
truthseeker said:
But equating the thinking of homosexuality with animalism doesn't help further the cause.
No,no,no,no, NO~

I'm trying to say its humanism (Is there such a word?) It happens in ever speciese(SP?) of life so why not humans to? I'm not saying we aren't animals either.

I'm trying to say that humans have come along way but we still have some roots in us be it violance, sex or whatever homosexuality is just one of those things that randomly happens to people.
Geist said:
No,no,no,no, NO~

I'm trying to say its humanism (Is there such a word?) It happens in ever speciese(SP?) of life so why not humans to? I'm not saying we aren't animals either.

I'm trying to say that humans have come along way but we still have some roots in us be it violance, sex or whatever homosexuality is just one of those things that randomly happens to people.

Agreed, humans are instinctual mammals. However, what makes us a superior breed of beast is our ability to reason and maximize the benefit of instinct. I can't tell how an animal thinks lest I become one. But as far as I understand at this time most animals don't 'mate' unless it is time for breeding. Animals who engage in homosexual activity do so because there is no female who is in heat, though the male may still have the urge to 'release'. These things, animal or human, does not require thought. A homosexual human has the choice, though they may not be attracted to the opposite sex they can still pretend that they are for procreation purposes. But they choose to love who they love regardless. Animals are just hitting any body that is around.
"There is no available female in heat" can explain male animals who mount another male and then go back to minding their own business. But what about animals who mate for life (i.e., form a couple for nesting and possible child-rearing purposes regardless of whether or not the female is in heat) such as wolves, swans, and flamingos? Homosexual couples (including sexual behaviour) have been observed in all these species, in the wild as well as in captivity. And what about female animals who court and mount other females?

Check out www.bidstrup.com/sodomy.htm for a pretty rational summary of the homosexual animal debate. A search on google will turn up hundreds of thousands more articles, on both sides.
I think that we're all looking at this from the wrong point of view. everyone is either homosexual or heterosexual (and I hope you understand while reading this that for the purpose of this argument bisexuals can be grouped with homosexuals).

If you imagine yourself to be an asexual alien observing the earth, a being to whom the idea of any sexual intercourse has never occurred, you would have to conclude that it was discusting. All those body fluids mixing, the bacteria and viruses. THE SWEAT! Thats because you would not be feeling any sexual compultion. We would consider those aliens to be very narrow minded if they discriminated against us for any and all sexual behaviour.

I think thats where homophobia comes from, us narrow minded hetero's become aware of a fairly discusting act of fluid transfer involving lots of sweat and bacteria and at first at least we all see it as discusting because we feel no urge to do it. So what we really need to do here is to realise that all sex is just as discusting really, so who are we to judge.

Besides, come on all you straight guys, we know anal sex is fun, we just prefer it with women!
Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

EDIT: Sorry - I always thought Bowie sang "gay men" not "cavemen". Those darn covers. :)

Which is why, in a roundabout way, I thought the song quote was appropriate in lieu of above comments. :)

Hm, back to the thread...
everyone is either homosexual or heterosexual (and I hope you understand while reading this that for the purpose of this argument bisexuals can be grouped with homosexuals).
But you can't place bisexual people in the same catagory as Homosexuals because they are again diffreant! Even in this argument Bisexuals still nothing like hetrosexuals or homosexuals.
Bisexuals are different in the way in which they don't confine themselves. But ultimately, they will choose.
truthseeker said:
Bisexuals are different in the way in which they don't confine themselves. But ultimately, they will choose.
But some still remain undecided on their sexuality so i believe you need to have the third option to make it a fair observation.
You have to make a decision to make it a fair observation.

You can't go through life just picking flowers out of every garden for the rest of your life. Eventually you will settle down to till the soil - be it to grow your own flowers or dig your own grave.

Sorry. :eek:
My point of view,

Being homosexual or bisexual isn't a choice. Bisexuality isn't the absence of choice..it is to be attracted to both sexes. Even if a bisexual settles down with a man or a woman for life, he'll still be bisexual because he will still be attracted to both sexes. (which doesn't mean he'll be "picking flowers out of every garden").

It's the same way a heterosexual man will stay heterosexual if he chooses a wife because he'll still be attracted to women in general... see my point?
Kaldayen said:
My point of view,

Being homosexual or bisexual isn't a choice. Bisexuality isn't the absence of choice..it is to be attracted to both sexes. Even if a bisexual settles down with a man or a woman for life, he'll still be bisexual because he will still be attracted to both sexes. (which doesn't mean he'll be "picking flowers out of every garden").

It's the same way a heterosexual man will stay heterosexual if he chooses a wife because he'll still be attracted to women in general... see my point?
...and can still pick from the garden, another flower...(which might not sit well with the first flower picked). :mad: ;)


Quahom1 said:
...and can still pick from the garden, another flower...(which might not sit well with the first flower picked). :mad: ;)
Which is exactly my point.
Can, but that doesn't mean will. Bisexuals are not by nature unfaithful, any more than straights are by nature unfaithful. As a matter of fact, I know a lot more unfaithful straight men than unfaithful bisexuals. A man who finds both blond and brown hair attractive on a woman, and whose wife is a blonde, won't automatically go out and find a brunette mistress. Even though he didn't stop finding brown hair attractive when he got married. Bisexuals are not alien freakazoids, nor sex addicts, but human beings, with the same potential for being noble or fallible as any monosexual.
Scarlet Pimpernel said:
Can, but that doesn't mean will. Bisexuals are not by nature unfaithful, any more than straights are by nature unfaithful. As a matter of fact, I know a lot more unfaithful straight men than unfaithful bisexuals. A man who finds both blond and brown hair attractive on a woman, and whose wife is a blonde, won't automatically go out and find a brunette mistress. Even though he didn't stop finding brown hair attractive when he got married. Bisexuals are not alien freakazoids, nor sex addicts, but human beings, with the same potential for being noble or fallible as any monosexual.

