Why I take the Bible literally

So what you're saying is a person is condemned if they don't believe Jesus is God?
Sad that any would perish but yes. We are held to the law of God condemned.. Jesus as God had to pay the debt for us. I'm not saying a new thing. You either believe or you don't.
Nobody other than Thayer, Strong's, and 'some' interlinears. I don't let others do my homework.
So everyone else is wrong except you? I'm sure you know the things that God hates? That you are the one not person God reveals truth to? It's been over 2000 years since Jesus walked this earth and you have some new wisdom and understanding? I read my Epistles and I say again that you are deceived.
Literal 6-day creationist have no other option than to put the dinosaurs on the ark. Like I said, they believe dino roamed the earth while man was upon it and that the behemoth and leviathan are dinosaurs. If you're unaware of that then maybe you should really look into what you believe. Missler omits it from his teachings likely because of its absurdity.
It makes no difference to me as its history and all will be revealed later.. what matters to me is Jesus Christ and Him crucified and His commandment to me. Romans is a very good book to start in if I can help redirect you.
Romans 2:14

for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, -KJV

For if the Gentiles who have not The Written Law would perform those things of The Written Law by their nature, while they have not The Written Law, they would be The Written Law to themselves. -Peshitta

For when the Gentiles, who have not the law, do by nature those things that are of the law; these having not the law are a law to themselves: -Douay-Rheims

When for Gentiles not the Law having by nature the things of the Law do these (the) Law not having to themselves are a Law - Interlinear

For when people of the nations, who do not have law, do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. -New World Translation

There's this little thing called Noahide Law...

The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated in the Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 56a-b and Tosefta Avodah Zarah 9:4,[21] are the following:[22]

  1. Not to worship idols.[23]
  2. Not to curse God.
  3. Not to commit murder.[24]
  4. Not to commit incest
  5. Not to steal.[25]
  6. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.[26]
  7. To establish courts of justice.[27]
Maimonides thus regarded anyone (Gentiles -jt3) who observed these laws as one "assured of a portion in the world to come."

And since most of the major world faiths share a very similar foundation to the Ten Commandments...and G!d made every human, and placed them where He wanted them to be...seems to me it isn't what you know or think you know, it is what you do with that knowledge.

☺️ Wow, deja vu, seems I've been here before...
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Sad that any would perish but yes. We are held to the law of God condemned.. Jesus as God had to pay the debt for us. I'm not saying a new thing. You either believe or you don't.
I've never believed Jesus is or was God. I have no problems believing Jesus paid our debt. I have no problem believing Jesus was fully human. I have problems with the fabricated nonsense that he is also God Almighty. Nobody is condemned for rejecting the nonsense of a diabolical man-made trinity. Jesus was fully human...

Hebrews 2:17 For this reason he had to be made like them,[k] FULLY HUMAN IN EVERY WAY, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. 18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

You need to understand ONE truth and I REPEAT!

The hypostatic union destroys the atonement. If Jesus was God that makes him a fraud and the cross a hoax.

The bible says Jesus was tempted IN EVERY WAY AND THAT HE KNEW TEMPTATION.

The BIBLE also says that, "God cannot be tempted and therefore cannot sin."

If Jesus was God that means he could not have sinned anyway.

To claim Jesus is God makes the Word of God totally contradictory - makes Jesus a fraud because he never would have to overcome sin since he also being God couldn't have been tempted to sin anyway - ultimately making him a fraud and the cross a complete hoax and the atonement for sin a complete hoax.
Jesus was tempted but He didn't act on the temptation because He couldn't be tempted He knew no sin. You are ascribing mans failures of the flesh to Jesus. If Jesus did act on temptation that would mean any man could be perfect like Jesus by simply not sinning. That's impossible and never in history do we see that. All throughout the bible we see God raise sinful men to be great men of God yet they still sinned.

By not accepting Jesus as God you are calling Him a liar. Jesus was praised yet only a God is to be praised.

I never understand how people can get around John 1:1
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Jesus was tempted but He didn't act on the temptation because He couldn't be tempted He knew no sin. You are ascribing mans failures of the flesh to Jesus. If Jesus did act on temptation that would mean any man could be perfect like Jesus by simply not sinning. That's impossible and never in history do we see that. All throughout the bible we see God raise sinful men to be great men of God yet they still sinned.

By not accepting Jesus as God you are calling Him a liar. Jesus was praised yet only a God is to be praised.

I never understand how people can get around John 1:1
Your attitude is offensive. You're the one calling him a liar.

Your Trinity teaches that Jesus is co-equal to God the Father in knowledge, power, and authority.

