Why not use only scriptures, to build a solid foundation of truth, a truth based only on the Bible? And let the scripture speak for itself?I see no reason why we shouldn't be..
An 'immortal spiritual body in heaven' .. not exactly .. more like we will be resurrected once more ..
.. every single one of us .. to a new 'body', much like the one we know now, but without the
Not all will automatically go to heaven .. in fact, probably only a small number.
..but eventually, a much larger number will make it.
'Heaven' is not a magic fairy land, in as much as we will still have status, but not due to money..
..no .. due to piety and deeds.
Neither is status something that cannot change .. but I've never been a candidate for "head boy"
The problem with quoting Bible verses, is that we all have different interpretations for them.
What do you think about the parable of "the sheep & the goats" for example?
G-d, through His prophets and warners, has given glad tidings to those that follow a righteous path.
The converse is also true i.e. warning of suffering, due to "falling off the wagon"
And let each scripture explain the interpretation, instead of including a person's personal viewpoint? let the Bible mold our viewpoint?
Think about it, if we read a scripture and the context that surrounds it, and someone says, oh that's just an interpretation, why bother to use any scriptures in the Bible, I respectfully disagree with the interpretation thing. --2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 17:17
I respect your belief even though it is different from mine. Don't you feel everyone is entitled to believe a certain way? I believe you have good reasons to believe the way you do, I just have different scriptures that lead me in a different direction, and I try not to interpret, I just let the scriptures collectively do the interpreting. For example if you asked me to explain how I believe on most every issue I could just quote some scriptures, and let them do all the talking, I won't have to say they mean something different, I read the scripture, and I believe each and every scripture is a valuable part of the whole truth of a subject.
If the Bible is not trustworthy, then what's trustworthy, a person's interpretation? a person's feelings or opinion? Or when he says oh that doesn't mean that?