False prophets.....

Dear Marsh

Beautiful words thank you for sharing.

Dear Bandit

I accept but I do not embrace the darkness that as come from men's minds, I embrace the light and wisdom of the bible and see this as the way to transmute the darkness wherever I shall encounter it, hand in hand with GOD.

The message is more important then the messenger and I think this message from GOD is very clear in Amos.

Dear Faithfulservant

Your signature says it all.

GOD bless you all with your journeys.

Faithfulservant said:
because we do not live in a fairy tale.. there IS evil in this world and no matter what YOU say we cannot redeem ourselves.. its not biblical and has no meaning to us that believe the bible over the words of men.

We dont see it as doom and gloom... you see it as doom and gloom because if its correct you've been wrong for a long time.
.:D I thought this was the fairy tale land of perfect harmony with the universe by way of ourselves, as some might want us to believe. 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing was not a fairy tale and NOT to be forgotten as some so easily forget.
Jim Jones and Charles Manson is NOT to be forgotten for there are many more false prophets where they come from.
This is why God wants us to know who the false prophets are and He tells us to TEST and not believe every spirit who speaks so that we are not decieved.

It is only doom and gloom for those who do not recieve the Word, because they think there way is better than Gods way.

These are the false prophets that God warns us of. For the false prophets do not love us and can easily be decieved by loving the things that God does not want us to be in love with for they can harm us. There are false pretentious loves to be aware of also.

I am staying with what the Bible says about false prophets and being very cautious if others go against what the Bible teaches.

GREATER are Gods teachings in His Word, for they are truth and God does not lie.:)

2 Peter

21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

1But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
1 John 4

1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Postmaster said:
I suppose if you believe in the divinity and word of Christ then you are truly on the right path and nothing negative can come out of it, but it doesn't mean nothing bad can come of individuals, we have nothing to fear not even death or disease if we have God, only Good comes out of the bible and its something we should abide by and accept. Keeping things as simple and as close to God is to me the best way.
yes Postmaster. I do agree. There is nothing negative and only good that can come form the Word of Christ and the Bible, the prophets and apostles, for they were sent by God and we have nothing to fear.
People try to invent there on ideas and these can easily be false and misleading.
Beware of wolves in sheep clothing for wounded animals are dangerous indeed. They welcome you with open arms and allow you to share your heart then when you feel really safe they devour you with their teeth. Wolves are more dangerous then false prophets and this you can trust.
Sacredstar said:
Beware of wolves in sheep clothing for wounded animals are dangerous indeed. They welcome you with open arms and allow you to share your heart then when you feel really safe they devour you with their teeth. Wolves are more dangerous then false prophets and this you can trust.
Yes. This is not a joke it is reality.

We will know who the true prophets are and the false prophets.

That is why someone listened to a false prophet, hijacked airplanes, listened to there teaching of commiting sucide and killing others, bringing destruction on themselves and everything they came into contact with in the event of September 11. In the process leaving a permanent scar on the entire world that is still healing and grieving.
Only God can help and be our full source of strength in troubled times.

The Word of Grace and the counsel of God is what builds us up so that we are spared in His might and glory and and not ourselves.
This why we do not let just everyone come into us, because there are real dangers out there. Both in the spirit and in the flesh.
Jesus said to beware of men for they deliver us to be scourged.

Luke 7
15Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Wolves in sheeps clothing are false prophets. Jesus sent us forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.
Jesus sent us forth as what???

Little Lambs.
That is also why we need the FULL armor of God.

16Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
17But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;


2Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

3Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.

God purchased us through the blood of Jesus and makes the little flock rejoice in his love and protection from the enmity and strife that abounds in the World. No man can harm us in the Spirit of God.

We were taught to do what???

WATCH and REMEMBER. in the Book of Acts. That means LOOK and THINK and not be blind.
27For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
28Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

29For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

30Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.

31Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.
32And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Dear Bandit

Bandit said:
Yes. This is not a joke it is reality.

We will know who the true prophets are and the false prophets. That is why someone listened to a false prophet, hijacked airplanes, listened to there teaching of commiting sucide and killing others, bringing destruction on themselves and everything they came into contact with in the event of September 11. In the process leaving a permanent scar on the entire world that is still healing and grieving. [/b]

In your innocence you are sadly deceived bandit

9/11 was due to presidential leaders not false prophets. The devil is within.

