Hey all! Peace!
Thanks for resurrecting the light-hearted thread--good timing! (I am not really supposed to be here!! I'm on r&r from posting, but if caffeine is addictive, I think CR may be worse!) Anyway, I think I can handle this one...
I love coffee--these days I do the half-caff bit. Works well for me. Most of the time I drink it black, I like it for dessert sometimes--with cinnamon, chocolate, and someimtes a little whipped cream on top (my variation on "café con crema"). Sometimes I like the hazelnut stuff, too--just not in syrup form.
Iced tea--caffeinated or not--gotta be clear and clean, no sweeteners, and must have the lemon.
Hot tea--jasmine, Earl Grey, green, , chamomile, peppermint, passionflower, rosehip, etc. I like a bunch of the Celestial Seasonings teas. I often drink hot teas for therapeutic reasons, and have been known to bag my own.
Speaking of cake--I use coffee in cakes, too, (who said that, was it Phyllis?) and that cake looks great, ISFP (could have used it at "watch-party 2000" the other night
.) And I really do like the lime coke (I like diet), but then I really love limes. I wouldn't want to drink it all the time, but I have discovered that I really love it with a bite of chocolate cookie or cake.
I like a glass of wine sometimes, especially if it is paired well with a meal. And I have been known to have a beer with chili, but its gotta be ice-cold! (the beer-not the chili
). LOL--now I will never be able to post my picture on the "What do you look like thread!!)