The consequences of our neglect.

Why can't Baha'i writings stand on their own?? Why does it have to plagiarize Christian scripture.
Because I find the blasphemy highly offensive.
That is because there is One God and the Messengers are One. Christ is One in God.

The Quran 2:285 "The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers. "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His messengers." And they say: "We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys"

Regards Tony
The biggest test for humanity in this age, is our ability as a whole to embrace the oneness of humanity. All predudices must be eliminated, national, religious, race and gender.

If we neglect to do this, the convulsions shaking the limbs of mankind will daily increase.

I personally wish all peoples, of all nations naught but the best. Regards Tony
Yes, I do admire the JWs for their nonviolence. I don't think education will stop violence or war though.
Yes, there are many issues on many fronts. The Oneness of humamity may be the key educational tool we can choose to acheive this goal.

Regards Tony
I wonder why the Bahai cant...or the Christians cant of the Muslims can't.

All lip service and platitudes.
The Bahai are peacemakers. It is not lip service to live in love and peace, but peace requires justice. Peace is not found in pacifism. A rule of law is required and our submission unto those laws is also required, stepping outside those laws requires a just and measured response.

There are many adequate laws already set by the UN. The issue is Vetoed votes and no power to enforce those laws. Had the boundary of nations been set and the power given to the UN to enforce compliance to set national boundaries and human rights charters, then no nation would dare to arise against its neighbours, when they know the response will be that the whole world will beat them back into submission.

Regards Tony
I wonder why the Bahai cant...or the Christians cant of the Muslims can't.

All lip service and platitudes

Yeah, it’s complicated because I think individual believers can and do prevent evil by changing their own behaviour. Personally, my faith in God has made me a better person than I was. But deeply religious societies don’t necessarily produce less violence or war, as history bears out. And then you have ‘pacifist’ religions like the JWs, who are nonviolent but despite that have deeply abusive practices.
The Bahai are peacemakers. It is not lip service....

Had the boundary of nations been set and the power given to the UN to enforce compliance to set national boundaries and human rights charters, then no nation would dare to arise against its neighbours, when they know the response will be that the whole world will beat them back into submission.

Regards Tony
So it is peaceful by supporting the violence of others to protect imaginary boundaries created by war? Asking for a friend.
I think individual believers can and do prevent evil by changing their own behaviour.
Makes me wonder percentages of adherents in each religion which practice non violence (and even consider nonviolent communication)

Every US president has claimed Christianity, and has overseen implementation of non christ like, non Christian directives, actions and wars.
So it is peaceful by supporting the violence of others to protect imaginary boundaries created by war? Asking for a friend.
That was no offered. The Nations of the world need to set the boundaries in a peaceful manner. How that will now happen is a story yet to be told.

Regards Tony
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We are born in the image of a perfect human, but we need to be educated into morals, virtues and the oneness of humanity.
If we were born perfect, there would not have been any need to educate us. The fact is that humans are born imperfect. Nothing much changes them.
Not even the so-called prophets/sons/messengers/manifestations/mahdis.
This won't be mean anything to an atheist but even the Angels of Heaven war. If someone breaks into your house with the intent to kill you your wife and your children or try to take what belongs to you are you going to raise your hands in the air and say Peace and love and let them do whatever they want? I think not. Hypocritical. As long as evil exists and it surely does there will be war and violence. There is evil in this world even if you deny there is a God and blame it all on religion.
As long as evil exists and it surely does there will be war and violence. There is evil in this world even if you deny there is a God and blame it all on religion.
Existence of evil denies the existence of God. I do not blame it all on religion. I blame it on evolution which made us selfish and greedy.
Give a banana to a monkey, he will eat it and wait for another. If you have another, he will try to snatch it from you.
Humans too are just like that.
Makes me wonder percentages of adherents in each religion which practice non violence (and even consider nonviolent communication)

Every US president has claimed Christianity, and has overseen implementation of non christ like, non Christian directives, actions and wars.

Most people don't really practice their faith. I think most people who identify with a religion do so because that's the religion that is predominant in the part of the world they were born in.
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If we were born perfect, there would not have been any need to educate us. The fact is that humans are born imperfect. Nothing much changes them.
Not even the so-called prophets/sons/messengers/manifestations/mahdis.
It is a potential we are born with. The Messengers are the perfect example, they are born perfect, the proof of their Person supports the claim.

The education we need is the example of the Messengers and what they have given us from God.

Regards Tony
The Messengers are the perfect example, they are born perfect, the proof of their Person supports the claim.

And yet even some of the Messengers engaged in or promoted war/violence? No human being can be described as perfect imo.