coffee, tea or soda?

Now that it's summer, my favorite drink is OJ mixed with tonic water with lots of ice and a lime.

I love iced tea, but for some reason it makes me very jittery, unlike hot tea.

Hey all! Peace!

Thanks for resurrecting the light-hearted thread--good timing! (I am not really supposed to be here!! I'm on r&r from posting, but if caffeine is addictive, I think CR may be worse!) Anyway, I think I can handle this one...:)

I love coffee--these days I do the half-caff bit. Works well for me. Most of the time I drink it black, I like it for dessert sometimes--with cinnamon, chocolate, and someimtes a little whipped cream on top (my variation on "café con crema"). Sometimes I like the hazelnut stuff, too--just not in syrup form.

Iced tea--caffeinated or not--gotta be clear and clean, no sweeteners, and must have the lemon.:)

Hot tea--jasmine, Earl Grey, green, , chamomile, peppermint, passionflower, rosehip, etc. I like a bunch of the Celestial Seasonings teas. I often drink hot teas for therapeutic reasons, and have been known to bag my own.

Speaking of cake--I use coffee in cakes, too, (who said that, was it Phyllis?) and that cake looks great, ISFP (could have used it at "watch-party 2000" the other night:).) And I really do like the lime coke (I like diet), but then I really love limes. I wouldn't want to drink it all the time, but I have discovered that I really love it with a bite of chocolate cookie or cake.

I like a glass of wine sometimes, especially if it is paired well with a meal. And I have been known to have a beer with chili, but its gotta be ice-cold! (the beer-not the chili:)). LOL--now I will never be able to post my picture on the "What do you look like thread!!)

Coffee before 11 a.m., milk no sugar.

Soda around 4 p.m., vanilla coke if you've got it (no diet flavors, pleaase!).

Tea in the evening, like Jean Luc Picard, earl grey, hot.

What's your beverage?

I'm curious, can any of our UK members fill me in on the proper protocol for "Tea." When is it? What's served? Do you personally observe tea time or is it old fashioned?

Coffee... Always. With a few cans of redbull.... Although there used to be a drink in Cyprus not sure if they still make it, called 'Shark' and basically it was an energy drink like red bull BUT it had anphetamins in it :D I used to love that drink.

7:10am... one mug of douwe egberts....

8:00am... one mug of d&e

8:30am... stop at garage and get four cans of red bull :D

9:00am get in at work one mug of d&e then every 40 mins I have a coffee, basically I compliment every cigarette I smoke with a jar of coffee..