There is no proof of God ...

'Brahma satyam, jagan-mithya' (Brahman alone is the truth, the perceived is an illusion), so said Sankaracharya in 8th Century.
The reality is 'physical energy' (Brahman). Just its existence creates the illusion of the universe.
What you do not see in the image is 'physical energy' (Brahman) which is omni-present. You see only the effects.
I've said the same in different words several times already. Energy permeates matter. If energy can be physical, it implies energy beings exist. Energy requires two poles, and the "tension" between the two poles allows for visible matter to exist. Visible matter, if the ratio provided is correct, composes about 5% of the known universe, the rest being dark energy and dark matter. Since our physical eyes can only perceive visible matter (and even then only in a narrow spectrum), we are limited in what we are capable of perceiving with our eyes.

That leaves in excess of 95% of the known universe we cannot humanly perceive.

Scientific instruments only sample a fraction of the remainder, allowing us to "know" more is out there than we can perceive, but still limits our ability to perceive anywhere close to all of reality.
I can imagine one use of belief in Brahma. If you can relate to it, you would be free or freer from egoistic attachment, including fearful defensiveness.
Help you go with the flow
Whereas my example only touches on a couple of reasons why God is Impossible, it doesn't make it false.
The concept of 'god' fails in that:
1) There is no evidence of such a god
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
2) The idea is illogical
Much in reality, what IS, is illogical
3) The preponderance of suffering remains
Much in reality is illogical
4) We don’t need an external god
Perhaps He needs you?
5) Life is better without god
That is your choice.
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Can we get back to basics?

Can we agree:
As God transcends all determination, then seeking a 'proof' because proofs exist within the sphere of the determinable?
Logic extends mathematically to the concept of fairness. It's usually played as a zero sum game, all or nuthin'.

Life ain't always fair. Ergo, life is illogical.

Logic gave us a sense of viewing the world around us that we hope makes sense to understand what's going on around us at a given time. With law, math, and ethics, it's all culture stuff. And religion typically around the world is a functional if not integral part of any culture.

We're all looking for the same thing. We just see things a little different than others do, or the other way around.

Foundational in religion, often enough to make a generalization, is a sense of morality, and that morality shares taboos across cultures often enough to be called universal. Different cultures reaching out in a manner consistent with their history interpret reality in different ways. How they (cultures) express their religion forms and advises each culture.

How a person conducts their affairs in life, is how they honor their religion...if they are mindful if not devout.

There are those who see things otherwise.

And all of this is finger pointing, when we all should be reaching for the moon the finger is pointed at.

Ecclesiastes 12:12-14, KJV
12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
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“On another occasion it happened that a certain heathen came before Shammai and said to him, “Make me a proselyte, on the condition that you teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot.”1 Thereupon he chased him away with the builder’s cubit that was in his hand.2 When he came before Hillel, (he also asked Hillel to teach him the entire Torah while standing on one foot) Hillel replied, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor: that is the whole Torah while the rest is commentary; go and learn it.”3
emphasis mine, -jt3

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Much in reality, what IS, is illogical

Much in reality is illogical

Perhaps He needs you?

That is your choice.
True, you cannot prove a negative, however, it is up to the claimant to PROVE.

Logic is the systematic study of the principles and criteria of valid inference and demonstration. It involves the analysis of arguments, identifying patterns of reasoning that lead to correct conclusions and distinguishing them from those that do not. Logic encompasses both formal and informal aspects, focusing on the structure of propositions and the relationships between them, often using symbolic notation to clarify and evaluate the validity of arguments.

Objective reality is governed by logical principles . . .

"Perhaps He needs you?" Who would that be?
Just another logical syllogism, but since you've made your choice the question is moot...for you. Perhaps not for the next person.
You're the one that proposed the "He" . . . if there's any Syllogistic Reasoning it's yours.
You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears, and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose free will

I've chosen my path, you've chosen free will. I could choose to change my path, I choose not to.

My life is my choices, every moment of every day. I choose to be moral towards those around me, provided they do the same towards me.
True, you cannot prove a negative, however, it is up to the claimant to PROVE.
The claimant said there is no proof of G!d. But one cannot prove He doesn't exist. So which is it?

Objective reality is governed by logical principles
Physics, yes. Logic, no.

Is Schrödinger's Cat alive, or dead? Both, but that's not logical. Logic deals with either / or, it cannot be both.
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Rational and logical are different. Rational is reasoned. Logic is either / or.

"Proof" relates to logic, and may or may not have anything to do with "rational."

For reality to be logical, it must always at all times be logical. One instance of illogic and reality must be classed as illogical, because it is not always logical. I see people routinely make illogical decisions, therefore illogic is not rare or exceptional, it is prevalent.
Today, the word genius tends to carry cerebral connotations, rather than spiritual ones, but the word has its origin in ancient Roman religion, in which the genius (from Latin gignere, “to beget”) was originally a spirit who gave continuity to a family or clan over generations, and later the attendant spirit of a person or place. When genius first made its home in the English language in the 14th century it carried this “attendant spirit” meaning. Over time, the word developed the extended sense of “an identifying character or spirit,” a meaning inspired by the fact that part of a genius’s role was to protect a person’s moral character. Later genius came to refer to both remarkable talent or intelligence, and to someone who has such

a: plural, genii : an attendant spirit of a person or place
b: plural usually, genii : a person who influences another for good or bad...He has been accused of being his brother's evil genius.

a: strong leaning or inclination : PENCHANT

a: a peculiar, distinctive, or identifying character or spirit
the genius of our democratic government
b: the associations and traditions of a place
c: a personification or embodiment especially of a quality or condition

4 plural usually, genii : SPIRIT, JINNI

5 plural usually, geniuses
a: a single strongly marked capacity or aptitude… had a genius for getting along with boys …—Mary Ross
b: extraordinary intellectual power especially as manifested in creative activity
c: a person endowed with extraordinary mental superiority
especially : a person with a very high IQ

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