Our image of God

Do you have a philosophical concept for Brahman?
Should it be called philsophical? Sure, Brahman is 'physical energy'. That is what we started with at the time of Big Bang and there was nothing else.
Existence and non-existence may be phases of Brahman. Of this, I am not too sure.
I think it is the main weakness of JW that too many things are claimed to have a definite interpretation and all is fixed, so that it cannot develop out of the thoughts and experiences of the members.
It is also a strength....
All of us have an idea of God. Even a convinced atheist has an idea of what he or she is denying to exist.
I think everyone shares the idea that God exceeds our imagination. But still, we have our thoughts and imagination; be it philosophical, emotional, in prayer.

Who would like to share?
The Western Left Hand Path's concept of God is our Greater Self. Gods don't externally exist from ourselves, and each of us has a Greater Self/GodSelf, so for us, there is not one supreme being/all/absolute.
All of us have an idea of God. Even a convinced atheist has an idea of what he or she is denying to exist.
I think everyone shares the idea that God exceeds our imagination. But still, we have our thoughts and imagination; be it philosophical, emotional, in prayer.

Who would like to share?
In 1973 I came in contact with a Guru who claimed he could reveal God to anyone directly. He said he had the Knowledge of God and could give it to anyone, whether they believed in God or not.

So anyway I received this Knowledge from the Guru (whom I later came to believe was the incarnation of God for this time) and I was given four ways of going within (meditation).

I immediately began to see a light when I closed my eyes and hear really nice sounds as well as other experiences. This knowledge was shown to me in several scriptures. (From memory, Bible Gita, Quar'an and some Buddhist writings.) It was called the Raj Vidya (King of all knowledge).

At the time, it all made sense. I had just come out of a war and needed something positive.

It was explained that what God really is, is all the energy in the universe/existence and this knowledge is simply the primal energy from which everything that exists came from. This Guru was the only one who could give this knowledge and we had to take a vow of secrecy.

Anyway I had strong meditations and joined this Guru's mission and stayed for over 20 years believing I was doing the ultimate service to humanity and the Guru.(I was renunciate for 10 years)

I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll just say that the Guru turned out to be a sham.

I realised that my meditation experiences were just that , my meditation experiences and not something transmitted to me by the grace of some person half way around the world from me.

So that's my God-experience, which I no longer believe anything other than brain/consciousness activity.

During my years in that group I hardly had any exchanges with anyone out side the group. I really believed we were the only ones having such experiences.

Then suddenly came the internet(for me 1995) and I noticed that the Guru spoke against it, as did many other religious leaders. I quickly realised that these experiences were had by people all over place, some religious, some not.

So, I am an atheist.
In 1973 I came in contact with a Guru who claimed he could reveal God to anyone directly. He said he had the Knowledge of God and could give it to anyone, whether they believed in God or not.

So anyway I received this Knowledge from the Guru (whom I later came to believe was the incarnation of God for this time) and I was given four ways of going within (meditation).

I immediately began to see a light when I closed my eyes and hear really nice sounds as well as other experiences. This knowledge was shown to me in several scriptures. (From memory, Bible Gita, Quar'an and some Buddhist writings.) It was called the Raj Vidya (King of all knowledge).

At the time, it all made sense. I had just come out of a war and needed something positive.

It was explained that what God really is, is all the energy in the universe/existence and this knowledge is simply the primal energy from which everything that exists came from. This Guru was the only one who could give this knowledge and we had to take a vow of secrecy.

Anyway I had strong meditations and joined this Guru's mission and stayed for over 20 years believing I was doing the ultimate service to humanity and the Guru.(I was renunciate for 10 years)

I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll just say that the Guru turned out to be a sham.

I realised that my meditation experiences were just that , my meditation experiences and not something transmitted to me by the grace of some person half way around the world from me.

So that's my God-experience, which I no longer believe anything other than brain/consciousness activity.

During my years in that group I hardly had any exchanges with anyone out side the group. I really believed we were the only ones having such experiences.

Then suddenly came the internet(for me 1995) and I noticed that the Guru spoke against it, as did many other religious leaders. I quickly realised that these experiences were had by people all over place, some religious, some not.

