I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
It is the Soul which incarnates, and yes, we are the arbiters of our own Destiny. Yet the Soul is Immortal, remains such, and it is our own consciousness, the merest Spark or fragment of the Soul-in-incarnation, which chooses and determines our own rate of progress ... or kicks against the proverbial pricks. Thus, we reap as we sew in the afterlife, and neither mighty Thoth nor Ma'at Herself can intervene and adjust a person's destiny, as prepared.

Nothing incarnates and much less the soul. The soul is not something independent of the body. The soul is the person him or herself. According to the Genesis allegory of Creation, when the Lord formed man from the dust of the earth, He breathed within his nostrils and man became a living soul.

To become is to be and not to have. We don't have a soul; we are souls. Then at death, the body goes back to the dust and the breath of life returns to God Who gave it. This "returns to God" is only an embellishment for the breath of life that's gone with death. (Eccles. 12:7)
Nothing incarnates and much less the soul. The soul is not something independent of the body. The soul is the person him or herself. According to the Genesis allegory of Creation, when the Lord formed man from the dust of the earth, He breathed within his nostrils and man became a living soul.

To become is to be and not to have. We don't have a soul; we are souls. Then at death, the body goes back to the dust and the breath of life returns to God Who gave it. This "returns to God" is only an embellishment for the breath of life that's gone with death. (Eccles. 12:7)
Being as how I remember my own past for ~seven lifetimes, and know this to be but a recent sequence out of many hundred - indeed, many thousands - your words are falling on deaf ears, Shibbolet. Not deaf because they cannot hear, or do not care to hear what you are saying, but deaf because your words - mean nothing.

Teilhard made the point: WE ARE SOULS ... but if you knew that, you'd know that the Soul `puts on' a body from time to time, then takes it off as easily as you and I take off a coat when it is warm. The contact of the threefold SOUL with the outer world produces a similar, threefold PERSONALITY, as even this word persona means - tellingly - MASK. The ancient Greeks were well aware, some of them, of such a doctrine. Pythagoras taught it, in his Mystery School at Krotona, Plato taught it at the Academy, and most certainly Socrates was a believer in the theory of Transmigration.

Jesus taught the Apostles, and this I know to be a fact. Do not counter what you yourself cannot defend. When asked about the blind man, Jesus proves, both by what he says and what he does not, that Rebirth was as obvious to his students as the existence of a definite `afterlife experience' [the Bardo, Purgatory, astral plane, etc.]. Again, when the Disciples ask about his possible former existence as Elijah, or Elias, He corrects them by saying, No, he was not Elijah, for Elijah had come and gone, and yet was not known as such. It is stated clearly that John the Baptist was Elias, returned. Even Christians often cannot accept what is plainly stated in the New Testament.

But you, my friend, who do not even accept the doctrines regarding the afterlife, PLAINLY given in EVERY major Faith - Judaism included - have no business seeking to correct the `errors' of Christians, or any other. You have not the authority or the Wisdom which comes from experience, and while I do most certainly share a measure of the smug, self-righteousness with you - which often comes with being better READ than well-PRACTICED - I do NOT happen to share your special brand of ignorance.

Most likely your next post is the last I will read. I can certainly say, it's not been at all a pleasure to read your contributions on these forums. Personally, I think you are in the wrong place, saying the wrong thing, entirely. But then, if I were an over-educated, faithless materialist, I might well say all of the same things, in all of the same VAIN effort to - what? To persuade others that they all need to convert to Jewish orthodoxy? Or to yield up their present KNOWLEDGE and Wisdom for your special brand of bleak, uninformed ignorance? :(
Being as how I remember my own past for ~seven lifetimes, and know this to be but a recent sequence out of many hundred - indeed, many thousands - your words are falling on deaf ears, Shibbolet. Not deaf because they cannot hear, or do not care to hear what you are saying, but deaf because your words - mean nothing.

