I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there
How many generations have read that and expected it to come true...soon...like in their lifetime's?

I don't know how that is comforting...
I guess if I can't use scriptures alone the next time I will just whistle a tune.
I enjoy a good whister....
G-d knows best .. I don't need to know that, in order to believe that G-d created the universe
and all it contains.

Welcome to the forums, by the way. :)
Thank you, muhammad_isa. I see you don't write out the entire word God. Why is that?
Yes good things for everybody! The Bible is not written for a certain group, it is written for everybody!

I agree with you reading all the surrounding context and pay attention to what's being talked about. The Bible itself should be the ultimate source of direction to form any belief, not men from any religion, including mine.

You might have been misinformed, JW's don't feel they are getting everlasting life unless they "observe all the commands" Jesus gave.
--Matthew 28:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, Hebrews 5:9, John 14:15, Luke 8:21, Romans 1:18; 2:8, Hebrews 10:26-27, John 3:36 JW's are no better off than anyone that does not listen to Jesus words!

Anyone could say any scripture is "extracted out of context", I guess if I can't use scriptures alone the next time I will just whistle a tune.

I guess the next time you quote any scripture at all, i'll just have to come back with oh that's out of context. Sorry you have such little faith in my ability to read and understand the simplest things.

As for other faiths, don't they have different Holy Scriptures? Not only do I feel I myself am not getting everlasting life unless I observe all Jesus commands, I don't judge anybody of anything in any other religion. All JW's believe they must listen to all Jesus words. They are not special in any way whatsoever!
Fair enough. So you do not believe that only JW will be saved?
I'd like to know what you think salvation is. Salvation involves being saved by God. So saved from what? or for what?
I expected a quibble around the word. Do you expect that only JW will be resurrected to paradise on Earth, or go to heaven, or whatever? Do I have to be JW to qualify?
I expected a quibble around the word. Do you expect that only JW will be resurrected to paradise on Earth, or go to heaven, or whatever? Do I have to be JW to qualify?
Thank you for your reply, RJM. Certainly I do not expect or think that only Jehovah's Witnesses will be resurrected to the earth. Many, many more will be because Jehovah is kind and merciful. He did not create the earth for nothing. As far as heaven goes, that is a bit of another subject, because those who go to heaven have what is called a "heavenly hope," and I believe the Bible speaks of 144,000 who will rule along with Jesus over the earth for the thousand year reign of Christ. I do not have a heavenly hope. I look forward to seeing many others on the earth, including my family who were not Jehovah's Witnesses, and many more. Because God is merciful. If you want to learn more about what we believe, you can go to the excellent website at www.jw.org, and you will see explanations and accounts. Hope that helps.

So if anybody can potentially be saved why the need to 'convert' to JW? What's more special about it than Hinduism or Judaism or Catholicism?

I prefer not to be directed to the JW Org website for answers ... it's like directing someone to the Catechism for answers concerning Catholic beliefs
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Thank you, muhammad_isa. I see you don't write out the entire word God. Why is that?

"Our Father, whom art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name..

I refer to Hashem or Allah. :D
..so I write G-d as meaning "God, the Most High" .. the God of Abraham.
"Our Father, whom art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name..

I refer to Hashem or Allah. :D
..so I write G-d as meaning "God, the Most High" .. the God of Abraham.
Hello again. I would just like to say without rancor that God is not a name. It is a title, like man, child, etc.

So if anybody can potentially be saved why the need to 'convert' to JW? What's more special about it than Hinduism or Judaism or Catholicism?

I prefer not to be directed to the JW Org website for answers ... it's like directing someone to the Catechism for answers concerning Catholic beliefs
If I want to know what the official doctrine is of Catholicism, I might go to a Catholic website, by the way.

So if anybody can potentially be saved why the need to 'convert' to JW? What's more special about it than Hinduism or Judaism or Catholicism?

I prefer not to be directed to the JW Org website for answers ... it's like directing someone to the Catechism for answers concerning Catholic beliefs
As far as being saved, I was and still am glad to have learned what I have from Jehovah's Witnesses. Since I believe it is the truth about God, I go baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. As Jesus said, the road is narrow that leads to everlasting life, wide is the road leading off to destruction. To me right now that means I need to watch how I act and what I am doing and who I worship. But that's me. I obviously can't speak for everybody. And, of course, God is the final judge.
If I want to know what the official doctrine is of Catholicism, I might go to a Catholic website, by the way.
Then what would be the point of an interfaith discussion forum beyond a document drop-off box?

More useful to exchange personal thoughts, imo?
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So if anybody can potentially be saved why the need to 'convert' to JW? What's more special about it than Hinduism or Judaism or Catholicism?

I prefer not to be directed to the JW Org website for answers ... it's like directing someone to the Catechism for answers concerning Catholic beliefs
That's a very good question, I had a similar question when I was 19 years old, I was talking to two different people about the Bible, one person with their religion, and a Jehovah's Witness with his and I asked the first one, please explain to me, from the Bible why should I be of your religion rather than any other one?

If you ask anyone, why should I follow your faith, do you have a scripture that helps me decide? This helped me, you may find another question is better for you. 💖
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That's a very good question, I had a similar question when I was 19 years old, I was talking to two different people about the Bible, one person with their religion, and a Jehovah's Witness with his and I asked the first one, please explain to me, from the Bible why should I be of your religion rather than any other one?

If you ask anyone, why should I follow your faith, do you have a scripture that helps me decide? This helped me, you may find another question is better for you. 💖
Thank you. Now if you found another religion that you believe was better for you -- say Buddhism or Islam -- would you be able to leave the JW? Or would it mean that all your JW friends and family would be required to cut contact with you?
God has many names, in many languages. :)
Some say God's name is pronounced Yahweh and there are other different pronunciations, myself I think what's important is to pick the pronunciation you feel is best and just start using it. Jesus maybe pronounced God's name one way for Hebrew, one way for Greek and maybe another way for Aramaic and Latin, we don't know, but we do know this, In the new testament, it is written that Jesus used the father's name.

Jesus name in English and in Spanish, is spelled exactly the same, but is pronounced totally different. Does it really matter the pronunciation, or does God respect you for trying your best to do what he says? 💖
A lake has several Ghats.

At one, the Hindus take water in pitchers and call it jal; at another the Muslims take water in leather bags and call it pani. At a third the Christians call it water. Can we imagine that it is not jal , but only pani or water? How ridiculous!

The substance is One under different names, and everyone is seeking the same substance; only climate, temperament, and name create differences. Let each man follow his own path. If he sincerely and ardently wishes to know God, peace be unto him! He will surely realize Him"
(Ramakrishna Paramahansa)