Anti-love - Anti-Christ ?

KnightoftheRose said:
That's really true. What was it Jesus said? We must have child-like faith if we wish to enter heaven (I don't have the exact quote, obviously ;)). In their innocence, children are closer to God than most adults. The same is true, I believe, of the mentally retarded - they are like the original adam and eves, unknowing of evil, innocent. Have you ever spoken with someone who has Down Syndrome? Child-like. Innocent. (Usually.) Of course, both children and the mentally handicapped need guidance, which is why I also agree with Basstion. In their innocence, it is often difficult for them to comprehend why certain actions are wrong to do. So, they require guidance, not from equals, but from parent figures.

Yes down syndrome children are pure love.

Parents can treat children as equal and still guide like you would your best friend.When we honour children in the same way Jesus does then humanity will make progress.

We only have one true parent and that is GOD, all others are nothing more then guardians. It is human attachment that makes people think of children as a possession, erode their boundaries and contravene their human rights.

For instance Aspergers and autistic children's souls take pre-eminence from birth over their earthly selves but yet humanity as not caught up with this consciousness yet, but there are many of us around the world campaigning for the human rights of all children.

I gave a safe house to an Aspergers man the other week, who as been hounded by mental health and the police and his only crime is that his soul speaks and knows what is ahead of humankind if we refuse to change.

Mental health is in the dark ages.

The face of humanity will change and the sooner it does the less painful it will be for our children.

being love

Kim xx
Didn't it say in 1John 2:18 AntichristS

So.... Like there are more than one? Are they Spawn of satan? Nah.... Just people that don't agree with christians(and only christians) The antichrist (correct me if I's wrong) isn't mentioned at all in the Torah... It only comes up in the NT.... I thinks it's just those upset that the jews killed jesus.... Dauer and Co... Are right up there for being the antichrist(s).... 1John 2:22.... here it bangs on and says... Who is the liar if it is not the one, that denies that jesus, is the christ? This is the antichrist, the one that denies the father and the son........

Or perhaps it's the christian word for goy..... ;)
Didn't it say in 1John 2:18 AntichristS

So.... Like there are more than one? Are they Spawn of satan? Nah.... Just people that don't agree with christians(and only christians)
The demons that Jesus cast out believed...
Didn't Jesus say something about "blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy?" Hmm...
The antichrist (correct me if I's wrong) isn't mentioned at all in the Torah... It only comes up in the NT.... I thinks it's just those upset that the jews killed jesus.... Dauer and Co... Are right up there for being the antichrist(s).... 1John 2:22.... here it bangs on and says... Who is the liar if it is not the one, that denies that jesus, is the christ? This is the antichrist, the one that denies the father and the son........

Or perhaps it's the christian word for goy..... ;)
Or it could refer to demons who won't quit tormenting human beings--who won't show mercy in the hope of being shown mercy...hmm...
ah ok fair enough!!!

SG: One other thing... I never see Demon tied to antichrist..... I think this idea of some demonic hell spawn (damien) for example is just.. Like.... Not what is meant by it :/ Seriously, doesn't it like sound like it fits in as just a "goy" if you remove all the movie hype and all the horror/cult filim followings lol.
ah ok fair enough!!!

SG: One other thing... I never see Demon tied to antichrist..... I think this idea of some demonic hell spawn (damien) for example is just.. Like.... Not what is meant by it :/ Seriously, doesn't it like sound like it fits in as just a "goy" if you remove all the movie hype and all the horror/cult filim followings lol.
It does associate antichrist with spirit:
1 John 4:1-3
1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits (A) to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh (B) [a] is from God. (C) 3 But every spirit who does not confess Jesus [b] is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist; (D) you have heard that he is coming, and he is already in the world now.​
It sounds like the schism goes beyond humanity. Jesus taught mercy and forgiveness. If mercy and forgiveness doesn't come from God, than what does?
Is the word that is repaced by the English word the word for spirit? (not being difficult, just trying to understand) Cause before there has been that debate about "soul" and soul being a physical being a human not a spiritual being...

