How did you choose?

Geist said:
I've tried being christian it didn't work for me so please I'd apresiate it if you would not tell me God will help me because he doesn't. He sits on his arse and looks on like the world is a big film.

As for places I like being heres a list:

On my computer
Engroast in a good book
maybe it is in your attitude & approach to life.
every second you breathe, you are choosing something.

He sits on his arse alright...& He is gonna sit & sit & sit until He feels like moving.
so there:)
dauer said:
Serj Tankien, the vocalist from Soad, the band you have quoted in your signature. The song is suite-pee.

He wasn't the first person to say it, but I thought you'd be more familiar with him.
I have never heard of him. I don't have a quote from him in my sig i have a quote from an american band called system of a down and a british band called Garbage..
Soad is an abbreviation for system of a down. The singer is named Serj Tankien. The members of the band I think are entirely the children of Armenian immigrants. That is why their song P.L.U.C.K. is about the Armenian Genocide. The lyrics you have by system of a down are indeed those of Serj Tankien.
Bandit said:
maybe it is in your attitude & approach to life.
every second you breathe, you are choosing something.

He sits on his arse alright...& He is gonna sit & sit & sit until He feels like moving.
so there:)
Why do you pity me?

dauer said:
Soad is an abbreviation for system of a down. The singer is named Serj Tankien.
:eek: ...I knew that...No didn't...
Geist said:
Because I want to belong somewhere. At the moment I feel like some unwanted thing thats been thrown away and has been left in the cold harsh winter.
Weeellll, obviously you are welcome here, surrounded by a whole bunch of people of varying spiritual beliefs! ;)


Quahom1 said:
Weeellll, obviously you are welcome here, surrounded by a whole bunch of people of varying spiritual beliefs! ;)


:D Why do you think my computer is one of the best places to be? Its the best place to speek to people

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and I may be way off, but it seems that you have suffered a great deal. I see some deep wounds that have left you feeling distanced from others, and maybe even abandonded. As a result it is easy to feel angry and resentful toward a world that seems cold, harsh, and unforgiving. Trust has not come easy for you and when there are overtures by another professing comfort or friendship, the first thought may be: "Whats your angle here?" , or something like that.

Am I wrong?
not really keep asuming I'll tell you when you start getting cold.
I like Dauer's point too. I learn alot engaging in these conversations.
No assumptions here friend, that would be arrogant. I'm certainly fishing here but the part about you feeling separate from others may not be so far fetched. The reason I bring all this up is that your search for religion, and the responses given to the rather thoughtful suggestions here makes me think that there is a more visceral need to be addressed. Can this be found in a spiritual setting? Yes, but not without a more concise awareness of what it is you most need. Again, this is said with the knowledge that I could be wrong ,but my experience counseling people tells me that I am not too far off.
Geist said:
Why do you pity me?
i don't really. i think it is funny that God never helps you but He helps me & other people all the time:D :D :D .

i am changing my religion this month to the TEMPLE OF MEAN ANGRY PEOPLE. that way i can be a cruel, evil, mean, selfish, self centered person, instead of trying to be nice, kind & loving to those i meet.
but just for one month then i am switching back.

have you ever tried the religion of Hoochie Koochie MoochIE?? you have to have black hair to join.
This is a loaded topic. My quest for truth has led me to various places. At one point I searched for truth in drugs and alcohol. The search really picked up when I put those things down. The high I felt was good but artificial. God filled me with his prescence and grace when I was totally broken and it was real and long lasting. I prayed to whatever would listen to me at the time and God answered. After that I was led to Christian circles on and off for over a decade. I found some answers in the church and others were not answered there.

Today I am not a practicing Christian but I do hold dear many things I learned and felt there, I haven't written them off either. I just felt that the teachings of God as a whole were not complete. I knew there was more and that some of the things I heard couldn't be true; such as everybody who doesn't believe in Jesus as God is going to hell. I walked away from that belief and am walking on virgin soil, looking for goodness in various faiths. As a note I found Bah'ai very interesting.

I am finding that as Jesus said,"the kingdom of God is within you", is very true. I'll tell you something, honestly seek God and you will be led in the right direction. Don't allow fear to creep into your mind, satan isn't causing you to ask questions, you are asking questions because something inside of you knows there is more. Don't give up.
dauer said:
Find a cause that matters to you and dedicate yourself to it. Spirituality from above might come later. But spirituality from below is what really makes a difference in this world.
I just wanted to say that I found this post very touching and I completely agree. It isn't all about finding God, in my opinion. It's also about finding our deeper self and our potential in service to others.
path_of_one said:
I just wanted to say that I found this post very touching and I completely agree. It isn't all about finding God, in my opinion. It's also about finding our deeper self and our potential in service to others.
"Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from masters." - St Bernard
The wisdom found in solitude is profound, but I miss my friends...


I love solitude. Being out in nature is being away from society, but it isn't being alone for me. I find trees and animals make wonderful friends.:D
didymus said:
This is a loaded topic. My quest for truth has led me to various places. At one point I searched for truth in drugs and alcohol. The search really picked up when I put those things down. The high I felt was good but artificial. God filled me with his prescence and grace when I was totally broken and it was real and long lasting. I prayed to whatever would listen to me at the time and God answered. After that I was led to Christian circles on and off for over a decade. I found some answers in the church and others were not answered there.

Today I am not a practicing Christian but I do hold dear many things I learned and felt there, I haven't written them off either. I just felt that the teachings of God as a whole were not complete. I knew there was more and that some of the things I heard couldn't be true; such as everybody who doesn't believe in Jesus as God is going to hell. I walked away from that belief and am walking on virgin soil, looking for goodness in various faiths. As a note I found Bah'ai very interesting.

I am finding that as Jesus said,"the kingdom of God is within you", is very true. I'll tell you something, honestly seek God and you will be led in the right direction. Don't allow fear to creep into your mind, satan isn't causing you to ask questions, you are asking questions because something inside of you knows there is more. Don't give up.
...nothing "loaded" about it. How did you choose? That was a simple question. ;) You gave a great answer.


path_of_one said:
I love solitude. Being out in nature is being away from society, but it isn't being alone for me. I find trees and animals make wonderful friends.:D
yah i like that too. i can become so one with nature. like last year i was very one. so one it gave me a very bad case of poison ivy.:eek:
i am looking for it to pop up again this year in my yard.
one of my favorites is seeing the billions of rays filter through the trees.
i love the solitude also.

welcome to CR pathofone:)
Thanks for the welcome!

Yeah, it is best we sometimes become one with nature metaphorically, and not physically! LOL :p
Paladin said:
but my experience counseling people tells me that I am not too far off.
wow online srinks..

But I think your mistaken I have no "visceral " need for religion. Its cruriosity more than anything.

Path_of_One said:
I love solitude.
I like being on my own to. But I prefer being alone in cities you just sit there and watch everything pass you by its diffreant in the countryside theres a certain stillness there thats diffreant to being inna city.
Geist said:
wow online srinks..

But I think your mistaken I have no "visceral " need for religion. Its cruriosity more than anything.

I like being on my own to. But I prefer being alone in cities you just sit there and watch everything pass you by its diffreant in the countryside theres a certain stillness there thats diffreant to being inna city.
Pretty smart for a whelp :D :D :D (kidding. ad nauseum). If you can take sailor's humor, you can take on anything the world brings at you.

Everyone has needs, including a "religion" of some type. Your own "curiosity" tells us you have need for something. Whether it is to know, or to find out...there is need there.

Hell, I have needs. CR fullfils alot of that particular area of need.

Ask your questions.;)

