That is difficult. Will that happen, maybe eventually, but it would not be for a long while. This key to a Lesser Peace is a unity in our diversity.
I'd say that is a categorical assumption.
I'd say the greater peace is unity in diversity, which would reflect the wondrous theophany of God at this level of manifestation.
If it be God's will that everything be the same, then it would be the same, but the Book of Nature, the First Revelation, shows us that God does not just bring one flower into existence, but all manner of flowers. Here, in this world, there is never one thing – everything speaks of diversity, and yet there is one nature, one sun to which all life turns its face.
That is the wonder of nature, and that is the wonder – the theophany of God.
And this perhaps why the rainbow is a fitting emblem of God's love of creation, being composed of not one colour but a diversity of colours, every colour under the sun.
The unity God seeks is unity of brotherhood – as one people – a unity that transcends the phenomenal. I think your error is assuming 'unity' means 'sameness' – it doesn't, it's more, and greater, than that.
"Say: If ye deny this Revelation, by what proof have ye believed in God?"
I see that challeng would be impossible, for all people, of all Faiths, as to deny one, is the denial of all, to prove one,is to use that proof for all.
Logical flaw ... You saying we have to accept everyone who comes along and says they are a prophet, because they say so?
t is written in prophecy, that humanity as a whole will try to do away with religion and ultimately find that does not work, that Faith is needed for unity. It is then that humanity as a whole will turn back to scriptures to find what teachings are more suited to this age.
The assumption that the Scriptures are suited more or less to a given age is flawed – Scripture is the voice of the eternal, and speaks eternal truths, it speaks to all, everywhere, in every age, without distinction.
If we follow the Kali Yuga, then those teachings speak of a greater and lesser opacity – that perhaps the message of Christ need be watered down even more because if Paul's audience could only accept 'milk, not meat' (1 Corinthians 3:2) – the case is moreso now. Humanity is more self-oriented now than we were then, and thus less receptive.
That is the only ground for the Baha'i dismissal of the doctrine of the Trinity – not that it is wrong, but that it is a truth too rich for the audience – what Buddhism calls a upaya, an expediency. But we're too far down the line for that, so it's a strategem that's destined to fail.
what is recorded in the Baha'i Writings is as valid as any of the Holy Books. The arguments of Faith are as valid as any other.
My point is that the Writings say nothing new, just repeat what has already been said ...
Many years ago there was a terrorist incident in the East. Men entered a hotel complex and were shooting people. A Hindu, who managed to escape, then crawled back into the hotel, to drag the wounded to safety. When asked why, he said that his beliefs required it of him.
I know that belief is the same as my belief. We both believe in God, although we express it in utterly different ways. He is a different religion to me, a different colour, different build, different voice, different in courage, different in every way (except species and gender), and yet, in our hearts we harbour the same faith, hope and love.
That, my brother, is a unity that transcends the phenomenal world. That is something wonderful to behold – it speaks of the Higher.