The only reason I ask this is cause, didn't jesus himself say that to "contact/communicate" with the spirits/spirit world is not to be done?
Is the word that is repaced by the English word the word for spirit? (not being difficult, just trying to understand) Cause before there has been that debate about "soul" and soul being a physical being a human not a spiritual being...

The only reason I ask this is cause, didn't jesus himself say that to "contact/communicate" with the spirits/spirit world is not to be done?
Pneuma. 1 John 4:2 associates pneuma with God.
Blue Letter Bible - 1Jo 4 (KJV)
Hereby know ye the Spirit {pneuma} of God {Theos}: Every spirit {pneuma} that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh {sarx} is of God {Theos}​
Is the word that is repaced by the English word the word for spirit? (not being difficult, just trying to understand) Cause before there has been that debate about "soul" and soul being a physical being a human not a spiritual being...

The only reason I ask this is cause, didn't jesus himself say that to "contact/communicate" with the spirits/spirit world is not to be done?
Luke 10
17 The Seventy (AH) [c] returned with joy, saying, (AI) "Lord, even the demons (AJ) submit to us in Your name." (AK) 18 He said to them, "I watched Satan (AL) fall from heaven like a lightning flash. (AM) 19 Look, I have given you the authority (AN) to trample (AO) on snakes (AP) and scorpions (AQ) and over all the power of the enemy; (AR) nothing will ever harm you. (AS) 20 However, don't rejoice that [d] the spirits (AT) submit to you, (AU) but rejoice that your names are written (AV) in heaven."​
Hi Sacredstar —

How many of you believe that anti-love is anti-christ?
As God is love (1 John 4:8),
And as Christ is God (eg Mark 1:1 et seq),
Then anti-love is indeed anti-Christ:
"Therefore I say to you: Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy of the Spirit shall not be forgiven" (Matthew 12:31)

'Blasphemy of the Spirit' means refuting the Love of God, in which case it's not so much a case of not being forgiven, but rather man placing himself beyond forgiveness, by refusing to be forgiven.

Attentive reading of Scripture reveals that hypocrisy annoyed Christ more than anything else.

That there were teachings promoted by Rome in the bible that include anti-love?
If you can find it, I can explain it for you, but I can say without doubt that there is no teaching against love as such in the Bible, and most probably that you have been fed some anti-Catholic propaganda.

In the past I was given some divine guidance, I was told that in the past I had used the term 'they do not resonate with my energy, and that it was now time to move up another level of consciousness. If ever I felt that I did not resonate with someone's energy then that means that I must love them more'.
Don't know where you got that from, but it's not Christian as such.

Christianity is a supernatural message, and should be understood as such, and its teaching belongs to the supernatural — 'resonate' and 'energy' and 'level of consciousness' are cosmological terms and general with regard to 'personal development' but alien with regard to Christianity as such.

Put another way, the first meditation I was taught by a Buddhist was the Metta Bhavana Meditation, which again teaches just what you have said.

Indeed, even a humanist would teach that. So the guidance was general, not even necessarily divine. Could be angelic, though.

Likewise your reference to chakras, etc: It's worth remembering that the chakra system is not a 'fact' like lungs or liver, it's a model to explain something. There are, indeed, many models with variations, so again one should not assume them as something 'wired' into the system.

This is not a Christian doctrine, which does not mean it's not true, but does mean you'll end up in confusion if you try and apply something from one system in another, where it has no place — you are obliged to invent a place for it, and then you're on a slippery slope of inventing whole screeds of theoria and praxis ... not a good idea.

The saints and mystics got their message across, and performed miracles, without recourse to stuff from other doctrines and other cultures — one would be wise to follow them.

And so it is I do my best to love everyone unconditionally no matter what, to see through GOD's eyes of love always.
Good for you.

What do you think about the anti-love promoted by Rome in the past.
I say you have been misled.

I say in the past because Rome as made some big shifts in recent years due to the influence of GOD and leaders from other religions and cultures...
Well we have to proceed carefully here. what do you mean by shifts? The doctrine is the same as it ever was, although its expression is different ... the task of the Church is to express those timeless truths revealed and entrusted to Her in a manner that people can understand, hence any 'shift' is probably more to do with compensation necessary to address the age and times in which it finds itself. Its refusal to alter doctrine to suit the tastes of the day is one of the main reasons people object to the Church.