I know my words mean nothing to you and neither yours to me. That's only natural because you are Hindu and I am a Jew. As long as you don't use my Scriptures to try to teach Hinduism to me or I yours to teach you Judaism, we are okay. That's different with Christians because that's exactly what they do.

Teilhard made the point: WE ARE SOULS ... but if you knew that, you'd know that the Soul `puts on' a body from time to time, then takes it off as easily as you and I take off a coat when it is warm. The contact of the threefold SOUL with the outer world produces a similar, threefold PERSONALITY, as even this word persona means - tellingly - MASK. The ancient Greeks were well aware, some of them, of such a doctrine. Pythagoras taught it, in his Mystery School at Krotona, Plato taught it at the Academy, and most certainly Socrates was a believer in the theory of Transmigration.

So far so good. Nothing for me to refute. You are in what is yours and I have no business interfering.

Jesus taught the Apostles, and this I know to be a fact. Do not counter what you yourself cannot defend. When asked about the blind man, Jesus proves, both by what he says and what he does not, that Rebirth was as obvious to his students as the existence of a definite `afterlife experience' [the Bardo, Purgatory, astral plane, etc.].

Now, you have stepped into my territory. First of all, quotes please. To pick up a Jew to speak about him what you don't know, at least show the decency to quote. Then, Jesus was a Jewish man and not a Christian or Hindu. If you read Isa. 26:14; II Sam. 12:23 and Job 10:21, the one who has died will never return or even rise from his or her grave. Thus, the only thing about the afterlife is as the word says, "afterlife" aka death.

Again, when the Disciples ask about his possible former existence as Elijah, or Elias, He corrects them by saying, No, he was not Elijah, for Elijah had come and gone, and yet was not known as such. It is stated clearly that John the Baptist was Elias, returned. Even Christians often cannot accept what is plainly stated in the New Testament.

Nothing of the above is true as Judaism which was the Faith of Jesus is concerned. Again, Jesus was neither a Christian nor a Hindu.

But you, my friend, who do not even accept the doctrines regarding the afterlife, PLAINLY given in EVERY major Faith - Judaism included - have no business seeking to correct the `errors' of Christians, or any other. You have not the authority or the Wisdom which comes from experience, and while I do most certainly share a measure of the smug, self-righteousness with you - which often comes with being better READ than well-PRACTICED - I do NOT happen to share your special brand of ignorance.

I do have the authority to correct you as long as you insist on using a Jew to preach your un-Jewish ideas.

Most likely your next post is the last I will read. I can certainly say, it's not been at all a pleasure to read your contributions on these forums. Personally, I think you are in the wrong place, saying the wrong thing, entirely. But then, if I were an over-educated, faithless materialist, I might well say all of the same things, in all of the same VAIN effort to - what? To persuade others that they all need to convert to Jewish orthodoxy? Or to yield up their present KNOWLEDGE and Wisdom for your special brand of bleak, uninformed ignorance? :(

No problem about that as you have all the right in the world to ignore me; but I won't take lying down vandalism of Judaism with the things of Christianity and Hinduism. That's not interfaith dialogue to pick up members of my Faith to push yours as the true one.
Actually Shibolet you've danced into Christian Territory....

We have sort of low walled arrangement here in the garden....you can learn from faith to faith by walking over our low walls, you may till and weed all you want in your own garden...but when in others gardens you tread a little more lightly, you don't rip up plants and harvest where you have not sown....
"Nothing incarnates and much less the soul."

--> You are saying this in a "It's my way or the highway" way of saying it.
Actually Shibolet you've danced into Christian Territory....

We have sort of low walled arrangement here in the garden....you can learn from faith to faith by walking over our low walls, you may till and weed all you want in your own garden...but when in others gardens you tread a little more lightly, you don't rip up plants and harvest where you have not sown....

Yeah, but it is not my fault. I am aware that I am in Christian territory but because you have sequested a Jew from my territory to use him to preach against his Faith which was Judaism. Until I find him, I can't leave your territory.