US taxpayers are suing Bush and his cronies for creating 9/11 they have recriminating evidence.

see latest filings in Stanley Hilton's lawsuit at


They are going for $7 billion

SH: Our case is alleging that Bush and his puppets Rice and Cheney and Mueller and Rumsfeld and so forth, Tenet, were all involved not only in aiding and abetting and allowing 9/11 to happen but in actually ordering it to happen. Bush personally ordered it to happen. We have some very incriminating documents as well as eye-witnesses, that Bush personally ordered this event to happen in order to gain political advantage, to pursue a bogus political agenda on behalf of the neocons and their deluded thinking in the Middle East. I also wanted to point out that, just quickly, I went to school with some of these neocons. At the University of Chicago, in the late 60s with Wolfowitz and Feith and several of the others and so I know these people personally. And we used to talk about this stuff all of the time. And I did my senior thesis on this very subject ˆ how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event. So, technically this has been in the planning at least 35 years.

AJ: That‚s right. They were all Straussian followers of a Nazi-like professor.
And now they are setting it up here in America. Stanley, I know you deposed a lot of people and you‚ve got your $7 million dollar lawsuit with hundreds of the victim‚s families involved.

SH: 7 billion, 7 billion

AJ: Yeah, 7 billion. Can you go over some of the new and incriminating evidence you‚ve got of them ordering the attack?

SH: Yes, let me just say that this is a taxpayers‚ class action lawsuit as well
as a suit on behalf of the families and the basic three arguments are they
violated the Constitution by ordering this event. And secondly that they
[garbled] fraudulent Federal Claims Act, Title 31 of the U.S. Code in which Bush presented false and fraudulent evidence to Congress to get the Iraq war
authorization. And, of course, he related it to 9/11 and claimed that Saddam was involved with that, and all these lies.

AJ: Tell you what, stay there. Stanley, we‚ve got to break. Let‚s come back and get into the evidence.

Also check out Alex Jones website the interview that interviewed. Stanley Hilton, The Alex Jones Show | September 13 2004

Since this was announced another two major court cases have been announced and are being brought against Bush.

But the bigger picture is all is going to plan because out of the darkness will come the light, people are waking up to who is really behind the atrocities in the world.

GOD bless Stanley Hilton for his bravery and courage to stand up and be counted.

GOD kept the promise of the prophecy that I was blessed to receive in 2001.

If you do not wish to know the stark truth behind 9/11, do not read this
US citizens have begun a court case against President Bush the truth
is revealed by an eminent lawyer. Hard for us to assimilate mass murder on
this scale but yet can we afford to ignore the atrocities that will continue
if we stay blinkered to the truth? Heart wrenching questions befall us as we
read the reality of the evidence. Thank GOD we have each other in support,
love and comradeship through these final dark times, the Pope and his aides
now claim that Bush is the anti-christ mentioned in Revelations. After
reading about this lawsuit I reviewed the wonderful dictations and prophecy that I received and published in 2001.

Amongst these dictations I found this message of hope "You will be surprised
by a response from one man. He is a man of justice and of truth. Positive
action very soon, news that you will hear. A promise that we will keep."

Well the news has arrived and he is a man of justice and truth, he is a

GOD bless us all and special prayers for this brave and courageous lawyer,
on a mission from GOD. Please distribute as you feel appropriate.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

see latest filings in Stanley Hilton's lawsuit at http://deprogram.info/page2.html Transcript: Alex Jones Interviews Stanley Hilton

the US president is being sued under the constitution for violating American's rights, as well as under the federal Fraudalent Clams Act for presenting a fraudalent claim to congress to justify the bogus Irag war, for political gains. And also under the RICO statue, under the Racketerring Corrupt Organisation Act, for being a corrupt entity.

The interview can be viewed and heard on audio on this website


May GOD guide us all to help others to wake up.

Love beyond measure

"Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes...." Luke 12:37
In your innocence you are sadly deceived bandit

9/11 was due to presidential leaders not false prophets. The devil is within.

US taxpayers are suing Bush and his cronies for creating 9/11 they have recriminating evidence.

see latest filings in Stanley Hilton's lawsuit at

certainly! there are false prophets in politics, religion, economics, education. You name it!
Do you think I honestly put my trust any governmental or religious powers??
anything that deviates from what Gods word says, I consider to be a false prophet.
Wake up Star. There are false prophets everywhere and in everything.
Your little perfect fairy tale world of everything is perfect and everyone is love is what is decieving.
The bible is the truth and God is truth only He.
Dear Bandit

Typical man.....big smiles!