These shifts are not liked by a lot of people as one can witness from many CF websites attacking the Pope and Rome which once again is anti-love.
One of my main arguments is that if one loves Christ, then one loves His Church, and if one loves His Church then one would want to see it flourish ... so those who criticise the Church from without would actually do better to keep their opinions to themselves:
"But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:6)

Much better is to get involved, and seek to put it right.

I am Roman Catholic, and I know the Church has its faults. Why does it have faults? Because it's composed of people. So I toil away, and hope and pray, and rely on God to brring it right in the end, because I know when man steps in with his big idea, we're usually all in trouble.

Will this happen in my lifetime? No. But then I'm not in it for this life, but the next one.

I wish to understand why anyone should wish to hold on so tightly to anti-love?
Simple. They love themselves more.

Thomas, you do realize this thread is three years old and that Sacredstar hasn't had a post since then.

But good posts nonetheless.
Thomas, you do realize this thread is three years old and that Sacredstar hasn't had a post since then.
Doh! I thought that ... and for some reason I thought it had come alive again.


I was just going to post something about the 'Curse Psalms' in the Hebrew Scriptures, and the 'enemy' of the Christian in the New Testament ... in that they are not people, but fallen angels ... who are not creatures who sin, but creatures of sin.

Doh! I thought that ... and for some reason I thought it had come alive again.


I was just going to post something about the 'Curse Psalms' in the Hebrew Scriptures, and the 'enemy' of the Christian in the New Testament ... in that they are not people, but fallen angels ... who are not creatures who sin, but creatures of sin.


Well now, I'd be interested in that. You've actually piqued my curiosity. What do you mean by "Cursed Psalms"?
(Whispers: Ah, Moriarty, we have him now! Mwu-hahaha!)

Sorry Dondi — I've just been listening to a lecture on Angels in the thought of St Thomas Aquinas on my iPod. It's a special Catholic one ... no batteries, no disk ... just lectures beamed straight from heaven!

Imprecatory psalms:
"... are those those psalms that contain curses or prayers for the punishment of the psalmist's enemies. To imprecate means to invoke evil upon, or curse. Psalms 7, 35, 55, 58, 59, 69, 79, 109, 137 and 139 all contain prayers for God's judgment on the psalmist's enemies. Example imprecatory statements from the Psalms follow:

55:15 - Let death take my enemies by surprise; let them go down alive to the grave.
58:6 - O God, break the teeth in their mouths.
69:28 - May they be blotted out of the book of life and not be listed with the righteous.
109:9 - May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow.
137:9 - How blessed will be the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."

talking about love ,i love it when old threads are resurrected:) but maybe thats for the ....i love it when thread:)

Antichrist means against or instead of Christ. The term applies to all who deny what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, all who oppose his Kingdom, and all who mistreat his followers. It also includes individuals, organizations, and nations that falsely claim to represent Christ or that improperly ascribe to themselves the role of Messiah.

and it seems that there is a lot of anti- love around :(

talking about love ,i love it when old threads are resurrected:) but maybe thats for the ....i love it when thread:)

Antichrist means against or instead of Christ. The term applies to all who deny what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, all who oppose his Kingdom, and all who mistreat his followers. It also includes individuals, organizations, and nations that falsely claim to represent Christ or that improperly ascribe to themselves the role of Messiah.

and it seems that there is a lot of anti- love around :(

12 Because lawlessness (K) will multiply, the love of many will grow cold.~Matt 24:12 (Compare 2 Thess 2)
Thanks for the link, Seattlegal.

I haven't researched it, but I think Matthew 13:41:
"The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather from His kingdom everything that causes sin and those guilty of lawlessness"
can be interpreted to infer fallen angels, for evil spirits are the cause of sin?

How can humanity unite in the love of GOD while the believers of GOD still embrace anti-love? This question would also apply to Muslims, Jews and probably some other religions too.

Love beyond measure


God bless you, Sacredstar

If the question is directed to Muslims, Jews, other religions and sects also, I would like to say that it would have been better if you had formed the question in that way: anti-love - anti-God? God unites us all....