Tackling the hard questions and quandaries of Faith

I tried to do this in this in the "Christian response to ..." thread.

Claims were made about the doctrine of the Trinity
I responded to those claims showing where I thought they were wrong.
No-one actually argued in favour of those claims.
Thus, in my mind, the claims stand.

I think religions would serve themselves better if they leant on their own strengths, rather than attempt to destabilise others by claiming their doctrine is defective.

"We all believe the same thing, only my belief is slightly better than yours ..."
Personally I see it is important that we find out what is erroneous about our beliefs.

I would prefer to find out my errors than to continue with the error, the issue I face is I am stubborn and pigheaded, slow to learn.

Regards Tony
I tried to do this in this in the "Christian response to ..." thread.

Claims were made about the doctrine of the Trinity
I responded to those claims showing where I thought they were wrong.
No-one actually argued in favour of those claims.
Thus, in my mind, the claims stand.

I think religions would serve themselves better if they leant on their own strengths, rather than attempt to destabilise others by claiming their doctrine is defective.

"We all believe the same thing, only my belief is slightly better than yours ..."
The logical question Thomas is a what if. It is what this OP is about.

So what If Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah are as claimed, what they have offered in what they said and recorded in their Tablets is from One God, and they are indeed foretold of in Bible prophecy, how does that reflect on the current understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity?

Remember, to many it is not a what if, it is a reality for us, thus it is a fair and honest question.

Regards Tony
@Tony Bristow-Stagg has no other interest than selling Baha'u'llah. I'm not buying -- so there's no point going on within a closed loop, across multiple threads imo
Two things at play here, if I am to tackle the hard questions of my Faith.

First is reflected in Timothy 4:2 "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.."

Second is reflected in Proverbs 9:8 "Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, Reprove a wise man and he will love you."

The second is also a wisdom in my faith that is my shortcoming and a bad reflection on my faith.

Regards Tony
Two things at play here, if I am to tackle the hard questions of my Faith.

First is reflected in Timothy 4:2 "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.."

Second is reflected in Proverbs 9:8 "Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, Reprove a wise man and he will love you."

The second is also a wisdom in my faith that is my shortcoming and a bad reflection on my faith.

Regards Tony
I think you're a disturbed fellow who needs justification at any price
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I am a lover of all humanity that is greatly saddened that our choices have manifested in a materialism of destruction.

Regards Tony
Nope. You're a salesman and a poor one, in the wrong job because first you need to sell yourself
Even if I like the product* I'm unlikely to take it off someone I regard as offensive -- nothing personal, you understand?

*I do not

Edited to remove ad hominem
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Even if I like the product I'm unlikely to take it off someone I regard as an offensive turkey -- nothing personal, you understand?
I reflect on such comments and consider what Jesus Christ and all the Messengers faced in reference to their persons and what they were accused of. I find it very humbling that they still delivered the Message of God while they faced so much opposition and aggression and they gave their lives to it.

Maybe I am just lonely in Faith?

Regards Tony
I reflect on such comments and consider what Jesus Christ and all the Messengers faced in reference to their persons and what they were accused of. I find it very humbling that they still delivered the Message of God while they faced so much opposition and aggression and they gave their lives to it.

Maybe I am just lonely in Faith?

Regards Tony
When cornered, play the victim card
What if.. have you asked what if you're wrong? I see you pushing your agenda and you asked what if I am wrong? What if Jesus is Lord God Almighty and He returns where all eyes will see Him .. where every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. That would mean that your man made prophet was wrong. What if... Your mom was right?

I'm not a gambling woman so the fulfilled prophesies of His first coming, the witnesses present in His ministry and my own personal experiences with Him would never allow me to question what if I'm wrong.

In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was with Theos and the Logos was Theos. One and done. Jesus is the way the truth and the life noone comes to the Father but by Him. Not anyone else.. just Him.

Disclaimer: this is my humble opinion based on my faith
The logical question Thomas is a what if. It is what this OP is about.
If you mean the original question, can there be discussion between religions – yes, there can, and there are. The Big Religions do tend to dialogue at the highest level – it's here, at the level of social media and in sensationalist publications that tempers get roused.

So what If Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah are as claimed, what they have offered in what they said and recorded in their Tablets is from One God, and they are indeed foretold of in Bible prophecy, how does that reflect on the current understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity?
We would have to discuss those instances on a case-by-case basis.

Where the Quran 'challenges' Christian doctrine, I can respond to those challenges. Personally I think the Prophet was preaching against local polytheism, and also against I rather believe are misunderstood teachings of Christian doctrine – had someone explained the idea of hypostatic union in Jesus, the two natures in one person, all the Quranic objections disappear.

So far, I had made my objections to a specific text. If you'd rather discuss another text, then I am open to suggestions.

My point with the text in question is it makes false assertions, they were the points I raised.


As ever, you are free to believe what you believe, and I support your right to do so ... but when my beliefs are mis-represented, then I am right to point that out.

I apologize for the ad hominem in post #50 and have removed it. If @Tony Bristow-Stagg addresses no more comments in my direction, I will not respond to him, in this thread or any other. A reminder about using our website as a soapbox to proselytise ...
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There once was a lady who dressed in fine velvet and slept with her lovers on cushions of gold

Surrounded by music and elegant circus, she beckoned the wanderer to step from his road

Alone she embraced him in ivory chambers, where hummingbirds danced to a sandalwood sun

And sweetly the traveler squandered his history, bartering comforts for battles he'd won

Forgetting the highway that rolled past the window; forgetting the fact that he carried a name

A snowflake he fell to the warmth of her bosom, and died like a moth on the rim of her flame
Not the worst way to go 😉

(I understand the metaphor of course.)

Lovely poem! Yours, @RJM ?
The Big Religions do tend to dialogue at the highest level – it's here, at the level of social media and in sensationalist publications that tempers get roused.
Didn't always use to be like that, though.

In the old days of the Big Religions, there were Defenestrations, Cardinals storming out on each other and unilaterally changing single words here and there in the prayers... even the Buddha wasn't above arguing with opponents until their heads would literally explode, if the old texts are to be believed...