"Your little perfect fairy tale world of everything is perfect"

It is in GOD's eyes because humanity used their free will to choose it.

"everyone is love is what is decieving"

In assuming you misunderstand me, my truth is that there is original goodness in everyone because GOD created everyone and Jesus said 'the Kingdom of GOD is with you' and Paul said 'You are the Christs"

When you see through GOD's eyes there is no deception only the illusion of imperfection preached by the church dogma of original sin in GOD's name to keep us in the illusion and separation from GOD.

This illusion clouds human perceptional consciousness from seeing the perfection in GOD's creation.

Being love

Sacredstar said:
Dear Bandit

Typical man.....big smiles!

"Your little perfect fairy tale world of everything is perfect"

It is in GOD's eyes because humanity used their free will to choose it.

"everyone is love is what is decieving"

In assuming you misunderstand me, my truth is that there is original goodness in everyone because GOD created everyone and Jesus said 'the Kingdom of GOD is with you' and Paul said 'You are the Christs"

When you see through GOD's eyes there is no deception only the illusion of imperfection preached by the church dogma of original sin in GOD's name to keep us in the illusion and separation from GOD.

This illusion clouds human perceptional consciousness from seeing the perfection in GOD's creation.

Being love

Big Smiles Star. Typical Woman.:) You are right back into false teaching again.
There is not original goodness in everyone. There is potential goodness and potential badness in everyone.
Your illusion and perception of false prophets has nothing to do with the kingdom of God. There are no false prophets in the Kingdom of God.
But there are indeed many false prophets outside the Kingdom of God.

Your teaching that everyone is perfect is your own dogma and I do not listen to what contradicts the bible. Ever. You might get some others to follow you, but not me.
I will follow the bible and the Lord in all His ways, not your ways or my ways.

The opposite of false is truth. What is Truth?
God does not like false prophets and liars and wickedness.
You should use the bible that God gave to us to try and see through Gods eyes, not make up your own stuff. That is when I do not listen to what you say. You make up whatever fits your agenda and not Gods agenda and it is becoming very cruel of you to teach things that are not right. You will indeed be held responsible for every word Star.

Shall we look and see where the false prophets and liars end up according to the bible?
or should we go by what Star the Wonder Woman teaches.
Bandit said:
certainly! there are false prophets in politics, religion, economics, education. You name it!
Do you think I honestly put my trust any governmental or religious powers??
anything that deviates from what Gods word says, I consider to be a false prophet.
Wake up Star. There are false prophets everywhere and in everything.
Your little perfect fairy tale world of everything is perfect and everyone is love is what is decieving.
The bible is the truth and God is truth only He.
This is very true, this is Gods world but it’s ruled by man, man has free will and the knowledge wisdom, people choose within if they going to do Gods work, however people use Gods name wrongly. Anyone who causes suffering, hate, violence and intentional pain under the name of God or generally anything against the bible is a false prophet.
Postmaster said:
This is very true, this is Gods world but it’s ruled by man, man has free will and the knowledge wisdom, people choose within if they going to do Gods work, however people use Gods name wrongly. Anyone who causes suffering, hate, violence and intentional pain under the name of God or generally anything against the bible is a false prophet, George Bush being one of them. In my view its better to be killed then to kill. Iraq also caused no harm to anyone in the west also, this case of the Iraq war even today has not found evidence of weapons of mass destruction. :( Was a very bloody war any innocent children's blood staining the streets to protect our "way of life". The one that kills innocent children ;)

Yes. We can see it or we can ignore it. We can understand what God is trying to tell us in His Word, or we can ignore it and make up our own ideas about it.
The History of man is not always a pretty picture, but we do indeed have victory through the blood of Jesus when we accept him at His word and do our best to follow him.
The bible teaches us to love our enemy. That does not mean join them and do what they do.
Gods ways are not our ways. This is why we see so many problems on earth because man makes up his own ideas and lies to others and hurts each other through deciet.
I love the Lord and I love His ways. They are righteous. He is a just God when we stay close to Him and learn His ways.
His ways are not in politics and religion. They are in spirit and in Truth.

