I love it when Inlove make a post on any thread I'm interested in.
I love it when people ask legitimate questions when they truly wish to understand unfamiliar terms.
"Wangstmuffin" comes from the word "angst" (the psych term, not the measurement.) "Wangst" is so far beyond "angst" that you would have to ask Nick the Theosophist to fly the distance between using his "day-job vehicle", with a refueling stop somewhere during the trip.
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Nope, not for you. I got this dandy hand cranking machine that allows you to make lots of pasta. You will make a ton. (6 through 8) in grade, plus linguini (standard 8). Most of it will be wheat, but one quarter will be wheat/spinach mixed.Thank you, pfw--you are very kind. I like reading your posts, too.![]()
Phyl, thanks for the explanation. And I think linguini lashing is too harsh. After all, the Pilot and the Theosophist are by self proclamation one and the same.
I have to admit something, though. All these "--osophies" and
"--ologies" of late are twisting my tongue up in knots! Please don't anyone take this the wrong way, anyone, but am I the only one with a strange desire to sift thistles?
I realize this may earn me both the comfy chair and the pasta fine (or is that fine pasta?) But sometimes a woman's just gotta say what a woman's gotta say.![]()
I don't. the little suckers stab eachother with their bills, like swords...they're so territorial, and MEAN. I gotta put feeders 150 feet apart just to keep the peace.I love it when hummingbirds return to my feeder for the summer.
um, I was referring to humming birds, not Congress...Hi Q...I've only got one feeder so there's no conflict at mine since the little suckers are kind of sparse in the desert. They'll chase each other away from time to time and play hide and seek, but I haven't seen the stabbing stuff. But then... you live in Maryland which borders on Washington D.C. ! Some very vicious stuff goes on there I hear.