What do you look like?

Ill try again. apparently my photos use up too much mb orkb or something. oh well. its not meant to be

LMAO. Excuses, excuses, excuses young lady. Q said to email your pic as an attachment to him and he would upload it - so it is to be. :p;)
Wow... Haven't I missed much action? lol.....

Oh dear, I suppose "where is my warm milk" isn't quite the same.

Hmm, maybe back to the mystery woman - 17th what can you come up with?

For what?

OH NO !...Watch Out !


Trust brother!

I think I had better apologise for getting everyone off track. mybad. I feel like such a goose but ccan anyone please tell me in plain english how to send 17th a photo so he can "Do" me? you know what I mean. lol. thanks grey

Sure, check your Private Message sent you a message of my email address if you want to send it there and then I can do you. :D

Perhaps, 17th, you can do me as well (again!). Heh heh.

This one is more recent--taken this summer even!

I sure can! You want a toilet pic, no problemo.

Oh my...thank God 17th is a gentleman, despite his "Bochman-Turner-Overdrive" attitude.

...My what? lol...
Your results, I hope you like.....


I love her 17th thank you so much. Any chance she can have green eyes, the orange is a bit wierd but bright green would be gr8.
Nice to see you all--seeing more of some of you than we have before, lol!

And MW, good to look into your real eyes, mi habibty....:)

And MW, good to look into your real eyes, mi habibty....:)

salaam my dear sister

The picture is a bit wierd, my eyes look brown but they are actually very green. The hair is very dark now - the things we do to please husbands lol but it means the grey shows through more easily - isn't age a bitch. :p

Hope you are feeling ok, thinking about you often.

alfa salaam
Great job on MW's avatar 17th !

MW... a much more fitting image for emanating naughty spot admonishments. In secondary school I once dated a lovely green eyed dark haired Italian lass who had mysterious markings on her forhead. When I asked her to translate it for me she said, "Come Onna' My House...I'ma Gonna Giv'a You Everyting".

Great job on MW's avatar 17th !

Isn't she fabulous and I can't believe he put the name Allah on her forehead, I was SO pleased. She is dark, mysterious and BIG trouble lol.

When I asked her to translate it for me she said, "Come Onna' My House...I'ma Gonna Giv'a You Everyting"..:p

Do I detect the tiniest hint of wishful thinking there Flow?
mw you are a stunner. love the grey

Bless you Grey but my avatar isn't me, it is one of 17ths great offerings. I am at post 668 - very ordinary I am afraid but at least I only have one head (the other was surgically removed ;)).


17th I know I am so needy but can you do me a big favour, put a full veil, including face, on my photo (post 668), I will send it to my hubby as a pressie. He would love it.