Yes, It is ruled by man and presidents and kings and princes and legislations and creeds and false religions and and it is ruled by cruelty and darkeness. This is the power of the antiChrist, that of the spirit of devils that some people listen to. Mans power will fall and fail. But God cannot fail.
There are a some who lift Him up in spirit and let God rule the Kingdoms of there Heart and the false prophet cannot harm us. But we will certainly know them when we see them.

I want to thank everyone for this thread and Postmaster for starting it. I am kind of tired of talking about the false prophets so I wont be posting on this for awhile.:)

We need the Lord. He is bigger than we are and it is precious to know that we can climb up in His lap and curl up under His mercy and Love, and that He will hold us tight and protect us.
But we must listen to Him just like a parent teaches there children not to take candy from strangers. AND to look BOTH ways before crossing. There is an enemy out there, the false prophet, but

Lets go join the others if you all want to and study and learn how to pray in the new thread started under Prayer.
Peace to my brothers and sisters in the Lord and in the name of Jesus.:)
Sacredstar said:
Beware of wolves in sheep clothing for wounded animals are dangerous indeed. They welcome you with open arms and allow you to share your heart then when you feel really safe they devour you with their teeth. Wolves are more dangerous then false prophets and this you can trust.
Biblically, wolves ARE false prophets AND false teachers.

I really must protest your hijacking this thread SS and putting anti american propaganda on a religious board. You do not know everything as much as you may think you do. Please leave it for the politics forum.
Ok I read this post tonight and must admit I got a tad pissed off but after some time and consideration I have decided it is not even worth it.
so on that PM thanks for starting a post that I enjoyed quite a bit.
Marsh, Bandit and Fathful thanks for the thoughtful and true responses to the constant jabs.
And to Ms Anti-American and lead em all astray all I have to say is you are forgiven and I still love you.
Sacredstar said:
Dear Bandit

In your innocence you are sadly deceived bandit


From Man Superior to Woman thread you said...

Sacredstar said:
May we replace the word ignorance with the word innocence it is more palatible and harmonic for our energy systems.
I do not believe that you are protecting the harmony of Bandits energy system with these posts.
I do not believe that you are protecting the harmony of Bandits energy system with these posts.

Lord help us in these LONG LONG very LONG last days.:)
Someone is trying to steal all my energy.

Will any flesh be saved.:eek:

It is a good thing we still have God and Jesus, because all my energy is being drained.
I am going to have to get some energy bars for the next topic.
You know, it would be nice to have a roller coaster in my back yard too.

( i am laughing with joy in the spirit, but it is true. it is all so true)
Dear Bandit

Bandit said:
1. There are no false prophets in the Kingdom of God. But there are indeed many false prophets outside the Kingdom of God.

2. Your teaching that everyone is perfect is your own dogma and I do not listen to what contradicts the bible.

3. God does not like false prophets and liars and wickedness.

4. You will indeed be held responsible for every word Star.

1. There is no separation only illusion of separation created by the church

2. Its in scripture if you have the eyes to see GOD says we are faultless, behold you are the temple of the living GOD. Why would GOD tell his people they are the temple of the living GOD if we were not perfect in his image?

If GOD is perfect man must be too for we are made in his image. There is a whole gospel of scripture on perfection which is wonderful. But the church did not wish the people to know these things because otherwise you would not listen to their tales about salvation and then they could not control, dominate and keep people in the fear of GOD.

3. GOD loves everyone for GOD does not judge, which is why he sent Jesus to teach us not to judge others and love our neighbours as ourself, to love our enemies as ourself. Anti-love of anything or anyone is anti-christ for Jesus came to teach us love, love of self, love of others and most of all love of GOD. So for instance I love Bush because what he is doing is making the world wake up to take responsible action.

4. I certainly AM and GOD loves me very very much and the feeling is mutual - love beyond measure. My sacrifice as been great but my blessings are many, glory be to GOD. I got a wonderful message from the salvation army today - GOD loved you from first sight!

For I AM truly blessed

Anti-love is anti-christ.

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Bandit nobody can steal your energy you give it freely.....as one should with no expectation.

Lots of Love

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.

1Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you* are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people."

lol Paul wrote this.. Im curious...I thought his writings were corrupt? If you are going to use some of his writings why not the rest that dont fit into your beliefs?

I just donated some stuff to the Salvation Army.. got a tax write off too. :)