Tony Bristow-Stagg
One Planet One People Please
A rational and logical mind is my proof. That we can exist in the dream world without a body is proof enough of one world of God, NDE experiences also indicate the existence of mind outside the known senses and this reality.. . . and your proof is . . . ?
We all have our blink in time in this matrix, then our heart stops and the brain dies and we awake to the worlds to come.
The proof of all this was been shown to a couple of people, they hastened their departure from this fleeting world, this illusion of the senses. Baha'u'llah gave them that vision as a meditation for us, and even though suicide is forbidden, they were forgiven for hastening their departure.
One could say it is good God does not show everyone what is to come.
Personally I want to fly as in some of my dreams, flight that is unhindered and embrace the light of the world to come, a love, a peace, a happiness and joy beyond description.
I need no other proofs, but the Messengers.
Regards Tony