How did you choose?

Geist said:
I have looked into many quotes in my short life and none have been particularly comforting. Just ditracting and thats all they ever will be. In my eyes you make your own life and that means I might have to make my own comforts...

And that is true. Everytime you make your own comforts you will be most confident about who you are right now, the person you want to become, and the potential you have to realize all of your dreams. Just remember to do it all in love. Let the love of your great grandfather for you emanate through you.
And what if you can't love?

If your to afraid of loving again because people use it for their own devises..
Geist said:
And what if you can't love?

If your to afraid of loving again because people use it for their own devises..
Fear of loving doesn't seem to be your concern. Fear of not being loved back, well most people have that concern.

And yes frankly, it stinks when it happens.

But I've found that the more love I give, the more love seems to find its way back to me (though not always from the same source). And I've observed that those who withold their love, tend to hurt themselves more in the long run than those they denied.

my two cents ;)


Geist said:
And what if you can't love?

If your to afraid of loving again because people use it for their own devises..

You can love. You love so hard that even right now you are in great pain because of the expectations you have for love.

It is the love from you that will show others how to love. It takes patience and understanding - the same that you would want from others. But each time you make a breakthrough you will be stronger. The first breakthrough, beginning from this moment, is your ability to believe in the love that lives in you. Give love, and expect nothing in return. Each time you do get something in return, it will encourage you to be wherever your love is needed.
Geist said:
You people make living seem so effortless and easy!

Yeah, sure we do. I think that there is nobody in the CR forum that has found living to be effortless nor easy. That is why we are here - to see what others think about this thing called life.
truthseeker said:
It is the love from you that will show others how to love. It takes patience and understanding - the same that you would want from others. But each time you make a breakthrough you will be stronger. The first breakthrough, beginning from this moment, is your ability to believe in the love that lives in you. Give love, and expect nothing in return. Each time you do get something in return, it will encourage you to be wherever your love is needed.
Everytime I love someone they hurt me in one way or another and I'm beginning to grow wiery of it. I'd rather be cold and unfeeling if it just stops the hurting for a little while.
Geist said:
Everytime I love someone they hurt me in one way or another and I'm beginning to grow wiery of it. I'd rather be cold and unfeeling if it just stops the hurting for a little while.

Sure it will stop the hurting for a little while. But it feels better when you love again. I still go through that myself. What hurts is when you expect your love to be recognized. Good deeds often go unrecognized because of pride. We often noticed that our good deeds have gone unrecognized because of pride. Just do it for your great granddad. Forget what everybody else thinks. They'll think you're soft and want to walk all over you. But you're not soft, you're growing in wisdom. Love is the best teacher. To deny the love in you is to deny your very existence. Your heart pumps blood, not fruit juice. And each time you bleed, you remember that you are real once again. Soon will come a time when you will have a certain respect for pain - the lessons to be learned within.
truthseeker said:
Sure it will stop the hurting for a little while.
And thats all I have ever wanted a moment of peace a glimps of paradise and I have never been granted it never in my entire life!

truthseeker said:
Forget what everybody else thinks
How can I forget when all I see when my eyes close are those faces that expect and want and desire even when my eyes are open all I see are these things.
Would you rather be like the people who you try to talk to who can't see anything at all? I'm sure sometimes you would, but really, you just think those people are stupid. You don't want to be stupid. They are looking to you because they see something in you that you don't see yet.

Geist said:
In my eyes you make your own life and that means I might have to make my own comforts...
There's your paradise. From here on out. You are the trailblazer. Anywhere you want to go; it is now in your power to make it happen.

Funny thing is, once you get to your paradise you are going to have to smooth/clear out the ground to get rid of the pits and fallen tree branches and rocks that hurt your bare feet. You're gonna have to build your own hut. You gotta till the soil and climb the trees so you can eat. Sooner or later, you'll need a bit of help. That's where the doctrines of religion kicks in. You may choose just one doctrine or dip and dab in others. Just make sure the message is rooted in love so your knowledge may increase. Wherever you get confused, that is where you are hindered. You can choose to work through the hinderance, or if you feel it isn't worth it then you'll choose another. Most likely, the other will help you work through the hinderance you ran into before. But this thing doesn't happen over night. You'll be working through this for the rest of your life.
Geist said:
You people make living seem so effortless and easy!
LOL I've been wearing a "uniform" and carrying out orders for over 25 years, sometimes those orders caused great pain and sorrow for me. I've bitten my tongue so many times in front of some morons who out ranked me, it's a wonder it is still attached in my mouth. My carreer has weighed heavily on my personal relationships and relations. I've lost some very good people and friends along the way.