I guess those did turn into comments regarding character.
I don't think bisexuals are any different from homosexuals or heterosexuals. One who is looking for a mate will ultimately choose a side. If you're still attracted to everybody then it wasn't time to choose a mate.
Homosexuality is wrong because it is a crime agaist God, Nature, and your body, which belongs to God. Of couse, this is what the Bible says and not me. That said however, I do adhear with the Bible, as I see it proves itself time and again. I'd just like to say this:

Dispite what you may here, NO one is born gay! The Homosexual living is a "choice" lifestyle, and it is based off of a persons lust for the same sex. That said however, it is important to know that the Homosexual is no more a worse sinner than anyone else, and is also able to be forgiven of his/her sins through Jesus. To be forgiven however, the Homosexual must choose to give up his/her lust for the same sex, and allow God to change their desiers. Its all a choice thing with God. Though he loves us, he wont force us. He'll just make it known that we need him.

Listen to him, he's knocking on your hearts showing you your need for a Savior.

Or to study biology at all?

There are other animals in which homosexuality occurs. Lots of animals display homosexual behavior. A few also display bisexual behavior.

Some people are born hermaphrodites or with extra or missing sex chromosomes. That is, XO or XXY etc.

One of the biggest impacts on female/male characteristics and the separate but sometimes related issue of sexual orientation is hormones. Turns out, the range of estrogen to testosterone levels is quite varied and looks like a double bell curve. A minority of folks are born with natural levels that are highly sexed either as male or female. A minority are born with natural levels that are about equal- that is that they are naturally androgynous. Most are born with slightly more estrogen than progesterone and are the average female, or vice versa and are the average male.

Also, gender and sexual orientation can be shaped quite a bit by culture. Human sexuality is quite plastic and varies tremendously by culture. There are indeed cultures where the norm is homosexuality, and they practice heterosexual sex only with the intent of procreation, and men and women live separately. There are cultures where the norm is heterosexuality but men and women still live separately and not in the nuclear family grouping with which we all are familiar. There are cultures where the male warriors are expected to be homosexual and that is a method of bonding them as a community of soldiers. There are cultures that have more than two genders, including transsexuals and additional gender categories and these people often have a special place or occupation.

Even under a system that has heterosexuality as the only acceptable situation, about 10% of the population generally is homosexual.

Whether you choose to think that it is acceptable or not is another issue, but it is inaccurate to say that homosexuality and bisexuality do not occur elsewhere in nature, or that they are not considered "normal" in any culture.

God may have decreed that homosexuality was wrong for humans, but it is clear that it is not a purely human trait. Why does it continue when it doesn't produce offspring? Well, in some animals it seems to lower aggression (such as Bonobos), establish a hierarchy, and/or produce bonding, all of which can lead to furthering the survival of a social species.

Personally, I just don't get the problem with it. And even if it is a sin in some religions, the amount of attention it receives compared to all the other sins going on is surprising considering it doesn't directly harm anyone except (possibly in a spiritual way) the two adults consenting. You'd think all of Jesus' commands to take care of the poor would get more "air time" by the conservatives, but somehow it always comes back to talking about homosexuality. :confused:
Thank you for your reasoned and rational post, path_of_one. I'm afraid I had to stop typing before I went any further toward harshness, and I do apologize for the tone of my previous post.
However, in my experience, without exception every gay person I've talked with about their orientation will testify that, from their earliest awareness, something was "different" about them--something that set them apart from others who shared their secondary sexual characteristics. Eventually, growing into sexual maturity, they came to the difficult realization that their sexuality was expressed in a manner quite different from others of their apparent gender.
There may be a few masochistic souls who choose to expose themselves to the ridicule and hatred that many in the wider culture show to gays and lesbians, but I think it's a precious small number. Quite a few homosexuals struggle for years before accepting themselves as they are--and many don't make it at all.

Years ago, a young man of my aquaintance blew his brains out because he was rejected by part of his family because of his homosexuality. I seriously doubt that he "chose" to become gay, then couldn't "choose" to turn straight again.
God save all of us from the ignorance of others that caused this gentle and unassuming person so much pain that he took his own life.

I'm afraid that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and the claim that homosexuals choose to be so flies in the face of all scientific and sociological evidence--and much theological reasoning as well, a few out-of-context verses from Leviticus or wherever notwithstanding.
Well said Bluejayway!

And let's put Levitican law to rest too shall we? The word abomination appears nearly thirteen times and refers to many things such as "Eat not of the waters creatures that do not bear scales or fins for this is an
abomination" (Paraphrased)

Hatred and ignorance were never spiritual principles that Christ taught, and I have known too many kind and gentle souls hurt by it. In the extreme are people like the Kansas group that protested here in Colorado awhile back. Ed Phelps I believe his name is.
Their brand of hatefulness is so abbhorrent it is difficult to describe.