Our image of God

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not [a]comprehend it.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

I like your meme but I feel it's missing a few important parts.
I feel sorry for you, Faith. The spirit hasn't let you see.
I could say the same for you. That's the tricky part about this forum. There are so many different thoughts. I believe my truth 💯 and everyone else's are lies. Convincing anyone of that here? Not happening. People don't come here unless they totally believe what they believe. But I am curious like I said.. my friend is JW and out of respect for each other we don't discuss our beliefs. I will ask her how she gets around her kids not having their birthday celebrated and she says they get gifts throughout the year and they aren't lacking like that. She's a wonderful mom and i love her to pieces!
I do have some hard questions like I've read that it is taught only 144000 are saved at the end. What about the rest? Also the watchtower keeps releasing new translations of your bible. That raises red flags for me. Why so many? Do you read them all or just the most current? I thought about asking my friend for one so I could do a side by side study but I worry that might be weird
I don't follow the Watchtower, I just believe in the Truth they teach.
God and Christ meant for mankind to live Eternally on Earth- that hasn't changed. (Matt 5:5)
I don't follow the Watchtower, I just believe in the Truth they teach.
God and Christ meant for mankind to live Eternally on Earth- that hasn't changed. (Matt 5:5)
Well that changes our dialogue a bit. Is there anything that you disagree with? One issue would be if your child turned away from the faith would you shun him/her? What about celebrating secular holidays like birthdays?

I know that Jehovah is the name you use for God.. does it change that it's actual YHWH or the tetragrammaton Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh.

Latin-speaking Christian scholars replaced the Y (which does not exist in Latin) with an I or a J (the latter of which exists in Latin as a variant form of I). Thus, the tetragrammaton became the artificial Latinized name Jehovah (JeHoWaH).

I use the name as well at times but He has many names for me.
I believe the Truth the Watchtower brings out, but I don't follow them- or that the preaching.
All of us have an idea of God. Even a convinced atheist has an idea of what he or she is denying to exist.
I think everyone shares the idea that God exceeds our imagination. But still, we have our thoughts and imagination; be it philosophical, emotional, in prayer.

Who would like to share?
At one point in my spiritual quest, I got into a very balanced, very even-keeled state of mind, and decluttered my ideas, as it were.

I wasn't looking for God as much as for anything dependable, or true, or timeless. Anything which would give me a point of reference. At that point, I did not care any more if it would turn out to be religious, or philosophical, or scientific, or artistic, as long as it was a basis for me to rest on.

So, decluttering, I threw out everything that did not measure up. If it was, as Thomas likes to put it, contingent, then it could not be IT.

In the end, nothing remained. Not even my consciousness which I used to perform this evaluation. I must have blanked out for a moment.

When my consciousness regrouped, and with it the knowledge that there is a universe to be conscious of, I felt completely satisfied that I had done everything that could be done with regards to this quest for a foundation, or ground, or source.

I don't deny any God. There is no point in denying what is so utterly incongruent with cognition, perception, consciousness, or existence.

I don't claim to have any mystical insight. Rather the opposite. There is nothing to know, nothing to see. So I moved on.

I find myself in this place full of fellow human beings, animals, plants, minerals, air, stars above - endless possibilities. Everything is just as it is, not otherwise, perfect in its evident presence.

And yet, I am able to conceive of what could be, what ought to be. I am able to perceive an ethical dimension to my humanity, a power to bring about change in conformity with what I understand to be right. It is a faculty of being able to look into the uncertainty of the future, into the as-yet unformed, into chaos, and to imagine order there.

This view of the future, with its orientation along ethical ideals, is a very dynamic, and changing, and conflicting mode of being, with regards to the present, which can never be other than what it already is.

This tension between the perfect current moment and the aching ethical pull of what ought to be, is the closest thing I know of to a ground or source or motor or reason for my being here.

The thing is, this ethical dilemma is such a deeply human experience, that I think you will all agree that it is nothing like what God could be said to be like. Hence, I call myself an Atheist.

Sorry for rambling. As others have noted in this thread, it is notoriously hard to express this kind of thing.
At one point in my spiritual quest, I got into a very balanced, very even-keeled state of mind, and decluttered my ideas, as it were.

I wasn't looking for God as much as for anything dependable, or true, or timeless. Anything which would give me a point of reference. At that point, I did not care any more if it would turn out to be religious, or philosophical, or scientific, or artistic, as long as it was a basis for me to rest on.

So, decluttering, I threw out everything that did not measure up. If it was, as Thomas likes to put it, contingent, then it could not be IT.

In the end, nothing remained. Not even my consciousness which I used to perform this evaluation. I must have blanked out for a moment.

When my consciousness regrouped, and with it the knowledge that there is a universe to be conscious of, I felt completely satisfied that I had done everything that could be done with regards to this quest for a foundation, or ground, or source.

I don't deny any God. There is no point in denying what is so utterly incongruent with cognition, perception, consciousness, or existence.

I don't claim to have any mystical insight. Rather the opposite. There is nothing to know, nothing to see. So I moved on.

I find myself in this place full of fellow human beings, animals, plants, minerals, air, stars above - endless possibilities. Everything is just as it is, not otherwise, perfect in its evident presence.

And yet, I am able to conceive of what could be, what ought to be. I am able to perceive an ethical dimension to my humanity, a power to bring about change in conformity with what I understand to be right. It is a faculty of being able to look into the uncertainty of the future, into the as-yet unformed, into chaos, and to imagine order there.

This view of the future, with its orientation along ethical ideals, is a very dynamic, and changing, and conflicting mode of being, with regards to the present, which can never be other than what it already is.

This tension between the perfect current moment and the aching ethical pull of what ought to be, is the closest thing I know of to a ground or source or motor or reason for my being here.

The thing is, this ethical dilemma is such a deeply human experience, that I think you will all agree that it is nothing like what God could be said to be like. Hence, I call myself an Atheist.

Sorry for rambling. As others have noted in this thread, it is notoriously hard to express this kind of thing.

"I don't deny any God." - you said it ALL there.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not [a]comprehend it.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

I like your meme but I feel it's missing a few important parts.
All this requires is us to look into other frames of references as to what those passages are actally saying.

The Bible gives us the tools, but we need to be open to new frames of references.

John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

So we can have the Knowledge that no man has seen God, as such Jesus is not literally God.

The Word thus becomes all we can know of God and it is the Word God annoints all the Messengers with. Jesus was Annointed, born of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was flesh, not God, the flesh amounts to nothing.

But Jesus was 'Christ', the 'Self of God', the embodiment of the Holy Spirit.

Regards Tony