What do you look like?

So, I wake up this morning and I get my coffee, and it is a pretty good morning here at home anyway (been having some troubles, but better today) and I see 17th has posted on this thread again. I cannot wait. I click and voila! It is so incredibly cool!!

Shades of Sgt. Pepper.

I only have one complaint...where are you, Angel? (I still get to call you that sometimes is I want to, right?)

Absolutely fantastic! (And I love J.H. in the new do. I think I am going to tell him to grow his hair out. Do you think it will look like the picture? :D)

Hits print....

I am glad you like... Where am I? I am everywhere.... That's the thing.. I made it. *points to the bottom right corner* There I am. :)

I was kinda making this for the people... And the most logical thing I came to is the people wouldn't want to be seen rubbing shoulders with me heh.

J.H. said it was skilled lol... but didn't comment on if he liked that picture or not... Soooo I dunno good luck getting him to grow his hair. ;)

lol as I said you can call me whatever... Can call me Susanne if it makes you happy. ;)

Just the norm I get called 17... which is the important part of my name but angel, is acceptable ;)

Troubles? I do hope you are ok now...
So, Susanne :)D), yes, the artist and the work are not easy to separate. :)

Anyway, thanks for a real treat this morning. Yes, I'm much better--went to the docs yesterday. They loved the pictures! ;)
17th....awesome stuff...great collage and warhollys...

InLove....you humbleness, heart, posts, soul and beauty are so well matched...tis incredible.
I had a few spare moments..... Heh..


if you're not on this, and it means something to you I appologise.... lol. I can add you... These are the only pics I could do something with.... I was also trying to put active members on here, as some of the people do not tend to come around........

Lol 17th! You are an artist! But who is that rock star leaning toward me? Oh wait, that's not a rock star, it's...:D

Thanks for a good laugh this morning. Well done.
LOL, is that a new movie poster?? or simply an angel post(er)

The CR CRew, coming to a Mosque, Synagogue, Church or Temple near you!

Don't miss it, no topic to tantalizing or boring, leaving no scripture unturned.

Tempers flare, posts flame, sentimental moments, all demographics and religions will be pleased and displeased equally.

The problems of the world, the nuance of minor and major religious philosophy, not defined or solved, but highlighted, explored and contemplated...

Tickets on sale now.
Ardenz!!! You's now in it! Ooooh yea.... You's one of the crew now....

Inlove... Added myself... ;/ But because I use a high performance sooper dooper camera.... I cannot downscale mine to get into the same "style" with all the others!! I am now a freak... Everyone is going to point and laugh and say... Hey look at that guy, he can't get into style with all the others what a loser......

Ardenz, my apologies, I also thought you were a boy person - woops. Nice to see you.

17th Awesome group picture. I wonder if I found anything interesting in Tao's ear or in fact anything at all lol???? :D
Will.... When it's a 50% chance of getting right you got a 30% chance of getting that wrong... It's like a law....
Is that right?? I missed that in probability class...
. I wonder if I found anything interesting in Tao's ear or in fact anything at all lol???? :D
I thought you were lookin thru at Patti...thought maybe there was a magnifyin effect goin on..
It was the bacon I was after, I have to admit I do miss the odd bacon sandwich (I know you have to kill animals to get one so it's a no no and not allowed in Islam but they do taste good). :eek: So many rules, so little willpower.
Is that right?? I missed that in probability class...I thought you were lookin thru at Patti...thought maybe there was a magnifyin effect goin on..

For realz... I was teaching the class.... Technically a 50% of success or whatever is really an 80% chance agaisnt....

It was the bacon I was after, I have to admit I do miss the odd bacon sandwich (I know you have to kill animals to get one so it's a no no and not allowed in Islam but they do taste good). :eek: So many rules, so little willpower.

mmmm bacon......
Maybe I should have stayed a He lol !. It was always difficult to get me to wear dresses - I have many brothers - and climbing trees etc.was more fun than playing with girlie stuff.

In fact I bought my first dress in ages last week, encouraged by the man in my life who likes that sort of thing - high heels even !:eek: