Dear Bandit
Bandit said:
Yes. This is not a joke it is reality.
We will know who the true prophets are and the false prophets. That is why someone listened to a false prophet, hijacked airplanes, listened to there teaching of commiting sucide and killing others, bringing destruction on themselves and everything they came into contact with in the event of September 11. In the process leaving a permanent scar on the entire world that is still healing and grieving. [/b]
In your innocence you are sadly deceived bandit
9/11 was due to presidential leaders not false prophets. The devil is within.
US taxpayers are suing Bush and his cronies for creating 9/11 they have recriminating evidence.
see latest filings in Stanley Hilton's lawsuit at
They are going for $7 billion
SH: Our case is alleging that Bush and his puppets Rice and Cheney and Mueller and Rumsfeld and so forth, Tenet, were all involved not only in aiding and abetting and allowing 9/11 to happen but in actually ordering it to happen. Bush personally ordered it to happen. We have some very incriminating documents as well as eye-witnesses, that Bush personally ordered this event to happen in order to gain political advantage, to pursue a bogus political agenda on behalf of the neocons and their deluded thinking in the Middle East. I also wanted to point out that, just quickly, I went to school with some of these neocons. At the University of Chicago, in the late 60s with Wolfowitz and Feith and several of the others and so I know these people personally. And we used to talk about this stuff all of the time. And I did my senior thesis on this very subject ˆ how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event. So, technically this has been in the planning at least 35 years.
AJ: That‚s right. They were all Straussian followers of a Nazi-like professor.
And now they are setting it up here in America. Stanley, I know you deposed a lot of people and you‚ve got your $7 million dollar lawsuit with hundreds of the victim‚s families involved.
SH: 7 billion, 7 billion
AJ: Yeah, 7 billion. Can you go over some of the new and incriminating evidence you‚ve got of them ordering the attack?
SH: Yes, let me just say that this is a taxpayers‚ class action lawsuit as well
as a suit on behalf of the families and the basic three arguments are they
violated the Constitution by ordering this event. And secondly that they
[garbled] fraudulent Federal Claims Act, Title 31 of the U.S. Code in which Bush presented false and fraudulent evidence to Congress to get the Iraq war
authorization. And, of course, he related it to 9/11 and claimed that Saddam was involved with that, and all these lies.
AJ: Tell you what, stay there. Stanley, we‚ve got to break. Let‚s come back and get into the evidence.
Also check out Alex Jones website the interview that interviewed. Stanley Hilton, The Alex Jones Show | September 13 2004
Since this was announced another two major court cases have been announced and are being brought against Bush.
But the bigger picture is all is going to plan because out of the darkness will come the light, people are waking up to who is really behind the atrocities in the world.
GOD bless Stanley Hilton for his bravery and courage to stand up and be counted.