What do you look like?

Somehow the "naughty spot" admonishment doesn't seem to carry as much authority coming from a lambie and a puppy gazing longingly at each other than it did when it came from a black veiled mystery woman. But then... maybe it's just me.

Somehow the "naughty spot" admonishment doesn't seem to carry as much authority coming from a lambie and a puppy gazing longingly at each other than it did when it came from a black veiled mystery woman. But then... maybe it's just me.


Oh dear, I suppose "where is my warm milk" isn't quite the same.

Hmm, maybe back to the mystery woman - 17th what can you come up with?
Oh I am quite brave and feel sure he will be a good boy, he can't want to spend years on the naughty spot.
I think I had better apologise for getting everyone off track. mybad. I feel like such a goose but ccan anyone please tell me in plain english how to send 17th a photo so he can "Do" me? you know what I mean. lol. thanks grey
Wow, this has gotten freakin' scandalous: beer, orange pussy, sixth spliffs, naughty spot, "do me"... :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :p :eek: :eek: :eek::eek: ;) :D :eek: :eek: :eek: and so forth.

Right... er, 'the grey' if you want to upload a pic for 17th to work with, one way to do it is to click the manage attachments button down there (nyuk nyuk nyuk ;) ;) ). Seriously, it's below the first set of 'Submit Reply' and 'Preview Post' buttons when you are posting. You can attach a file that way. It's easy!! But it does have to meet some size and formatting restraints, I think.
Perhaps, 17th, you can do me as well (again!). Heh heh.

This one is more recent--taken this summer even!


  • Charles Heavens Peak Resized.JPG
    Charles Heavens Peak Resized.JPG
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Very funny Pathless. If you don't mind 17th I don't want 'doing' but a new avatar may be nice (but not with my pic). Okay here is the old girl now (well about 10 minutes ago) :D


  • Picture 0020.jpg
    Picture 0020.jpg
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Oops sorry it's a bit big ,...... the picture, oh honestly, you lot. :p

I look a lot different when I let all the hair down but that is more than I could allow myself to show but thought I wouldn't frighten you with black bedsheets.
By the way, just so people don't get confused. I don't have my hijab on as I am staying in the UK now and as I live in a Muslim free zone my husband and I decided it would be better if I don't wear it here. It seemed hypocritical to post a pic of me in hijab when in half an hour I will be in the street without it but as you can see I do still cover myself in a lot of black and pull my hair back. ;)

When I get back to Egypt I shall post a pic in my full hijab.
I think I had better apologise for getting everyone off track. mybad. I feel like such a goose but ccan anyone please tell me in plain english how to send 17th a photo so he can "Do" me? you know what I mean. lol. thanks grey

Oh my...thank God 17th is a gentleman, despite his "Bochman-Turner-Overdrive" attitude.

Tell you what. send me your picture as an email attachment. I'll post it for you.


By the way, just so people don't get confused. I don't have my hijab on as I am staying in the UK now and as I live in a Muslim free zone my husband and I decided it would be better if I don't wear it here. It seemed hypocritical to post a pic of me in hijab when in half an hour I will be in the street without it but as you can see I do still cover myself in a lot of black and pull my hair back. ;)

When I get back to Egypt I shall post a pic in my full hijab.

That stinks. Muslim free zone? Ya' aughtta move to Michigan or California...or Ohio...for that matter. At least here you can wear what you wish, as you please. And you can practice whatever religion you desire.
That stinks. Muslim free zone? Ya' aughtta move to Michigan or California...or Ohio...for that matter. At least here you can wear what you wish, as you please. And you can practice whatever religion you desire.

It's not officially a Muslim free zone it is just very ....... Christian caucasian and rather xeneophobic. Life would be very 'uncomfortable' here in hijab. If I lived in a city it would be a very different matter but here we are still trying to work out this new fangled sliced bread.
If I lived in a city it would be a very different matter but here we are still trying to work out this new fangled sliced bread.

Yes that’s good about living in an urban area. There’s Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and who knows what living together where I live. Then when you go to a rural area, it seems that if you don’t wear wellies you’re probably the degenerate embodiment of evil. :p

Yes that’s good about living in an urban area. There’s Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and who knows what living together where I live. Then when you go to a rural area, it seems that if you don’t wear wellies you’re probably the degenerate embodiment of evil. :p


Yes it is very Stepford wives here but the men have been cloned too. Wellie boots, plaid shirts, rosy cheeks, dirty 4x4 and the strangest accent (1,2 and 3 becomes Yan, Tan and Tethera). Oh that is for men and women so Pathless will be delighted with the none gender issue :p:D

Thank you Flow - I like delightful. :)
sorry guys, im tooooo self concious to post a photo. I had a look and the best one of me is in my avatar. Ill try to take a few and bcome slightly more photogenic in the process. lol. anyway, 17th you are still a genius. love the grey
sorry guys, im tooooo self concious to post a photo. I had a look and the best one of me is in my avatar. Ill try to take a few and bcome slightly more photogenic in the process. lol. anyway, 17th you are still a genius. love the grey

Oh now come on Grey, other than Path of One, have you seen an super models on CR? (no offense to anyone with delusions about their appearance).