The consequences of our neglect.

Peace on earth is false teaching, imo
I personally see it as a blessing given in all the Holy Books.

"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven...."

It is a God given hope and promise.

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

Hebrews 12:14 Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

If we beleive in God, we are that peace.

Regards Tony
I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately, considering all that is going on in the world. If we loved each other as God loves us, of course no one would ever harm another person. But I don't think that will ever happen, until 'the end'. I think war and violence are fundamentally part of human nature. I guess the only thing we can do is try to change our own actions.
Why bring in God in the equation? What evidence?
My personal view is that there will only be eternal peace and love when God steps in for the final time. Until then, I agree, peace on earth is a fantasy.
The Baha'i believe this is the end of days where God steps in for the final time and that Christ has already returned in the form of Baha'u'llah.

They celebrate the death of Baha'u'llah as his 'ascension' etc. Quite confusing really, imo
@Tony Bristow-Stagg

Read Matthew 13 for Christ's parables about the Kingdom of Heaven as an inner state.
Thank you RJM. I understand that the kingdom of heaven is an inner state.

I put it too you. If every human obtained that inner state of Love, then would not the earth also reflect that inner kingdom?

Was not Jesus a perfect example of what we can be on earth!

All the best and Regards Tony
The Baha'i believe this is the end of days where God steps in for the final time and that Christ has already returned in the form of Baha'u'llah.

They celebrate the death of Baha'u'llah as his 'ascension' etc. Quite confusing really, imo
It is the end of an Era RJM and not the final time we will need God. Every faith has its "Day". There is the dawn and its sunset. There is the spring the summer the autumn and the winter and the cycles repeat.

The Messengers to come in this Dispensation, the age of fulfillment, which we are told will last at least 500,000 years, will most likely come as they previously have, about every 1000 years, a day of God. So that tells me at least another 500 will come in this age of fulfillment.

God does not leave us alone, the most great peace will come. I see we will be traversing the universe meeting other intelligent species, the oneness of creation much larger than we can appreciate.

Science fiction is great, a lot of it is drawn upon the possibilities that are already written.

Regards Tony
If every human obtained that inner state of Love, then would not the earth also reflect that inner kingdom?
Yes. But that's not going to happen, is the point. It will always be a small few that follow the narrow road, etc.

Christ's final coming is prophesied to be the final judgement of the sheep from the goats etc, at the end of days. Not a continuance of nature,
It is the end of an Era RJM and not the final time we will need God. Every faith has its "Day". There is the dawn and its sunset. There is the spring the summer the autumn and the winter and the cycles repeat.

The Messengers to come in this Dispensation, the age of fulfillment, which we are told will last at least 500,000 years, will most likely come as they previously have, about every 1000 years, a day of God. So that tells me at least another 500 will come in this age of fulfillment.

God does not leave us alone, the most great peace will come. I see we will be traversing the universe meeting other intelligent species, the oneness of creation much larger than we can appreciate.

Science fiction is great, a lot of it is drawn upon the possibilities that are already written.

Regards Tony
That's your belief, and it may be the truth.

But the point is it's not there in either the New Testament or the Qur'an. They both prophecy 'the last day' and final judgement, regardless of Baha''i attempts to make them say different, imo
Life is good! And getting better all the time.
Well, sadly for most, it's getting worse ... and worse indicators are actually there in your citations if you read between the lines.

As regards the world becoming more peaceful, the report notes:
"A number of factors have been found to be associated with increased peace. At the intrastate level, increased trade and economic engagement ...'
... yet all the indicators are the super-rich get richer, and the poor get poorer ...

'... the spread of democracy ...'
Really? Is that modern corporate democracy, or classical popular democracy ... let me guess.

'... and increasing gender equality have all been identified as important predictive factors of peace.'
And yet as inequality globally grows, it's women who eat less, work harder and suffer more compared to men.

The third report says:
"It’s not all good news in this year’s report. Happiness inequality—the gap between the top half of the population and the bottom half in terms of their life satisfaction—continues to increase. This gap is also widening in terms of how worried, angry, and sad people are feeling."

The World Economic Forum notes:
The super-rich have at least half of all new wealth generated in the last 10 years.

Billionaire fortunes increase by $2.7 billion a day – at least 1.7 billion workers now live in countries where inflation is outpacing wages.

The richest 1% possess nearly two-thirds of all new wealth, approx worth $42 trillion, created since 2020
That's twice as much money as the other 99% of the world’s population.

"Ordinary people are making daily sacrifices on essentials like food ... this decade iis shaping up to be the best yet for billionaires.”

Meanwhile food, energy and basic resource prices continue to rise.
Food and energy corporations have more than doubled their profits in 2022. They made $306 billion in windfall profits, and paid out $257 billion (84 percent) of that to rich shareholders.

At least 1.7 billion workers now live in countries where inflation is outpacing wages, and over 820 million people —roughly one in ten people on Earth— are going hungry. Women and girls often eat least and last, and make up nearly 60 percent of the world’s hungry population.

The World Bank says we are likely seeing the biggest increase in global inequality and poverty since WW2.

Entire countries are facing bankruptcy, with the poorest countries now spending four times more repaying debts to rich creditors than on healthcare. Three-quarters of the world’s governments are planning austerity-driven public sector spending cuts —including on healthcare and education— by $7.8 trillion over the next five years.

On balance:
Elon Musk paid a “true tax rate” of about 3% between 2014 and 2018.
Aber Christine, a flour vendor in Uganda, makes $80 a month and pays a tax rate of 40%.


Don't just read and watch negativitfy...don't fall for the marketing if it bleeds it leads...make your own choices...or wallow in "woe is me misery" it is a choice.
OK ... just choose to read and watch all the good stuff?
I think as long as believers hold the line that God will step in and wave His/Her magic wand like a fairy godmother at the 9th hour ... then we're all in for a rude awakening ...
I think war and violence are fundamentally part of human nature. I guess the only thing we can do is try to change our own actions.
War and violence are a fundamental part of human nature where the environment gives rise to those destructive behaviors. Change the environment to change human nature.

Bonobos do not have the problem of scarce resources. They show a lack of team aggression. Bonobos have been observed for thousands of hours without displaying team aggression. Such aggression is no longer needed if it was ever there because of how and where they live. Not the same for chimpanzees, however.
I think as long as believers hold the line that God will step in and wave His/Her magic wand like a fairy godmother at the 9th hour ... then we're all in for a rude awakening ...
If it is to be it is up to me! And you...and you...and you over there.
there in your citations if you read between the lines.
Exactly why I posted the whole articles and not cherry pick the lines that suited my wishes, paradigm, belief, understanding.

2 steps forward one step back...incremental change has occurred over time....and as i see it setbacks will continue...but so will the rising tide of compassion and concern.

Peace on earth may be a pipe dream...but i will keep dreaming. (If only for the grandkids) I no longer vote or speak to my needs or wants...but to theirs. My time has passed, the future is theirs.
War and violence are a fundamental part of human nature where the environment gives rise to those destructive behaviors. Change the environment to change human nature.

Bonobos do not have the problem of scarce resources. They show a lack of team aggression. Bonobos have been observed for thousands of hours without displaying team aggression. Such aggression is no longer needed if it was ever there because of how and where they live. Not the same for chimpanzees, however.

I disagree. I think we have always been violent. We can't blame the environment. It definitely isn't just a matter of scarce resources in our case. I feel like bonobos are a bad example if you know anything about the way they remain peaceful, which I won't go into here lol. They actually do also display aggression though.
Exactly why I posted the whole articles and not cherry pick the lines that suited my wishes, paradigm, belief, understanding.
And why I read them. I also checked sources.

...but so will the rising tide of compassion and concern.
I don't see a 'rising tide'. I think that's always been the way – that the poor are more generous than the rich – and it did point out that the generosity of the world's richest nation is declining.

The key to all this will be resources.

The 'developed' nations use resources at a far greater rate than the undeveloped, but the undeveloped need to be kept in check to allow the developed to continue as they have been.

Resources are getting stretched ... once that really begins to bite, then we'll see.
And why I read them. I also checked sources.

I don't see a 'rising tide'. I think that's always been the way – that the poor are more generous than the rich – and it did point out that the generosity of the world's richest nation is declining.

The key to all this will be resources.

The 'developed' nations use resources at a far greater rate than the undeveloped, but the undeveloped need to be kept in check to allow the developed to continue as they have been.

Resources are getting stretched ... once that really begins to bite, then we'll see.
A problem could be that in the next 50 years the 'developed' nations go through a population collapse making them unable to sustain the technical level necessary, while the undeveloped, especially Africa, experience population explosion, but without the technical skills to manage?
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I think as long as believers hold the line that God will step in and wave His/Her magic wand like a fairy godmother at the 9th hour ... then we're all in for a rude awakening ...

But isn't that a fairly common religious belief, the idea of an end times that puts an end to all human evil? Unless I'm misunderstanding your statement, isn't that also what (most) Christians believe? That sin won't be destroyed until Christ comes, triumphant?
But isn't that a fairly common religious belief, the idea of an end times that puts an end to all human evil? Unless I'm misunderstanding your statement, isn't that also what (most) Christians believe? That sin won't be destroyed until Christ comes, triumphant?
The perfection of nature and return to the Spirit from which it originated with the fall of Adam? When the lion will lie down with the lamb ...
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