Kindest Regards, Postmaster, and if I haven't already done so, welcome to CR!
Postmaster said:
juantoo3 First of all I didn't write that, second it's amazing of your attension to detail to make a discussion, third I'm only human, I sin

forth, there are simply things we do not understand learn to accpet it as I have done so. Not every thing is "consistent" in life not even relgion itself.
Think about the Joan of Arc example, how many died under her command? She spoke with saints. Are humans more superior to animals? Of course we are. Sometimes humans act worse then animals, then you find who is more superior within people. Man can get closer to God then a female thats why he is blessed.
First, I realize you did not write the quote, but you did quote it, which implies agreement. And you have a personal stake in that it was your grandfather being spoken of. You are patriotic to your country, home and faith. There is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong in my view, is knocking others for being equally patriotic.
Second, attention to detail is important, in this case to see contradiction.
Third, I am human too, I have no grievance with making mistakes, I make them too. It is whether or not we learn from our mistakes.
Fourth, I realize there are some things that are difficult to understand, and some things we may never understand. But I also feel it is important to try to understand. When things do not add up, if there is contradiction, then something is not correct, either in our thinking, or in the thing being considered. That is how logic works.
Since Joan of Arc is brought into this, may I presume you are implying religious grounds for war are acceptable? If so, then please consider St. Augustine's principles for "Just War." I think you will find that G.W.Bush is waging a
very just war, despite the opposition rhetoric. However, I will not expand on this as I made a promise to myself when I joined here, that I would not discuss this issue in any more than the most cursory way. I have already spent over 6 months discussing justification for warfare leading up to Iraq, and frankly it was a very taxing experience repeating myself over and over to the same tired arguments of people who could not read what had gone earlier, and were not respectful of others' opinions (meaning mine and the few who agreed with me). Thankfully, this was not discussed here, it was on another forum. Patriotism is not limited to Cyprus, neither should it be.
So, while I can accept you may have some difficulties with "Anyone who causes suffering, hate, violence and intentional pain under the name of God or generally anything against the bible...", in order to be consistant, you must apply this argument to everybody who ever did these things, or to no one. You cannot pick and choose and remain consistant.
Now, this response is as a participant, not a mod. I do not expect you to agree with me. What I do hope you will see is the fault in your logic. And isn't logic from the Greeks?