However, Jesus said 'the Father is greater'.
He said he doesn't know the day and hour of his return.
He said he can do NOTHING on his own.
Over and over again, Jesus acknowledges his subordination to the Father. How do Trinitarians overcome these clear contradictions of co-equality?

Why would anyone want to pursue 'any' religion that has a history of ostracizing, oppressing, condemning, and murdering their own over the diabolical TRINITY? You're a CHRISTIAN - a supposed faithful servant - accusing people of calling Jesus a liar! It's people like you who offend both believers and unbelievers that destroy common sense Christianity.

The Trinity doctrine comes from a Church many Protestants believe is 'Babylon the Great' and THE WHORE OF BABYLON AND THE LITTLE HORN OF DANIEL 7! Isn't that something!

Jesus was the Christ - the Messiah. He was divine in that he came from the Father and had an uncommon measure of the Fathers Holy Spirit. That's how he overcame. Even so, at times, he needed to be empowered and encouraged by an angel to overcome. (Luke 22) IF Jesus was also God, why would he need any empowerment at all from an angel?

A few other important things...

In every instance where the word 'firstborn' is used, whether it's about the firstborn among the brethren, or the firstborn over all creation, or the firstborn from among the dead, or the firstborn into the world - or anything else - it always implies a beginning! NOT ONCE does it imply ETERNAL. The Textus Receptus uses the terminology, "BEFORE-most-BROUGHT-FORTH."

The TWO NATURES - the nonsense of a hypostatic union is Trinity's most outstanding cop-out. That's precisely how over a hundred Bishops of Rome over the course of about 2-3 hundred years resolved these contradictions! There was no overcoming them any other way other than claiming 'Jesus has two natures'.
There are dozens of ways to interpret John 1 and Trinitarians have done their share to pervert it. Would you like me to spoon-feed a few of those interpretations?
For what purpose?

There may be dozens of ways to interpret, but only one is correct. The writer had one interpretation specifically in mind when he wrote it. That requires context, not flitting off in any possible direction as the Gnostics did.

And you still avoid my question. Which makes me ask why you avoid the plain, simple truth?
There are dozens of ways to interpret John 1 and Trinitarians have done their share to pervert it. Would you like me to spoon-feed a few of those interpretations?
No need to be rude. This is why my OP is why I take the bible literally. I don't need to interpret it.. it's pretty clear the way it's written.
Your attitude is offensive. You're the one calling him a liar.

No I'm not you are. 😛
Your Trinity teaches that Jesus is co-equal to God the Father in knowledge, power, and authority.
Yes I am.
However, Jesus said 'the Father is greater'.
He said he doesn't know the day and hour of his return.
He said he can do NOTHING on his own.
Over and over again, Jesus acknowledges his subordination to the Father. How do Trinitarians overcome these clear contradictions of co-equality?

Relational subordination. I posted about this to you somewhere...
Why would anyone want to pursue 'any' religion that has a history of ostracizing, oppressing, condemning, and murdering their own over the diabolical TRINITY? You're a CHRISTIAN - a supposed faithful servant - accusing people of calling Jesus a liar! It's people like you who offend both believers and unbelievers that destroy common sense Christianity.
You are repeating all the same arguments. I know that I dealt with topic somewhere else. I didn't accuse you of calling Him a liar. I said that anyone who denied that He is the I AM that spoke to Moshe is calling Him a liar. Why are you so angry? Did you know that offense is the bait of Satan and an abomination to God. You need to work on that.
The Trinity doctrine comes from a Church many Protestants believe is 'Babylon the Great' and THE WHORE OF BABYLON AND THE LITTLE HORN OF DANIEL 7! Isn't that something!

I have heard that people accuse the Catholic Church of this.. why aren't you just saying that? Did you know that the Triune God is in the OT?? Research it.. The LORD said to my Lord. Elohim is plural.. I just gave you a couple of clues.
Jesus was the Christ - the Messiah. He was divine in that he came from the Father and had an uncommon measure of the Fathers Holy Spirit. That's how he overcame. Even so, at times, he needed to be empowered and encouraged by an angel to overcome. (Luke 22) IF Jesus was also God, why would he need any empowerment at all from an angel?

Jesus IS the Christ .remember His resurrection..He is risen!! Uncommon measure of the Father's holy Spirit...hmm the Father IS spirit and He has a Holy Spirit? Ok.

Jesus is still a man and had not received His glorified body. He suffered as we suffer. I know you have a problem with this concept. I'm thankful that an angel strengthened Him for what He had to suffer. I'm thankful angels strengthen me when I need it.
A few other important things...

