What do you look like?

MW...Brilliant observations, but since half of my ancestry is Italian, and since by definition Italy is the land of wishful thinking....

And the design on her forhead is probably entirely appropriate since women are G-d's most worthy Creation IMHO. Love her green eyes, but then since that's my color I'm partial.

Of course Genesis teaches that women are the "daughters of men" and men are "the son's of G-d". A little too patriarchal for me.

Of course Genesis teaches that women are the "daughters of men" and men are "the son's of G-d". A little too patriarchal for me.;)

I don't know Flow, I like the idea that G-d looks after men and G-d and men look after women - makes us sort of special I think. :D

Green is my colour too, although you wouldnt believe it looking at the pic. Gives a whole new meaning to the term green eyed monster.
I don't know Flow, I like the idea that G-d looks after men and G-d and men look after women - makes us sort of special I think. :D

Green is my colour too, although you wouldnt believe it looking at the pic. Gives a whole new meaning to the term green eyed monster.

Have to agree (about the men and God looking after women thing). Women are life and men are servants of life (but 'servants' entail alot more than subjugation in this case)...;)


I like the idea that G-d looks after men and G-d and men look after women - makes us sort of special I think.

1. Men
2. Men of color.
3. Domestic animals.
4. Male children.
5. Women.

Sound good?

1. Men
2. Men of color.
3. Domestic animals.
4. Male children.
5. Women.

Sound good?


You should know me well enough by now Chris to know that I would never judge a person by the colour of their skin, unless it was purple with green stripes then I am afraid even I would stare. So I would put the list as:

1. Domestic animals (well let's be honest they are the boss).
2. Humans & other creatures.
3. Space junk.
4. That git that dumped me when I was 18. (not that I hold grudges).

I do not see men as above women or women below men. Just that we have different roles in life and a role for men is to care and provide for women.(before anyone starts, that does not mean women should stay bear foot and pregnant).
Theosophy has revealed to the Initiated the Supreme Eternal Hierarchy. I can now reveal it to be:

1. Cats.
2. Er...that's it....


It's not a theory it IS the ultimate hierarchy as revealed to JJB Sportz.

Yours is just an opinion.:p

Here in America there are many women that are willing to let men think that....me thinks it is the same in your household...hence the big grin...:eek:

You got in one Wil. I learnt it from my mother in law, she is an expert. The game is called 'how to get everything you want without even trying', although you have to practice the crying at the drop of a hat thing (that is for when you know you are in the wrong but want your hubby to say sorry) ;):D
:eek::eek::eek::eek: I never said that. :eek::eek::eek::eek: I might have thought it but I never said it.
Yes it distrubes me too, that is quite the post modification...

Mebbe 17th went to naughty school on his vaykay ? But that might be a bit redundant...eh ? Remember, he did mention the phrase "no comment" when I asked in jest on another thread if he was an undercover copper.

Just shows you how creative talents can be sometimes misused...but then again, the screen he looks at might have been altered to state what he quoted. Such things are entirely possible in cyberspace where "seeing is not always believing". Strange things seem to be afoot everywhere one looks these days.

BTW MW, your family name isn't Malthus by any chance is it ?

:eek::eek::eek::eek: I never said that. :eek::eek::eek::eek: I might have thought it but I never said it.

That is quite alright then... Thinking and doing are two far different scales! :D Good job.... Stand easy.

Yes it distrubes me too, that is quite the post modification...
that's just like an opinion man ;\

Mebbe 17th went to naughty school on his vaykay ?

Naughty school? lol Prison? Jail? No... I just went away for a sight seeing holiday... ;) Maybe off again soon....
Don't stay away too long...it's just so boring and drab without your cheeky self !


I am finding it hard to get back into myself... If you know what I mean... Came back and I seem to have slowed down some... Although starting to warm up again on the 'Bible-a book from god' thread.