What do you look like?

LeoSalinas22 said:
i don't get it, i thought inlove was a chick.:cool:

I am, Leo--that is until I got to be too old to be seriously considered in that light, hehe. I posted a picture this morning which I tried to touch up a little, but I am still a fledgling amateur at doing that. It didn't turn out so well, and so I asked the mods to remove it. Maybe that clears things up. :)
Thanks, Angel (oops, I forgot--we're supposed to call you 17th--I read that somewhere the other day....) I will have to go back and search for it. But I have already starting playing with the one I posted and I think maybe I've figured it out. Let me try my hand at it again first, but I might be callin' you up if it don't work out right. :) Or I might need wings or a crown or something like that...:D

Anyways, I gotta log outta here for the morning. I haven't slept. :rolleyes:

Thanks, Angel (oops, I forgot--we're supposed to call you 17th--I read that somewhere the other day....) I will have to go back and search for it. But I have already starting playing with the one I posted and I think maybe I've figured it out. Let me try my hand at it again first, but I might be callin' you up if it don't work out right. :) Or I might need wings or a crown or something like that...:D

Anyways, I gotta log outta here for the morning. I haven't slept. :rolleyes:


You don't -have- to call me anything lol.... Anyway's see ya soon, Yeah I think it is more satisfying when you fix something yourself, but If you want me to I can get it fixed and tidy.... Failing that I'll just plop a big afro on you and know one will be any the wiser... ;)
I have a pic I'd like to post but it is 270kb where a limit of 100kb exists. Anyone tell me how to reduce it?

correct me if i am wrong but i had a similar problem with this and my bro ended up having to lower the resolution on the picture and "voila!", it worked.
man, i am so sorry, i have no idear. maybe 17th knows? he is the tech nerd here!:D
I think you look very distinguished i love to study people's faces to see if i can guess there birthday's some are hard though especially from other places
Great!! But ermmmmmm how?!!:p

Take it to Paint (assuming you're using a PC not an Apple) and make it smaller. Paint is under the accessories tab of you're Start list of programs. Click the Image tab in Paint, then select Stretch/Skew. Enter a value of oh, say 75% in both the horizontal and vertical dimension boxes. Save the new smaller image as a JPEG image in the "save as" dialog, and viola!

Take it to Paint (assuming you're using a PC not an Apple) and make it smaller. Paint is under the accessories tab of you're Start list of programs. Click the Image tab in Paint, then select Stretch/Skew. Enter a value of oh, say 75% in both the horizontal and vertical dimension boxes. Save the new smaller image as a JPEG image in the "save as" dialog, and viola!

Thanks very much Chris :)
Well I really dont like posting my mug shot on the www but since I have this old pic of when I was posing for an ex-girlfriend artist I thought it maybe appropriate to this forum. You never know i might even get a few disciples as a result :p

Well here it is (I hope):


  • 1212121212121.JPG
    31.7 KB · Views: 354
Hey MW...

Yer old! Yeah, me too, but not as old as Flow! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I remember the Bay City Rollers, and I remember the Woody thing. This was right after David cassidy, but long before Leif Erikson! Do I need to mention the BeeGees? Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! I hate to tell you this, but deep down, way, way down underneath...you're still that motorcycle chick!:) Hell with Che, you could do your own motorcycle diaries...in a frickin' bedsheet! Now that would be wild!

Hey MW...

Yer old! Yeah, me too, but not as old as Flow! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I remember the Bay City Rollers, and I remember the Woody thing. This was right after David cassidy, but long before Leif Erikson! Do I need to mention the BeeGees? Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! I hate to tell you this, but deep down, way, way down underneath...you're still that motorcycle chick!:) Hell with Che, you could do your own motorcycle diaries...in a frickin' bedsheet! Now that would be wild!


:eek: Flow's gonna get ya, flow's gonna get ya, fight, fight, fight (you can just imagine what a little troublemaker I was in the playground).

Oh yeah David Cassidy I lurved him and Donny Osmond of course :D I used to drive my parents nuts constantly singing the Marie Osmond song Paper Roses (by the way I have the singing voice of something small, cute and fluffy being strangled while drowning).

Hey I still like to listen to the BeeGees sometimes (for whom the bell tolls - brilliant). :p

Wish I had never mentioned the biker thing :eek: but yes the rebel is still in there somewhere under the layers of black lol. Just shows you how appearances can be deceiving. ;)

SO never judge a book by it's cover or a woman by her bedsheet!!!!

Never judge a woman by her bedsheet...OK, I'll remember that!

It's funny isn't it? I mean, I'll bet you were an ABBA fan too. So, all these years later we're doing the grown up thing. I've got short hair, and you're a Muslim, but it was grand and stupid ,and wonderful growing up in that in-between generation we did, wasn't it? They don't have a name for us. Not baby boomers, or genX.

Never judge a woman by her bedsheet...OK, I'll remember that!

It's funny isn't it? I mean, I'll bet you were an ABBA fan too. So, all these years later we're doing the grown up thing. I've got short hair, and you're a Muslim, but it was grand and stupid ,and wonderful growing up in that in-between generation we did, wasn't it? They don't have a name for us. Not baby boomers, or genX.


Lol, what do a Muslim, an atheist, and a liberal Christian/former Baha'i all have in common?


and the Dooby Brothers