John's Gospel

Well- the ENTIRE book of John shows how John 1:1 should read; the Word was divine!
Exactly! Thy own mouth has said it!

John 1:1-3
"In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word (Logos) was with God (Theos), and the Word (Logos) was God (Theos)."
(I know the NWT fudges the translation by introducing the indefinite article, but really that's indefensible and should not delay us here.)

"The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."
(Again the NWT fudges a parallel text in Colossian1:16 to obscure the meaning, but fails to be consistent here.)

So 'the Word' (as the Latin rather inadequately has it) is Divine.
(Inadequate in that the meaning of the original Greek, logos, is far broader than the Latin verbum.)

John 1:14
"And the Word (Logos) was made flesh, and dwelt among us"
So the Word (Logos) of God becomes Incarnate in the man Jesus.

I see the LIGHT!
Or, rather the Darkness.

Your opinions ONLY....
How can us discussing scripture be opinion? If you don't believe scripture and I do.. that would be our opinion. If you and I both hold scripture as authority then it's who is wrong or right.

John 8:12. When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
(Posts are being deleted by a Mod, so don't be surprised it I don't reply some time in the future!)

(Link to commercial sales website removed by moderator)
If the post contained a commercial sales website and it isn't allowed --
You have been allowed to post, yes?
Is there any way to go about this with a more relaxed approach and tone?
We could have better discussions without the tension and controversy
Seven posts DELETED?
Jesus words DELETED?
We've had arguments about these verses in John before. I debated against the doctrine of the Trinity. And you know what? Not one of my comments ever was removed. I wonder if it had anything to do with me being polite and also adhering to the code of conduct we have around here?
theMadJW is no longer a member of these forums and so will not be able to respond to further comments

Shucks..and I was starting to like the guy 😫😉
He was just causing too much extra work for the volunteer mods, and trying to sneak through links to his commercial sales website, besides his rude style
He was just causing too much extra work for the volunteer mods, and trying to sneak through links to his commercial sales website, besides his rude style
l'd never have guessed :p
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He was just causing too much extra work for the volunteer mods, and trying to sneak through links to his commercial sales website, besides his rude style
Yes... Being rude and trying to get away with verboten things is a sure ticket out.
I wish we had other JWs etc among us, who were courteous and chill... I love the true interfaith character of the forum when their are man diverse viewpoints. I hate to lose the distinctive viewpoint, however, he didn't add to things in a positive way often enough. I like it when people explain their theology without being confrontational. I am dismayed when comments come off sounding like those Facebook pages "Atheists vs Fundies Debate Evolution vs Creation" or something, where EVERY post is a snarky meme. :confused: 😒 😞😣
Yes... Being rude and trying to get away with verboten things is a sure ticket out.
I wish we had other JWs etc among us, who were courteous and chill... I love the true interfaith character of the forum when their are man diverse viewpoints. I hate to lose the distinctive viewpoint, however, he didn't add to things in a positive way often enough. I like it when people explain their theology without being confrontational. I am dismayed when comments come off sounding like those Facebook pages "Atheists vs Fundies Debate Evolution vs Creation" or something, where EVERY post is a snarky meme. :confused: 😒 😞😣
Another that nearly always comes across negatively are the raw Paul detractors. The only one that wasn't a negative battery pole was Mr Garaffa, and I'm convinced he was truthful when he said he spent many late night hours reading this scholar and that on the subject. But even he could not all...what Christianity should look like minus Paul. Destruction, no construction. No positive benefit. <shrug>

I can only guess some folks are more invested in being "right," at least in their own eyes, than in living the example. Living the example is not automatic, and there are times it can be tough, but walkin' the talk speaks volumes, whereas words are cheap.

James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
Yes... Being rude and trying to get away with verboten things is a sure ticket out.
I wish we had other JWs etc among us, who were courteous and chill... I love the true interfaith character of the forum when their are man diverse viewpoints. I hate to lose the distinctive viewpoint, however, he didn't add to things in a positive way often enough. I like it when people explain their theology without being confrontational. I am dismayed when comments come off sounding like those Facebook pages "Atheists vs Fundies Debate Evolution vs Creation" or something, where EVERY post is a snarky meme. :confused: 😒 😞😣
I don't think the JW organisation encourages their members to post on forums like these. I think they need special approval from the elders. Am open to correction? TheMadJW didn't seem to be bothered by any of that though
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I don't think the JW organisation encourages their members to post on forums like these. I think they need special approval from the elders. Am open to correction? TheMadJW didn't seem to be bothered by any of that though

As far as I know, being a JW(as in part of the organisation) means submission to the Governing body which determines all the doctrines etc. TheMadJW clearly doesn't submit to this body, so he does not represent the movement in any way, even though he says he has the same beliefs.

Many JW's say, "I am one of Jehova's witnesses". I always ask, so when did you see Jehova?
It's a pity they are not represented here.
Another that nearly always comes across negatively are the raw Paul detractors. The only one that wasn't a negative battery pole was Mr Garaffa, and I'm convinced he was truthful when he said he spent many late night hours reading this scholar and that on the subject. But even he could not all...what Christianity should look like minus Paul..
..more like its Jewish roots, no? :)
If people have a fixed idea about Christianity due to a lifetime's creed,
then it it is difficult to imagine how Paul/Saul's contribution to the NT could be interpreted
in any other way than the Orthodox view.

That's not Paul's fault..
Another that nearly always comes across negatively are the raw Paul detractors. The only one that wasn't a negative battery pole was Mr Garaffa ...
Well I'm not a Paul detractor – far from it – but I think much of what Mr Garaffa's thesis has been eclipsed by modern, and notably Jewish, scholarship?

That Paul was thoroughly Jewish ...
Matthew 4:
5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

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