the person's above you avatar

juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Q!

And thank you! It is home, sort of. It's about an hour up the road, a place called Flagler Beach. I like to go there to unwind.

I like the avatar you chose. It is very fitting for you!
This avatar reminds me of when i lived in Sarasota for a while... 8 months or so, i think... it's been awhile...

in any event... it evokes the feeling of a relaxed, warm summers day.

anyone think it is interesting that the computer word adopted the term "avatar" to mean one "viritual" computer self? knowing, of course, that the term Avatar in Sanskrit is meant to indicate the emmanations of MahaBrahma?

neat, huh?

ISFP said:
that rose looks like it's made of stone :D
Its made from metal actually but still close!

The black Buddha looks cool reminds me of the wooden one I have in my bedroom.
Is it too late to play? Lunamoth--your avatar is beautiful--I can't help but think of garden faeries--or (LOL, I hope?) Tinker Bell?:)

And I just have to break the rules a little and comment on the kitty, too. NOW I know where my little friend goes at night--she has been out posing for avatars!:D
I cant figure out what your avatar is InLove, but I wanted to play. It might be some sort of vortex in space, like on star trek or a bit of a painting but is probably something else entirely.
Golden Buddha statues will always remind me of our trips to China when we adopted our daughters. Both of them were blessed in a Buddhist temple, if that's the correct way of phrasing it.

BTW, thank you to everyone who complimented my moth :) .

Very nice avatar, lunamoth. It is very fitting for you. I would've chosen it myself! :)
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The out-reaching hand makes me thing of volunteerism, helping the homeless, big brother big sister, and generally high levels of menschlikeit. (Like mensch as in "Be a mensch!" a man. Only in this case a man is someone who always does good things, just and loving things, and goes out of his way to help people. menschlikeit is that quality.)
dauer said:
The out-reaching hand makes me thing of volunteerism, helping the homeless, big brother big sister, and generally high levels of menschlikeit. (Like mensch as in "Be a mensch!" a man. Only in this case a man is someone who always does good things, just and loving things, and goes out of his way to help people. menschlikeit is that quality.)
Your avatar dauer reminds me alot of Elliott Ness (one of the untouchables).


For some reason, Q, I never had looked so closely at your avatar. Until now I thought it was a knight kneeling at the foot of the cross rather than a modern soldier! Either seems fitting for you... :)
Yes, Awaiting_the_fifth--indeed, I believe it is the center of a flower. Or both. Or either.

But that is not important--what is important is--tell me about your screen name?


Dont know how much you know about Buddhist theology, but the belief is that there will be 1000 Buddhas who will manifest in this "Fortunate Eaon" (we imaginatively call them The Thousand Buddhas of the Fortunate Eaon). The historical Buddha who started modern Buddism was called Shakyamuni, he was the 4th. He said that when his teachings died out another would come, Maitreya, the 5th.

Now I know that since Shakyamuni's teachings have not yet died out, Maitreya will not be coming for quite a while, but I think that if I practice Shakyamuni's teachings now, then when Maitreya does come (many lives down the line) perhaps I will be ready to seek his guidance and be a true disciple. Hence I am, awaiting the fifth.

Incidentally, my Avatar is an artist's impression of a statue of Maitreya which is being built in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh in northern India. It will be 500ft tall, which I believe will make it the tallest statue in the world.
Your avatar reminds me of that old show Kung Fu with Michael Carradine.. When they do the flashbacks where he's in the temple training with his master.. :p

I loved that show.
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
Incidentally inLove, whats your name about, is it as simple as it sounds or is there a deeper message?
I believe that God is Love, and that all who love God are in Him. I endeavor to always act within Love in all I do, and I believe that Love helps us do that. Pretty simple, I guess.:)

And since we are breaking the game rules, anyway--

I,Brian? When I look at your very cool avatar, I think, "yen, yang, yen, yang".:)
Hi all

InLove, when I see your avatar, I see the endless point of
the human thinking:)
Yours is pretty cool, Friend--it reminds me of a display in a florist's window with a neon sign. So what is it, really?

Also--regarding I,Brian's avatar--LOL--"yen-yang, yen-yang" would mean something entirely different that "yin-yang, yin-yang" wouldn't it? Hmm...:)
