say about you?
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I was a Catholic- upon learning the Truth straight from the Bible, I decided I didn't believe it any more.
I was encouraged to go to the library to find out the Bible's background.
Finally seeing it was beyond men.
I have since talked to every kind of clergyman and church people ever since, with the attitude I might learn from them.

I learned how THOUGHLY Churchianity had twisted the Bible for their own power.
I came bearing scriptures and here I have been shown the same kind of church pyschobabble I have long experienced.
I was a Catholic-
A very ignorant one.

I have since talked to every kind of clergyman and church people ever since, with the attitude I might learn from them.
And it seems you've learned nothing.

I learned how THOUGHLY Churchianity had twisted the Bible for their own power.
I came bearing scriptures and here I have been shown the same kind of church pyschobabble I have long experienced.
I say again – if you could state the basic things you disagree with correctly, then you might have a leg to stand on, but so far you've made a series of spurious claims and clearly don't understand what it is we do believe ...

So as far as 'psychobabble' goes, you're demonstrating your lack of insight and understanding it with every post you make.
One can actually answer Yes to all those questions interestingly enough.

There are many frames of reference that do explain why one can say yes to all those questions and it is because they are Christ, Annointed of God.

Regards Tony
I agree. What is called "Christianity" is really CHURCHianity.
You laughed at the statement, yet there are answers given that support the observation I offered you.

Regards Tony
I say again – if you could state the basic things you disagree with correctly, then you might have a leg to stand on
I think if the hierarchy of the witnesses (or Bahai, or unity) were to read madjw's posts (or Tony's, or mine) they would appreciate some yet cringe at many.

You however rep catholicism well..except when you run out of spoons.
This site is VERY SLOW- and oft does not post: all need to look up "Churchianity" it was coined in the 19th Century.

Now- Moses and Christ said the God was One (the world religions have their Triads)- where did it start becoming Three (or say Three-in-one, heh) in the so-called Christian Church?
This site is VERY SLOW- and oft does not post: all need to look up "Churchianity" it was coined in the 19th Century.

Now- Moses and Christ said the God was One (the world religions have their Triads)- where did it start becoming Three (or say Three-in-one, heh) in the so-called Christian Church?
In Scripture, in the New Testament.
Sure; they Trinitarians say that the Three Gods are "one".
Christ said OTHERWISE.
You have NO IDEA what the Bible, much less, Christ, teaches- you are under the spell of Churchoid Traditional Dogma.
Hey, I have my sidelong looks at trinitarianism too, but why do you have to be so combative about it? It's like you're scolding people or something. Take it easy... we already had a hard enough time with someone else (actually 2 someone elses) recently who couldn't just treat this all as friendly challenging discussions.
There's no actual Father there's no actual Son -- it's a metaphor for the relationship between the eternal Spirit and changing nature, Christ the bridge between God and man.

It's not about the words, but what they mean to show, imo
This is actually really helpful, and better than many do in attempting to explain the concept.
Although I can't help but feel this is just the beginning of the idea, and I assume this is expanded on somewhere in books, lectures, or catechisms.
This site is VERY SLOW- and oft does not post: all need to look up "Churchianity" it was coined in the 19th Century.

Now- Moses and Christ said the God was One (the world religions have their Triads)- where did it start becoming Three (or say Three-in-one, heh) in the so-called Christian Church?
If you use a term, it helps to define it to the best of your ability and/or provide a link. It's not polite to say "you all need to look it up" that just seems combative.

It's not that nobody has heard the term "churchianity" it's thrown about here and there, everyone has heard it somewhere. It is very often used in a context that means people are sectarian and focused on the institution or their denomination. It's possibly used a little differently in other contexts. But what's important here is for us to be sure of what YOU mean by it. I THINK you mean orthodox (small o orthodox) Christianity aka classical Christianity. The usual classical doctrines of the trinity heaven hell etc... the various things that JWs and a few other denominations differ from. But it would be good to hear YOU say with clarity what YOU mean.

By the by, I myself am skeptical of those same classical doctrines. I remember my grandfather (who subscribed to the view of an Armstrong church Worldwide Church of God) being pretty militant about his opposition to classical doctrine -- probably what you would call "churchianity" (but we don't know yet, we're waiting for your clarification on what you mean) Between hearing Grandpa's rants and hearing JWs and hearing fundies and who knows how many others, of varying beliefs, rant away, I got the idea that being militant and confrontational was what it meant to be faithful.

Yet I now think nothing could be further from the truth.
It all begins with God. You either believe what the CHURCHES say about him, or you actually study the Bible and believe IT.
It all begins with God. You either believe what the CHURCHES say about him, or you actually study the Bible and believe IT.
What other world scriptures and writings have you read or encountered?