So, I am an atheist.
Wow! 😯
Even a convinced atheist has an idea of what he or she is denying to exist.
I think everyone shares the idea that God exceeds our imagination. But still, we have our thoughts and imagination; be it philosophical, emotional, in prayer.
Sure, atheists have a clear idea of what theists are saying about God. How otherwise would they deny it?
I do not agree to your second sentence. Our imagination exceeds Gods.
We made one with an elephant head, another a monkey. A man-lion too.
Atheist do not believe in God, and hard atheists like me dismiss even the posibility of existence of God or soul.
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Sure, atheists have a clear idea of what theists are saying about God. How otherwise would they deny it?
I do not agree to your second sentence.
Atheist do not believe in God, and hard atheists like me dismiss even the posibility of existence of God or soul.
Exactly! Being a Western Left Hand Path Šayṭānist I am theistic in some ways and atheistic in others, it's an odd world for sure.
Atheistic in that I am clear that there does not exist any form of external deity. I dismiss all theistic religions as being false, however, I am theistic in that I believe in an individual/isolate higher consciousness that is unique to each and every one of us and perhaps to all sentient creatures.
Exactly! Being a Western Left Hand Path Šayṭānist I am theistic in some ways and atheistic in others, it's an odd world for sure.
Atheistic in that I am clear that there does not exist any form of external deity. I dismiss all theistic religions as being false, however, I am theistic in that I believe in an individual/isolate higher consciousness that is unique to each and every one of us and perhaps to all sentient creatures.
Can you describe, for people like me who have no idea of the Western Left Hand Path, what the individual higher consciousness is? Is it related to perception of yourself, of the world around you, and in what is it different from just living without any path?
Can you describe, for people like me who have no idea of the Western Left Hand Path, what the individual higher consciousness is? Is it related to perception of yourself, of the world around you, and in what is it different from just living without any path?
I can try . . .
Our Greater Self/Self/Psyche/Consciousness/Soul exists separate from objective reality, it remains as it was after our physical demise. This is our Singularity, our GodSelf.

Adherents of the Western Left Hand Path seek to bring this GodSelf into our current incarnation for guidance and strength. During this lifetime we work towards designing, creating and learning how to enter into our Personal Subjective Universe and we atone with our GodSelf to become the Deity of our own Universe.

Our Divinity: The Manifestation of the Isolate Consciousness
Within the depths of our being, there resides a divine essence,
our Greater Self, which transcends the boundaries of the
ordinary and encompasses the realms of the extraordinary. It
is an individualized expression of the higher realms, a
reflection of the Platonic First Form that embodies our
authentic self, our true potential being. We refer to this
essence as our Isolate Consciousness, a sacred connection to
the vast tapestry of existence.

Embrace the calling of your Greater Self, for it is through this
connection that we tap into the wellspring of divine wisdom.
Embody your authenticity, explore the depths of your
consciousness, and unveil the full potential that resides within.
In doing so, you align yourself with the divine purpose that is
uniquely yours, transcending the limitations of the ordinary
and embracing the extraordinary.
كتاب العواء في ليلة الصحراء
Kitab Eawa' fi Laylat Alsahra'
The Book of Howling in the Desert Night
by 'Amir Alzzalam
Someone who is one with universe. The "love" which create universe and give everything to every creation of it.
I believe the first sentence in the Bible to be an absolute truth. 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.

I believe God created us, because he loves us as he loves himself.
I think everyone shares the idea that God exceeds our imagination.
No. Our imagination has no bounds. We made a God with the head of an elephant, another a monkey. There are a Fish God, a Tortoise God, a Boar God and a Man-Lion God too. Then one who is a dwarf.

We make some one a virgin born, he resurrects after death, and another journeys to heaven on a white beast talking to God and meeting Jesus and other prophets who are dead. Yet another is visited by a 'heavenly maiden'.

There are other Gods too, FSM and Cthulhu. God is squarely defeated before human imagination.

We can make him in any form or give him no form. It all depends on our desire.
No. Our imagination has no bounds. We made a God with the head of an elephant, another a monkey. There are a Fish God, a Tortoise God, a Boar God and a Man-Lion God too. Then one who is a dwarf.
We make some one a virgin born, he resurrects after death, and another journeys to heaven on a white beast talking to God and meeting Jesus and other prophets who are dead. Yet another is visited by a 'heavenly maiden'.
There are other Gods too, FSM and Cthulhu. God is squarely defeated before human imagination.
We can make him in any form or give him no form. It all depends on our desire.
I was false saying "everyone shares the idea that God exceeds our imagination" , as you don't.
As for you, provided I got you right, God as well as the Hindu deities are just imagination, they can logically not exceed imagination.

Nevertheless, I suppose that our capacity to think and imagine is quite limited We see the limitations of other animals but we can't see our own limitations just because of those limitations.

We have a great phantasy, but still, this phantasy is bound to images.