But!...I wouldn't trade one second of it for anything. It is what makes me, me.

I think life makes the soul strong and tough. However, we decide if we want to be bitter, or better, for it. ;)

I find it ironic that you asked to be able to talk with "God", and state He is silent. Maybe, some of us are the tools He uses to grant you your request??? Then again, maybe not. Who knows? But still you aren't alone (apparently). :D :D :D


Sounds like school.. There are some big idiots in my school and some are the teachers believe it or not! Its frustraiting because I know I'm right and they don't believe me until its too late. *Sigh* oh well at leat someone learns!

I think there would be some aspects of my life I'd like to change and some situations if given a secound chsnce I'd do diffreantly.

Quahom1 said:
But still you aren't alone
It feels that way. Its always so cold and stormy in my head and I can't help but be cincal and that keeps people away. In one aspect thats a good thing because if someone really wants to be my friend then they would look behind it and find the real me.
Geist said:
It feels that way. Its always so cold and stormy in my head and I can't help but be cincal and that keeps people away. In one aspect thats a good thing because if someone really wants to be my friend then they would look behind it and find the real me.

You're still very young though. Kids can be cruel and intolerant because they know nothing else. Adults can be cruel and intolerant because they know nothing else. Old people can be cruel and intolerant because they know nothing else.

There will be people, sprinkles of people few and far between, that you will bond with. You will bond with these people because you all share a common purpose that you won't know of until you meet these people. They won't care about your outside appearance because they'll be connected to you by spirit. These will be life-long friendships, whether you like these people personally or not. What these people will represent, you'll eventually understand, are the worldly sides of you that are not manifest in your actions. But this is a good thing because that will bring balance to your life as well.

When I was in high school (I graduated in '93) I was a weirdo to everybody else. I wore black everyday and I didn't know I had a smile until I was 20. I had four friends who were more like followers because I barely regarded them. Those people are still my friends today. I'm on a different level than they are, but they keep me grounded.

i just wanted to say that was beautifully stated.... truthseeker is right, Geist. there will be those rare people you can truly connect with. they are out there. you will find your path. and there will be people along the way who will find you.
I believe that the closer you come to an understanding that there must not be one religion that you believe in only, the closer you approach GOD. Life in the physical world and spiritual world is about learning. I believe most religions are correct in one form or another on most of thier teachings, but belonging to one religion only is restricting yourself to their rules so learning becomes impaired. You should remain open to all possibilities and maintain the spiritual learning process
truthseeker said:
There will be people, sprinkles of people few and far between, that you will bond with. You will bond with these people because you all share a common purpose that you won't know of until you meet these people. They won't care about your outside appearance because they'll be connected to you by spirit. These will be life-long friendships, whether you like these people personally or not. What these people will represent, you'll eventually understand, are the worldly sides of you that are not manifest in your actions. But this is a good thing because that will bring balance to your life as well.
Thta reminds me of my best friend we are like very good sisters we aren't at all alike. Like Yin and Yang. Shes my opposite its strange..
Geist said:
Thta reminds me of my best friend we are like very good sisters we aren't at all alike. Like Yin and Yang. Shes my opposite its strange..

Heh, heh, heh, My buddy Terrence (the guy I talked about above), and me...we're like that. Polar opposites. He's been my best friend for 25 years. Everytime we meet (which could be years), is like no time has passed between us. And he can get me in sooooo much trouble...;)


Yeah, I have three friends and a cousin that keep me grounded. They think I am so weird but even when I shut them out they never shut me out. They are all in my life for different aspects and they are all my best friends. They are all different than I am but I need them - they keep me leveled. They are like lovers without the physical attachment.

You sound like a good person, Geist, that has had to face some challenges at a time in your life when the challenges are particularly difficult. But you are strong because you are seeking the strength of others to get through it. You need that strength to fulfill your life's contribution to the life of mankind. Your grandfather's departure was not in vain. His legacy of love is left most profound in you. ;)
truthseeker said:
You sound like a good person, Geist, that has had to face some challenges at a time in your life when the challenges are particularly difficult. But you are strong because you are seeking the strength of others to get through it. You need that strength to fulfill your life's contribution to the life of mankind. Your grandfather's departure was not in vain. His legacy of love is left most profound in you. ;)
I'm weak because I really on other things for my strength instead of being able to stand alone.
Geist said:
How did you choose what religion you are a member of?

I have no religion currently because I have never found one that suits my beliefs so what about everyone else?
My religious beliefs have been formed from many years of experiencing life, studying, searching and trial and error. After all that I learned that staying open and not getting too tied to any particular belief was the best route for me.