From a layman's perspective, the purpose of a vaccine is to prevent either someone from catching a specific infection or from spreading it. If the Pfizer vaccine does neither, then can it really be called a vaccine as opposed to an experimental medical procedure?
Btw, the position I'm coming from is that I was officially diagnosed with CFS in Dec 2020 (after being proscribed something I didn't need, that I was already known to react to). In order to better understand the condition, my wife did some searching online at the time and found accounts from people who had developed CFS after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine. However, those sources, often YouTube videos, were quickly deleted and some of the YouTubers said they'd been told their accounts would be deleted if they continued to say they'd got CFS from the vaccine.
So she kept following the topic - even videos US and UK politicians talking about vaccine damage in congress or Parliament were removed by YouTube to enforce censorship of criticism.
I also joined a few FaceBook CFS groups and found people there also reporting their symptoms had begun after getting the vaccine, or booster, but admins had to regulate those posts after FaceBook threatened deletion for making such claims.
If the idea that the vaccine caused harm was nothing more than a conspiracy, it was the most incredibly organised and extensive one I've ever seen. The idea that such claims were borne of ignorance just don't wash. I was there - we were there, we saw it happening as it was happening. We saw people trying to say they'd become ill after the Pfizer vaccine, and then them immediately silenced if they tried to maintain that position.
Sorry, can't access your NYT link, though not sure what the first is trying to say. It seems to come from the position that the medical profession thinks there's nothing wrong with the Pfizer vaccine, because there's no contrary evidence - but if there was a refusal to collect evidence in the first place how does that reflect the argument? After all, I seem to recall North Korea officially counted no covid deaths at all at one point during the pandemic (I think Japan did the same, too).