In every instance where the word 'firstborn' is used, whether it's about the firstborn among the brethren, or the firstborn over all creation, or the firstborn from among the dead, or the firstborn into the world - or anything else - it always implies a beginning! NOT ONCE does it imply ETERNAL. The Textus Receptus uses the terminology, "BEFORE-most-BROUGHT-FORTH."

The TWO NATURES - the nonsense of a hypostatic union is Trinity's most outstanding cop-out. That's precisely how over a hundred Bishops of Rome over the course of about 2-3 hundred years resolved these contradictions! There was no overcoming them any other way other than claiming 'Jesus has two natures'.

Lots of good gems in here. Enjoy!!
No I'm not you are. 😛

Yes I am.

Relational subordination. I posted about this to you somewhere...

You are repeating all the same arguments. I know that I dealt with topic somewhere else. I didn't accuse you of calling Him a liar. I said that anyone who denied that He is the I AM that spoke to Moshe is calling Him a liar. Why are you so angry? Did you know that offense is the bait of Satan and an abomination to God. You need to work on that.

I have heard that people accuse the Catholic Church of this.. why aren't you just saying that? Did you know that the Triune God is in the OT?? Research it.. The LORD said to my Lord. Elohim is plural.. I just gave you a couple of clues.

Jesus IS the Christ .remember His resurrection..He is risen!! Uncommon measure of the Father's holy Spirit...hmm the Father IS spirit and He has a Holy Spirit? Ok.

Jesus is still a man and had not received His glorified body. He suffered as we suffer. I know you have a problem with this concept. I'm thankful that an angel strengthened Him for what He had to suffer. I'm thankful angels strengthen me when I need it.

Lots of good gems in here. Enjoy!!
This is the word ELOHIM -
  1. (plural)
    1. rulers, judges
    2. divine ones
    3. angels
    4. gods
  2. (plural intensive - singular meaning)
    1. god, goddess
    2. godlike one
    3. works or special possessions of God
    4. the (true) God
    5. God
This is the word ELOHIM -
  1. (plural)
    1. rulers, judges
    2. divine ones
    3. angels
    4. gods
  2. (plural intensive - singular meaning)
    1. god, goddess
    2. godlike one
    3. works or special possessions of God
    4. the (true) God
    5. God
And going further down the chapter you see this bit...

‭Genesis 1:26 AMP‬
[26] Then God said, “Let Us (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, and over the entire earth, and over everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.” [Ps 104:30; Heb 1:2; 11:3]

This may interest you (or not :>)). It was shown to me by a Trinitarian(several decades ago), when trying to convert me(from Judaism).

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽר

In the word for created בָּרָ֣א, the first letter is Bet which stands for Ben, which means son.
The second letter is Resh which stands for Ruah which means spirit.
The third letter, Aleph, stand for Av, which means father.

This may interest you (or not :>)). It was shown to me by a Trinitarian(several decades ago), when trying to convert me(from Judaism).

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽר

In the word for created בָּרָ֣א, the first letter is Bet which stands for Ben, which means son.
The second letter is Resh which stands for Ruah which means spirit.
The third letter, Aleph, stand for Av, which means father.

To defend the trinitarian a bit . He wasn't trying to convert you from Judaism Jesus is the Jewish Messiah so he was just trying to get you to see that. The gentiles don't replace the Jews. Jesus came for His people first. We are just blessed through the Abrahamic covenant. That's what my faith teaches. When Jesus sent His disciples out two by two He sent them to the synagogues not to the gentiles. I just wanted to clarify that.

Thank you for that post it's beautiful.
NASA and modern astronomy say the Earth is a giant ball tilted back, wobbling and spinning at 1,000 miles per hour (mph) around its central axis – travelling at 67,000 mph as it circles the Sunspiralling at a speed of 500,000 mph around the Milky Way, while the entire galaxy rockets a ridiculous 670,000,000 mph through the Universe – with all of these motions originating from an alleged “Big Bang” cosmogenic explosion 14 billion years ago!! That is a grand total of 670,568,000 mph in several different directions. And we’re all supposedly speeding along at these astonishing speeds simultaneously, yet no one has ever seen, felt, heard, measured or proven a single one of these motions to exist whatsoever. Yet, we are the ones following fake science and ‘conspiracy theories’!
So, whilst you are next drinking your coffee at your desk, and you imagine in your mind the world spinning at 1,000 mph (at the equator), whizzing around the Sun in an orbit at 67,000 mph, apparently hurtling towards Lyra (a faraway solar system) at 20,000 mph, revolving around the centre of the Milky Way at 500,000 mph, moving at some undeterminable velocity, all supposedly as a consequence of the ‘Big Bang’ 14 billion years ago, you will not see even the hint of a ripple on the surface of your coffee! But just tap your desk lightly, and watch the coffee tremble!
  • Haha
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