Finish the sentence: "I love it when...."

I love it when children come to the rescue. What wonders a child's love can work...;) :)
I love it when the morning sun shines on the wet grass and it becomes like a rainbow of jewel tones.

And I love it when, after being absent from here for a couple of days, I decide to post something on this thread without even looking at new posts first. And then I find that the newest post is right here. Blessings all around.

And again, welcome, Muslimwoman. Beautiful words. :)

Thankyou InLove & Quahom1.

I love it when I have a conversation with someone and we are happy to accept each others opinions, even when we don't agree.

I also love it when it rains, you can smell the grass & trees and the world feels invigorated.
I "less than 3" it when I get a long distance phone call from one of my relatives whom I haven't spoken with in quite a long time and s/he (in this case it was my mother's "little" brother) tells me a rather funny anecdote.

I "less than 3" it when someone is willing to try one of my cooking/baking experiments and give me constructive criticism. *looks directly at InLove and the crumbs on her upper lip*

I also "less than 3" it when I can spend as much time as I want :kitty:sitting (not necessarily the reason for it, but the time with the :kitty:s.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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...someone new joins and they talk even more rubbish than me:D :D :D


I'll say no more...:p
I love it when you open the chocolate box and there are still chocolates in it!!!
I love it when my cat snuggles in and purrs, it is such a contented sound.
I love it when I can soothe and calm a baby, a child, a friend.

I love it when I the snow melts and the sunshines and everything is crisp and new again.

I love it when the heat beats down and I am walking in tide pools.

I love it when I am moved to tears by the beauty of children.

I love it when my husband and I are together and we need to say nothing.
Oh yeah,

and my husband and I really love it when our cat comes and jumps on us after he has been drinking from the tap and his face is all wet and glistening and his hair is all messy.
Miss Amy said:
Oh yeah,

and my husband and I really love it when our cat comes and jumps on us after he has been drinking from the tap and his face is all wet and glistening and his hair is all messy.

I can't help it....I can't help...I gotta say it...

Your husband sounds really cute, Miss Amy! (Was that a set up?)

Were we set up? No we were best friends for a long time while I was a young and wild and then we got together and go married. He is neat, he is the product of a Sri Lankan mother and a Candian Father so he is cute looking too!

He also works for me running an Afterschool Program at the centre and the kids just love him...

I could go on forever...

wait a second... Scott is that you? Are you code name "In Love?" I am on to you...
I love it when it's pouring with rain outside and I am wrapped in a blanket listening to the sound.

(shame I live in a desert)
I love it when I see in love take the time to remember birthdays...

My mom is known for that, all my cousins and all their kids look forward to the birthday note from Aunt Janet...

what an wonderful thing to do...
I love it when I am just getting on with my day and I hear the mosques call to prayer - 5 times a day it reminds me why we are here.
I love it when I get off work Friday. I feel like Fred Flintstone sliding down the back of that dinosaur. Yabba dabba dooooooooo!

I love having breakfast in bed with my love on a saturday morning :)
I love it when something that seems like a setback turns out to have a set of new blessings all its own!

I have for most of this life always been blessed with a strong body. But over the past two years, because of illness and the treatments for that illness, I have been walking with a cane and most recently come to find myself in need of a wheelchair. I put it off as long as I could—I just couldn’t seem to accept it. But eventually situations like this demand action, whether or not we feel ready. At first I was sad, and then I was mad! After all, I was losing a fair amount of the freedom I had always known. What I did not know at the time was that a different kind of freedom was about to be mine.

It all started when I found out that wheelchairs and all that goes with them are expensive! I did not know how I was going to manage the financial aspect. I asked doctors and social workers and discount medical supply reps, but there was no aid available for me. Looking back now, I know that the answer was in the back of my mind all along. I had to discover the freedom that comes with admitting that one needs help and giving people a chance to do just that. Reluctantly, I composed an email and sent it out to the people on my church list. I asked if anyone had a wheelchair that no one was using, and if I might borrow or rent or even buy it from them. Within the hour, I had five different responses, all offering me free wheelchairs! Now I have a lightweight manual model as well as an automatic—and a ramp for getting the heavier one in and out of the bed of our pickup! Wheelchair races, anyone?

So my visits to the doctor are a lot easier these days. But I noticed another freedom that has come my way. I now meet a different set of faces that I couldn’t really see before—people in wheelchairs! I thought I would be feeling lost and lonely, not looking into people’s eyes like I always have. But the best thing that has happened? Babies. When I pass children in their strollers, our gaze meets. There is just a connection that was not there before. It seems like they almost always smile! Here is this “big person” rolling along just like them, and I wonder if they even wonder why? Anyway, that is the best part of being in a wheelchair. It is a perspective I could not have discovered if I still had the “freedom” of rushing around on two legs, usually seeing only the shade that covered these sweet faces. Learning to use a wheelchair definitely involves using a whole different set of muscles than I am used to, and it can be painful, but I think it is the “smile” muscles that I have exercised more than any other. And that doesn’t hurt one bit. :)
